The End of My Tenure

Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation

Ministry of Culture Closing Address and Resignation as Minister of Culture
As many of you are now aware, my tenure of service as Minister of Culture has been terminated by Delegate Simone. I've served this posting for a year now, and although I had wanted to resign on my own terms instead of being dismissed, I served at his pleasure. I will of course be readily available should Simone wish for me to rejoin his Cabinet at some point, but I will not be serving as Minister of Culture for a while.
I have held this post since being appointed by former Delegate Gorundu, and I've held it for a year now. It's been both one of the best things I've ever done and also the most tiring. I've seen this Ministry achieve such wonderful things, and I've also seen through some less good things. Our staff numbers have been slowly declining, so I'd like to thank everyone who has been willing to stick around.
I've had the lowest opinion poll of any Minister for both TNP census', so I hope that people will at least say that I did an okay job at the end of the day, because it's been hard. I've served this region through family and mental turmoil, medical distress, and getting ready to start my hormone replacement therapy. It means I haven't been able to give as much attention as I should have.

I would like to thank Deputy Minister @Halsoni, Deputy Minister @Kaschovia, Deputy Minister @AraFuttio, Former Deputy Minister @Lionsmeow, Former Deputy Minister @Sauron, Former Deputy Minister @Neptune, Former Deputy Minister @Skaraborg and every single one of my Staffers who has joined me on this journey.
It has been an honour, and until next I have a dark green badge of a Minister, it's time to sit back and help with a festival.

I, NutmegTheSquirrel, formally resign as Minister of Culture of The North Pacific, following my year long service to the region.

Former Minister of Culture
The North Pacific
Thank you for your service Nutmeg. I think people have treated you too harshly regarding your performance as Minister of Culture. Glittering festivals and games are wonderful, but how many are willing to put up with the time and effort needed to organise them? Not a lot.
Thanks for your service, Nutmeg! It was great serving under you, and quite progressive as well. I am sure you'll be missed in the future, you were an underrated Minister! Not everyone will be as good, as willing to put much effort into their work. And that you did, just not that commonly visible.

Cheers, Nutmeg!