Some ramblings


Spammer in Chief
He/Him, They/Them
TNP Nation

22 May 2024
World Assembly Affairs Office Briefing Room


I am Bobberino, your new Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Most of you are familiar with me at this stage of my career, but for those that need a refresher, I have quite the lengthy CV. *unfurls comedically long scroll* So lengthy in fact, that I'm not going to bore you with the details! I have served as a Deputy Minister for every current Ministry, at least once; served as a Deputy Speaker somewhere around ten (10) times; and served as Speaker for an interim.

First and foremost, I would like to thank @Simone for his faith in me. This is not a role I would typically be under consideration for, as it is not my chief area of expertise - anyone with a pair of eyes and reading glasses can tell you that is with our glorious military. However, given my prior experience as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, it was decided that this role would work out for me - I will not let you down. Additionally, I applaud @Simone's tireless efforts as my MoWAA predecessor for the past handful of terms - I have some serious shoes to fill.

Second things second, I'm building a team. A great team, mind you - one the likes of which you wouldn't believe! I wouldn't have chosen this role if it were strictly a DIY job - that's simply not my style. I like to think of myself as a leader by committee, who is approachable, available and flexible. I will be retaining @Rand, as well as appointing @Matzerati as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs. And as I mentioned on Discord earlier, anyone else interested in this position should contact me.

Lastly, let's go over some expectations for the Ministry and set some goals. First and foremost, is timeliness. Threads need to be opened on time. What does this mean? Any resolution that has a good shot of making quorum (IE, on target to make it or similar) should have a thread put up for it. If it doesn't exist, you now have a task to do. One of the issues that we may run into with this is the fact that this must be done in a proactive manner. There is no angelic Discord bot, at least not that I'm aware of, that will notify us of what will and what won't make queue. So we need to have a few pairs of eyes on the game, at least once a day, to take stock of these things and write back. If you find that there is a thread to post and you cannot do it yourself, let me, or another staffer or Deputy, know and we can and will take care of it. Like I said - this is a team effort. Communication is key to having this get done smoothly without anything falling through the cracks. As for IFVs, we have a Discord-side approval process - whoever drafts an IFV will seek approval from myself or a Deputy, slap that baby on the forums and we move from there.

I'm all out of filler text. Let's get this bread.

Yours in Flemingovia,
I hereby appoint @Noscar as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Take your oath, and we're in business!