The Marvelous Misadventures of Rom (and Company)
17 May 2024
There is a reason General @Rom is one of the NPA's honoured soldiers, and when the opportunity arises he'll quickly remind people why he's fully deserving of such an honour. At last minor on May 16th and this major on the 17th, Rom led a couple of NPA soldiers on a back-to-back detag and tag run. The detag operation went smoothly (except for a time when NS dramatically slowed down before update) and we detagged 9 regions in total, but the most exciting part in my opinion was the major tag raid. Despite having only 2 updaters (myself and cosmicsonic) + Rom as trigger and being chased by defenders all the way, we managed to grab 7 regions right under their noses.
Rom's skilled triggering played a great part in our success, but @cosmicsonic also impressed me with their ability and competence despite participating in their first operation (the major tag raid) and having chasers on our tail. I'm proud to promote them to Private First Class for their capable execution of R/D manoeuvres under pressure, as a first-timer no less. I look forward to jumping with them again in future operations.

General Rom (lead)
Minister of Defense Picairn
Colonel NutmegTheSquirrel
Sergeant Oscarcars
Private First Class Star Winter
Regions detagged (Note: The detagging process may still be ongoing):
NationStates | United Conservative Alliance

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Plant Powered Patriots

NationStates | New Drunk City

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Principes Mundi

NationStates | The Gallery

NationStates | The Kingdom of Eladar

NationStates | Not Found

Soldiers who participated in the major tag raid:
General Rom (trigger)
Minister of Defense Picairn (point)
Private First Class cosmicsonic
Regions tagged:
NationStates | The World Order

NationStates | Freeland Republic

NationStates | The Worshipers of Fred

NationStates | Neos

NationStates | Laziness

NationStates | Faerun

NationStates | Norrland