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- NutmegTheSquirrel#8941

First and foremost, my team is currently composed of me, Deputy Minister @Kaschovia, Deputy Minister @AraFuttio and Deputy Minister @Halsoni. Kasch and Ruben are both incredibly talented individuals, and will greatly benefit this Ministry.
For now, Ruben will be serving in a primarily advisory role for this Ministry, so Kasch, Ara and I will remain primary points of contact for now.
Our biggest priority this term will be foreign outreach and events. Some of the MGC sanctions are cultural, and it's time we put our regional culture back onto the world stage. We need to remind regions around NationStates that we are still vibrant as ever, and the best way to do that is through projection of our culture. Hopefully with help from Foreign Affairs, we can have outreach to not just our allies, but other further away regions as well.
Daily events and polls are internal events that may be difficult to manage. This will require from us a high level of activity, that I am sure we are capable of, but it means that much is required to do. Coupling this with continuing Theme Thursday and Music Monday, I expect us to be very busy. Incorporating tech into these events may be able to work, but that needs to be figured out first.
Finally, we will be acquiring the Out of Character Games section of Port Thel, so a massive clean-up and reorganisation of the section will be undertaken.
Here's to one final term!
Minister of Culture