Lennarts 2024 - Golden Heart Nominations

Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation

Lennarts 2024 - Golden Heart Nominations

This Award is for the members of TNP who always brighten up the day with their joyful attitude and kindness. Nominees for this award display a kind attitude, and brighten up the day. They make us feel happy, and are willing to talk or to help when needed.
I second (Ethnon) Marcus's nomination! ^w^
I would like to congratulate @Laforeia on winning the 2024 Golden Heart award!
Thank you so much, Prydania! It genuinely is such an honor to be voted by such a majority of the community of being seen as deserving of such an achievement! Best of luck to the other nominees in the other categories ^^
Thank you so much, Prydania! It genuinely is such an honor to be voted by such a majority of the community of being seen as deserving of such an achievement! Best of luck to the other nominees in the other categories ^^
You're welcome! You earned it!