[Draft 1] - Missing Individuals Search and Repatriation


Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

This combines a number of IRL resolutions: the Red Cross service for searching for missing veterans, for repatriating war dead bodies (both civilians and military officers). It also replaces GA136.

It does not regulate what happens after repatriation - if you are The Ice States and (in-character) expects to eat all of the dead upon repatriation, that’s really not the WA's problem.

It also does not regulate what happens if the WA state doesn't pay - it regulates that PASA can pay if the WA state can't afford it, but not if the WA state doesn't want to pay for it.

Category: civil rights/mild (TBC). Arguably, civil rights because the right to be repatriated after somebody's dead is still kind of a civil right, and especially if that person is still alive.

Draft 1

[box]The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the passage of GA18 on prisoners of war, GA151 on missing individuals that have been lost, abducted, or just ran away, and the repeal of GA136 (on wartime deceased);

Understanding that some WA states may require the assistance of the WA to search for missing soldiers and civilians during times of war, or to repatriate the dead bodies of veterans and civilians;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    • JC means the WA Judiciary Committee.
    • PASA means the Passports, Nationality and Refugees Administration.
    • State means any state (not necessarily a member of the WA) and WA state means any member of the WA.
  2. Requests. Any WA state (“requesting state”) may request for PASA to provide the following services:
    • Search for anyone who is a citizen or national of the requesting state that is missing in another state (“target state”), regardless of the purpose of that individual’s presence in the target state;
    • Search for anyone who is an employee of the requesting state (or a sub-national government of that WA state) that is missing in another state, regardless of whether the employee is a citizen or national of that WA state, provided that the said individual has a valid purpose for presence in the target state.
  3. Valid purpose.
    • The definition of “anyone” in clause 2 is regardless of whether that individual is alive, presumed alive, presumed dead, or actually dead. It also includes artificial intelligence lifeforms.
    • The definition of a “valid purpose” is in accordance with the laws of requesting state or extant WA resolutions. This includes war between the requesting state state and the target state, regardless of whether war has actually been declared, as well as any covert activities.
    • If the target state is a WA state, that WA state is required to render all assistance necessary to PASA.
    • If any individual for which clause 2 applies is a citizen or national or employee of multiple WA states, any of the said WA states may make such a request.
  4. Fulfillment.
    • PASA is required to undertake the request to its fullest ability, and may use all necessary means to conduct the said searches. The work of PASA is undertaken regardless of the conditions of the target state at the time the work is carried out, such as disasters and war.
    • PASA shall take care to avoid casualties in the course of its work.
    • The WA state that makes the said request is to fully indemnify PASA for any costs incurred for the request, including the cost of any assistance rendered in sub-clause (3)(b).
    • If PASA receives a request from a WA state but determines (at PASA's discretion) that it is unreasonable for WA state to fully indemnify the said request due to unaffordability, PASA may choose to waive charges for fulfilling the said request.
  5. Rescue.
    • If anyone is rescued alive pursuant to a search under clause 2, PASA shall render health care (including emergency care) to its fullest ability.
    • Anyone rescued shall be repatriated at the earliest opportunity to the requesting state. If sub-clause (3)(d) applies, any of the rescued individual(s) shall determine their own destinations.
  6. Recovery.
    • If anyone is found dead pursuant to a search under clause 2, PASA shall repatriate the dead body (or any parts of the dead body, together hereafter “body”) to the requesting state as soon as possible, or to another WA state if it can be verified by PASA that the dead individual had previously expressed a wish to be repatriated elsewhere.
    • Sub-clause (6)(a) is subject to extant WA resolutions regarding dual citizenship and other matters if applicable.
    • PASA shall repatriate the body with full dignity and respect. The WA does not regulate what happens to the body after repatriation.
  7. JC jurisdiction.
    • JC shall adjudicate on any disputes regarding this resolution, such as over dual citizenship or nationality.
    • JC is also responsible for interpretation of this resolution.

Char count: 4,121.
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