[Draft 1] - World Assembly Licensed Merchandise


Ursine thingy
TNP Nation
This is on hold as it is half a joke anyway.

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the WA's popularity across the multiverse;

Believing that there is a strong desire for selling WA branded merchandise in order to satisfy the appetite of its fans, and gullible tourists that visit the WAHQ, and to raise additional funds, especially from non-WA states purchasing WA merchandise;

Desiring the significant surpluses that can be derived for the benefit of WA states, similar to the behavior of other international organizations left unmentioned;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    1. "GAO" mean the General Accounting Office.
    2. "GF" mean the General Fund.
    3. "JC" means the Judicial Committee of the WA Compliance Commission.
    4. "WAHQ" means the WA Headquarters.
    5. "WA merchandise" to mean products of all kinds carrying WA UIs (defined below) such as (merely as examples) keychains, mugs, T-shirts, body pillows, and cuddly toys of gnomes, hamsters, and hippos.
    6. "WA UIs" to mean all names, logos, mascots, markers, uniforms, and other unique identifiers of the WA designated as such in the Registers of the GAO.
  2. Right to license WA UIs.
    1. The GAO is authorized to grant temporary rights ("rights") to businesses within WA states the right to produce, ship, market and sell WA merchandized.
    2. WA merchandise may be sold in both WA states and non-WA states.
    3. All rights are to be granted in a fair and transparent tender process.
    4. All rights are to be re-tendered periodically at the discretion of the GAO to ensure that it extracts the highest value from licensing WA UIs for use as merchandise.
    5. All rights are to be granted only if the GAO determines that such rights would be able to generate a very substantial surplus for the WA, through prepayments, guarantees, and royalties, after accounting for all attributed costs including all administrative costs.
  3. Quality of merchandise. The GAO is required to ensure that all WA merchandise licensed pursuant to clause 2:
    1. carry counterfeiting features to identify WA merchandise as officially licensed;
    2. meet all standards (including safety and qualityy standards) set forth by WA committees; and
    3. meet all standards set in domestic laws where such merchandise are sold or shipped;
  4. Counterfeit merchandise.
    1. Anyone who knowingly and intentionally sells merchandise that are counterfeit within the confines of the WAHQ commits a criminal offence.
    2. Anyone accused of such offence shall be subject to the judicial process of the JC, in turn subject to due process.
    3. Penalties. Anyone convicted of such an offence by JC that has exhausted all appeals is to be penalized as follows:
    4. If that individual is a citizen or national of a WA state shall be immediately extradited to that WA state for that WA state's authorities to determine any punishment available;
    5. If that individual is not a citizen or national of a WA state, that individual shall be immediately put to death within WAHQ. All organs of the individuals are to be for medical use, with any parts remaining for use in meals for cannibalism.
  5. Greater Good Fund.
    1. The WA Greater Good Fund (GGF) is hereby established as a sub-committee of the WA.
    2. The GGF is to be funded by the surplus earned by the GAO from sales of merchandise.
  6. Use of proceeds.The GGF is to fund the following activities:
    1. Subsidizing professional services, such as, in order of priority, lawyers, economists, statisticians specializing in bleeding edge linear regression tools, musicians, copyeditors, and proofreaders, for the benefit of mission heads, ambassadors and other officials posted to the WAHQ;
    2. Subsidizing meals for sapient turtles, hamsters, and other individuals that work at WAHQ; and
    3. If any funds remain, to be donated to activities conducted by various WA organs that promote welfare for LGBTQIA+ youths in WA states.