[Draft 1] - World Assembly Lottery

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation
The World Assembly (WA),

Noting that many WA states rely on gaming and lotteries to generate revenue for their governments;

Noting that selling lottery tickets across all WA states may generate bigger jackpots and thus generate more income for charitable causes as well as to reduce the burden on the General Fund;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    1. GAO means the General Accounting Office.
    2. GF means the General Fund.
    3. IHACC means the International Humanitarian Aid Coordination Committee.
    4. JC means the Judiciary Committee. The JC shall be responsible for enforcement and interpretation of this resolution in case of disputes.
  2. WA Lottery.
    1. The WA Lottery (“Lottery”) is hereby established and is administered by the GAO.
    2. Each Lottery ticket shall effectively cost the same in each participating WA state (and in the WAHQ), subject to minor differences due to exchange rate fluctuations.
    3. Draws on the Lottery shall take place every 24 hours according to the WAHQ calendar.
    4. Draws shall take place at the WAHQ and audited and independently monitored by the JC.
    5. The Lottery shall use up-to-date technologies for counterfeiting, random drawing, and ticket sales.
  3. Participation by WA states.
    1. Participation by WA states in the Lottery is entirely voluntary.
    2. All Lottery tickets in WA states are to be sold by designated authorities of each WA state that voluntarily participates in the Lottery.
    3. WA states should ensure that they have the technological means to participate in the Lottery if they choose to participate.
    4. Each WA state that voluntarily participates in the Lottery is to determine the criteria for participation, such as age and legal competence, and the means of distribution of Lottery tickets.
  4. Block on prohibition.
    1. No WA state may prohibit their citizens, nationals, or subjects (“players”) from purchasing Lottery tickets when they are physically outside the jurisdiction of that WA state.
    2. No WA state may prohibit or penalize their players from exiting to another WA state to purchase Lottery tickets.
    3. The taxation of Lottery winnings is subject to the local laws of each WA state.
  5. WA employees cannot play.
    1. No employees, representatives, or contractors of WA organs that are involved in the operation of the Lottery may play the Lottery, directly or indirectly.
    2. Any such purchases shall be subject to criminal penalties to be determined by the JC.
  6. Promotion to non-WA states.
    1. The WA declares that it is beneficial for individuals from non-WA states to participate in the WA Lottery, in order to increase the pool of participants and the potential to raise more funds for charitable causes that ultimately benefit WA states more than non-WA states.
    2. The GAO is responsible for administering the marketing and distribution of the WA Lottery to non-WA participants, in coordination with those non-WA states that choose to participate. Inhabitants from non-WA states remain eligible to win prizes in the Lottery.
  7. Proceeds.
    1. 50% of the gross proceeds of the Lottery shall be used as prize money. The prize money is pooled and paid out for all Lottery winners.
    2. The remaining 50% of the proceeds of the Lottery from each state is to be split at half (each 25% of the total) between (1) the state that participates in the Lottery and (2) the WA.
    3. All administrative expenses at the state level shall be funded by that state’s share of the proceeds from the Lottery.
    4. The use of proceeds after deduction of administrative expenses at that state’s level shall be at the discretion of that state.
    5. All administrative expenses at the WA level shall be funded by the WA’s share of the proceeds from the Lottery.
    6. All proceeds after deduction of administrative expenses at the WA level should be used to fund the IHACC.
    7. Any remaining proceeds shall go to the General Fund.
    8. The GAO is to ensure that the Lottery is vastly profitable for the WA and for states that participate in the Lottery, by minimizing administrative costs.
  8. Other matters.
    1. Each state that participates in the Lottery shall determine appropriate means to try to prevent or limit excessive gaming by players, subject to local laws or extant WA resolutions.
    2. The WAHQ shall have at least one outlet for Lottery tickets.
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