[Draft 1] - Borderzone Environment Planning


Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

This broadens (and makes redundant) GA 697, Reducing Light Pollution, by broadening the coverage to include other matters such as sound, physical hazards, air quality, odour and other matters.

GA697 will be repealed if this passes. (There is no plagiarism as I am the author of both. There also isn't enough duplicating material for me to consider the duplication rule, I think).

The title was previously Borderzone Ambience Improvements.

Category: Environment - All Business - Mild

Draft 1

[box]The World Assembly,

Noting that neighboring WA states frequently have wildly differing land uses near borders, such as a natural wildlife habitat in one state situated near a busy city in another state,

Desiring for better coordination between neighboring states;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    • "Borderzone" means areas near the border between two WA states, or more than two WA states if their borders meet or are proximate to each other. This includes shared land borders, sea borders, or borders in other forms depending on the physical characteristics of the relevant WA states.
    • "WA organ" means any of the sub-committees of the WA.
    • "WAJC" means the Judiciary Committee of the WA.
  2. Improving ambience. Each WA state is required to, subject to their levels of technology sophistication, adopt measures to actively reduce the following, within territory under its jurisdiction that are near borders:
    • Light pollution (including via sky glow), such as through the use of dimmers, or lights with motion detectors;
    • Sound pollution, such as through installing noise control barriers;
    • Air pollution, such as through installing additional equipment at power plants near borders;
    • Odour pollution (whether through natural reasons or due to chemical use), such as covering up sewage treatment facilities near borders;
    • Physical hazards such as vibrations, radiation, and extreme temperatures that may be detrimental to the well-being of inhabitants of neighboring states.
  3. Pro-active measures. Each WA state shall take reasonable measures to pro-actively take into account the interests of its neighbors in zoning and planning regulations, such as:
    • Adopt light shields and darkness reserves near borders to protect the habitat of species in nearby WA states that require darkness;
    • Avoid locating obnoxious facilities such as nuclear waste dumps near population centers, even if the areas bearing the brunt of any negative impact are in nearby WA states;
    • Coordinate where possible on land use to facilitate interconnections and sharing of resources, such as connected power lines and sewage treatment systems;
  4. Coordinating measures. If a WA state ("requesting state") shares a border with, or is in close proximity to, another WA state ("responding state"), the requesting state may expressly request for the responding state to take such additional measures to improve the well-being of the inhabitants of the requesting state regarding the issues mentioned in sub-clauses (2)(a) to (2)(e), subject to the following conditions:
    • The measures adopted by a responding state should not be detrimental to the well-being of inhabitants of the responding state, such as leaving high-crime residential areas darkened;
    • Each WA organ with relevant responsibilities and expertise is to offer any assistance that may be required by the responding state;
    • The requesting state is to fully indemnify the responding state (as well as each WA organ) for all reasonable costs incurred;
    • The responding state is permitted to reject or negotiate on the implementation of such a request if it reasonably believes that such measures will harm and the wellbeing of the responding state’s own inhabitants.
  5. Technology.
    • The measures adopted in clauses 2 to 4 shall be subject to the technology levels of the relevant WA state.
    • Each WA organ should provide assistance where possible for that state to acquire the latest technologies to improve implementation of clauses 2 to 4.
  6. WAJC. The WAJC shall have jurisdiction regarding any disputes on this resolution.

Char count: 3,521.