[Draft 1] - Seafarers Qualifications Protocol


Ursine thingy
TNP Nation
The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the WA’s long-standing interest in the safety of travel at sea;

Desiring common standards for credentials for seafarers to protect the safety of passengers, cargo as well as the seafarers themselves;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    1. "ITSC" means the International Transport Safety Committee.
    2. "Vessel" means a civilian maritime vessel that can travel on its own power, such as a passenger ferry, container ship, or oil tanker, excluding any sapient species that can swim or inhabit the seas.
    3. "WANC" means the WA Nautical Commission.
  2. Exclusions. The definition of a "vessel" excludes:
    1. any vessel used for non-civilian purposes as defined by local laws, ITSC, WANC or by extant WA resolutions;
    2. any vessel that traverses only domestic navigable waters, such as enclosed lakes and canals, that do not overlap with defined navigation lanes and ports for international maritime traffic.
  3. Qualifications.
    1. ITSC is to set minimum standards in terms of curriculum, competence, and other matters, for qualifications for all seafarers serving on a vessel.
    2. ITSC is also to set any ongoing requirements regarding continuous professional training.
    3. All such qualifications are awarded by the ITSC, or by any WA state authorized by the ITSC (see clause 4). All such qualifications shall be valid throughout all WA states.
    4. Qualifications shall vary by type of vessel, such as vessel with different tonnage, or vessels carrying specialist goods such as dry bulk cargo or dangerous chemicals.
  4. Education and examinations (E&E).
    1. Each WA state may elect to conduct its own E&Es in order for seafarers to qualify for ITSC qualifications.
    2. Such E&Es shall be regulated by such entities as the WA state determines.
    3. All such E&Es shall be subject to approval by ITSC, and ITSC may regularly review such E&Es from time to time to ensure that they adhere to ITSC standards.
    4. ITSC may authorize a WA state to award qualifications on its behalf if it is satisfied that the WA state has rigorous E&E processes in place.
    5. Each WA state may determine its fees and charges (if any) for such E&Es.
  5. ITSC’s own E&Es.
    1. ITSC may also establish its own E&E facilities at its discretion, depending on the availability of facilities in various WA states and the demand for such E&Es.
    2. ITSC shall charge such fees as necessary to fully recover the cost of providing such E&Es.
  6. Minimum proficiency. As a minimum, the ITSC is to require proficiency on the following matters for all seafarers:
    1. safety and survival techniques for individual seafarers;
    2. fire prevention and basic firefighting skills;
    3. use of survival craft and rescue boats;
    4. medical care and first aid;
    5. courtesy training and accommodation of differences in culture, religious, and other practices between seafarers of different backgrounds and species; and
    6. security training depending on the safety of relevant WA waters.
  7. Advanced curriculum. ITSC shall determine such advanced curriculum as it deems appropriate for:
    1. seafarers that progress to more senior positions, such as from AB decks through officers to captains, such as crew resource management and crisis management skills;
    2. seafarers working on specialized vessels, such as ice breakers, oil tankers, and cruise ships; and
    3. seafarers pursuing technical professions such as engineers.
  8. Advancement.
    1. ITSC shall also determine other minimum proficiency requirements for seafarers as it deems fit.
    2. ITSC is to provide such incentives as it deems necessary to promote the advancement of careers of seafarers.
  9. Non-WA qualifications.
    1. ITSC has sole discretion to determine if qualifications from non-WA states are compatible with ITSC's own qualifications.
    2. Non-WA states that desire offering E&Es that lead to seafarers qualifying for ITSC's qualifications shall submit themselves to approvals, reviews, and regular inspections from ITSC.
    3. ITSC shall have the right to charge for the services offered to non-WA states in this clause.
  10. Interpretation.
    1. ITSC is responsible for enforcement and interpretation of this resolution.
    2. Any disputes arising from the provisions of this resolution, such as seafarers failing their exams, shall be made to the Independent Adjudicative Office.