9-Region Tag Run: 29 March 2024


The Young Statesman
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation

The Ministry of Defense
9-Region Tag Run: 29 March 2024
I still remember when I first joined the NPA, in the early days of October 2023. A largely unknown and inactive resident of TNP, shocked by BoM's and TCB's brazen deltip, who joined out of patriotism for his region. Six months later, I have learned much about being an NPA soldier, elevated myself through the ranks, and joined the NPA High Command as a Deputy Minister of Defence. Truly, I have come a long way, but there is still more to be done.

After @Robespierre and @Bobberino graciously tutored me on the basics of triggering, I was able to execute my first successful tag raid operation this Friday major (my local time). This is an incredible milestone, and I would like to thank both of them, as well as those who joined me in the operation, for making this happen.

Soldiers who participated:
General Rom
Colonel Picairn
Colonel NutmegTheSquirrel
Corporal Caius

Regions tagged:
Wind of Alps and Freedom
Trinitarium (BoM retag)
Moonlight (TBH, LoTD retag)
Wetumpka Council Of Nations (BoM retag)
The territorys of the crown (TBH, LoTD retag)
Confederation baath of Atlantic (BoM, AST retag)
Afreurasia (TBH retag)
World military