Tardine's Election of 2024


TNP Nation
The Greater Tardineanni Empire is once again a democratic nation. Is the new democracy stronger than the previous one? Some will say yes, while many others have their doubts. Specially after the many threats to the national sovereignty that they have been under in the last few years.

After the Coup of 2021, Ekron Johak's claim to the throne. the Military Junta and Jasemir's return, the masses are eager to partake in elections and thus, decide the future of the nation. While the results are obvious to many, with Klaiden Risvie definitely winning at the end, the most important here is the process.

How did Klaiden manage to win despite the many doubts that are being cast towards his short rule? Will the same political parties have the control of Tardine's politics as they did before? If not, who's going to rise and take their place? Also, who are going to be the new Provincial Presidents? How is going to be composed the new elected Parliament? What new political parties will be created?

It shall be unveiled in this thread.

Tardine's political parties (before the lift on the prohibition) are the following:
Name in Mercanti (Acronym)Name in Tardinneani (Acronym)AffiliationLegal (Political) Status
People's Popular Party (FEKAP)Fertien-su Karnet Pareto (FEKAP)Hard left - CommunismLegal (Mainstream Opposition)
Worker's National Party (NWP)Vanturenni Natiannek Pareto (NVP)Left - SyndicalismDebunked (Minor Opposition)
Social Democrats (SD)Sumitas Demokratisen (SD)Left - Social DemocracyLegal (Mainstream Opposition)
Progressists (PR)Presumikasen (PR)Center Left - ProgressiveLegal (Minor)
Nature Preservation Party (NPP)Dresinadt Peritonem Pareto (DPP)Center Left - Green PartyDivided (Minor)
Liberal Democrats (LD)Kuraccin Demokratisen (KD)Center Right - Social LiberalismLegal (Mainstream Major)
New Democratic Party (NDP)Nouvan Demokrati Pareto (NDP)Center Right - NeoliberalismLegal (Minor)
Liberal Reformists (LR)Kuraccin Torkaisen (KT)Right - Classical Liberalism/LochismLegal (Minor)
Ultranationalists (ULTRA)Durkanaitomeratten (ULTRA)Right - Populism/ConservatismOutlawed (Formerly Mainstream)
Fascist Union (FU)Faccionni Unitas (FU)Hard Right - Authoritarian/FascismOutlawed (Minor)

Tardine's new political parties (after the lift on the prohibition) are the following:

Name in Mercanti (Acronym)Name in Tardinneani (Acronym)Previous? (Acronym)AffiliationWill partake in the PM Election? (Support?')
Avant!Tardine (AVANT!)Avant!Tardine (AVANT!)Yes (NPP)Center right - Social LiberalismYes
Renewal (REN)Renovo* (REN)Yes (NPP)Center left - Agrarian/EnvironmentYes
New Worker's Party (ИWP)Nouvan Vanturenni Pareto (ИVP)NoLeft - LabourismYes
National Libertarian Front (NLF)Natiannek Kuraccinam Dahret (NKD)NoRight - Liberalism/ConservatismYes
Democratic Labor Party (DLP)Demokrati Parreus Pareto (DPP)NoCenter Left - Social DemocracyNo (ИVP)
Unite (UNITE)Irameki* (IRAMEKI)NoRight - Libertarian/Anarcho-capitalismNo
Tardineanni Communist Party (TCP)Tardineanni Kommunisen Pareto (TKP)NoHard left - CommunismNo (FEKAP)
Republicans (RE)Respubliken (RE)NoCenter right - RepublicanismNo
New Syndicalist Party (NSP)Nouva Sindicalisti Pareto (NSP)NoLeft - SyndicalismNo (SD)
United Freedom Front (UFF)Unitat Derusi Dahret (UDD)NoHard right - National ConservatismNo (NKD)
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Special 2024 Elections Series: Meet the Candidates​

The first candidate to run his application and also the former Prime Minister, Klaiden Sergonianni Risvie, will be the first one interviewed in the new Tardineanni Royal series.


(Mr. Risvie at his office. Credit: Personal Archive)

Klaiden Sergonianni Risvie was born in 1982, on the city of Olmongeter. Grandson of Pofred Risvie, he had a close relationship with his grandfather, despite their political views differing in many aspects. Being a political activist since his youth, he went to Kardenccia's University and graduated in Law (2005), where he also mastered in International Law (2008). He affiliated to the Liberal Democrats party (Kuraccin Demokratisen) in 2009, beginning his political career as a councilman in 2011. He aimed even higher and went for the Priatossen Kambera in the National Elections of 2015, where he would stay until Werdoi's Coup of 2021.

Immediately after the deposition of Ekron Johak, Klaiden affiliated to the newly formed Military Junta and moved to Miccan, where he would be partaking in the negotiations with the central government. He was also the idealizer of the Miss Tardine Event in the Semi-autonomous Republic of Mardokash. When the Junta set foot in the Capital, ending the war, he was chosen as Acting General Governor then elected as Emperor by the people's will. Shortly after Emperor Jasemir's return, he was also appointed as Acting Prime Minister until new elections could be held.

After Mr. Risvie's life briefing, we shall move onto the interview, which will be conducted by Soraja Theodosi, our specially designed journalist to interview all candidates of the 2024 election.

The interview's transcript (for the full interview video, follow the Tardineanni Royal in Viedeo):​

Soraja: Good morning, Mister Risvie. My name is Soraja Theodosi and I'm the one assigned to interview you.

Klaiden: When you say it like that it's almost as if interviewing me is a burden.

Both laugh, lightheartedly.

Soraja: Not at all! I'm delighted to be interviewing someone with such a background.

Klaiden: We'll I'm sure you must have many questions to me. Do your worst, I don't mind.

Soraja: I'll start with the simple ones then move to the more delicate ones.

Klaiden: Sounds good to me.

Soraja: Please take note that the questions are meant to unveil both your personal character and your political views to the Tardineannen.

The interviewer makes a pause then looks at her notes, before talking again.

Soraja: What would you say your biggest life goal is?

Klaiden: Well, didn't you say you wouldn't begin with the hard ones? But yeah, I'll say my main life goal is to make the world a better place to live. Starting with our homeland.

Soraja: What's your biggest fear?

Klaiden: Letting my family down.

Soraja: Why did you chose to pursue the political career?

Klaiden: Because I thought it was the best way to achieve my goal and... Well, I huh, had some influences, you could say.

Soraja: The next one is a bit tricky and has to do with what you just said.

Klaiden: Uh oh, I can see it coming. Ask away, please.

Soraja: How much would you say the relationship with your grandfather has molded your political views?

Klaiden: Although we were really close, my gramps had little to zero influence on my political views. However, he was the one who encouraged me to pursue the political career and to stand up for what I believed despite not agreeing with me always.

Soraja: How does Social Liberalism fit into twenty first century Tardine?

Klaiden: The main objective of Social Liberalism and the Liberal Democrats party is to ensure that everyone has access to quality of life, independently of political views, religion and place of origin. I believe the principles of any developed nation should be equal opportunities to all, with the government ensuring that the people has the basics granted.

After all, no one can work properly if they can't eat, if they aren't healthy, if they worry about their children being alone at home or about their own safety. As for the twenty first century Tardine, it fits perfectly with the development of nation. We must be going forward to the future, balancing the people's needs with the economic growth.

Soraja: Many people have been criticizing the increase on the budget for welfare while the inflation is still uncontrolled, along with the purposeful depreciation of the currency. What would you say to the critics and what are the plans to the future?

Klaiden: To the critics, I say all of our decisions were made based on scientific and statistical data after careful analysis and assessment of the situation. The objective is to have a fast recovery in which the people won't pay the price for it. We have all goals set to the next few years, to put the nation back in the development track, in the plan of government. As the saying goes, 'lose a bit today and you will double it tomorrow'.

Besides the economic recovery, future plans include go back to the moon by the end of the decade, attract more immigrants and increase the HDI. We also shall strengthen the relations with friendly nations and be military ready to deal with the rogue countries that have been increasing their barking.

Soraja: Those were all questions for today. Thank you for being here, Mr. Risvie!

Klaiden: I'm glad to be here as well. Thank you too, Ms. Theodosi.​

Redacted and revised by Soraja Theodosi
Posted in 09-04, 11:00 CTT

Иew Worker's Party @иvp_official 2h

The Tardineanni people are eager for change. We do not want to see the same past mistakes being repeated again and again. We yearn for more. More housing, more taking care of the disabled and the seniors, more security, more food on the table. The Иew Worker's Party aims to bring all these issues, that have been overlooked in the past, into the Parliament and find permanent solutions.

If you are also in search of actual change, vote for the candidates of the Иew Worker's Party in the elections of October.
#tardine #workers #party #иvp #labour #2024elections

17K Retwitches • 63.7K Likes


Cora de Arbaddon @arbaddoncora 33m

Hello to all Tardineannen. I'm Cora de Arbaddon, your favorite (or most hated, depending on your political views) Kardenccianni political activist. The Иew Worker's Party has been founded with the intent to bring the youth into the center of discussions, as we are the future of Tardine.

With the interests of the youth, the workers and all of Tardine in my heart, I'll be the Иew Worker's Party candidate for the elections of 2024. Stay tuned, as I will post my candidacy as soon as I turn 30, May 15. It will be my birthday gift to y'all. :)

#2024elections #PMelections #labour #иvp

2.1K Retwitches • 10.8K Likes


Special 2024 Elections Series: Meet the Candidates​

President of the Presumikasen party and renowned entrepreneur, Janette Alvarenga Derossa, will be the second aspirant to the Prime Minister office interviewed in the new Tardineanni Royal series.​


(Studio Photo of Ms. Derossa. Credit: Personal Archive)

Janette Alvarenga Derossa was born in 1964, on the city of San Martin. The family's company, Derossa Buildings, was one of the responsible for the construction of the new capital, Kardenccia, which she also participated as the Head of Operations. Ms. Derossa graduated in Economy on the San Martinese Academy (1996), mastered in Economic Policy on the Royal Institute of Social Sciences (1999), in Vivankia. On the city of Vivankia, during her master course, she would also start her political career, serving two term councilwoman (1998-2003, 2004-2006) then one as province deputy (2007-2011) under the Presumikasen, which she affiliated in 1997.

On the elections of 2011, she got elected with 59.6% of the votes in the second round as the Province President of Treviso deo Norte. She ran again for the office in 2016 and got elected with 68.5% of the votes on the first round. Ms. Derossa was in charge of the province and chose to stay neutral until the terrorist attack on Mardokash, when she declared full support on the Junta. She also had to fight the invasion of The Silver Arms and was Province President until she resigned to apply for the office on April 18th.

After Ms. Derossa's life summary, we shall move onto the interview, also conducted by Soraja Theodosi, our specially designed journalist to interview all candidates of the 2024 election.​

The interview's transcript (for full interview video, watch and subscribe Tardineanni Royal's channel on Viedeo):​

Soraja: Good afternoon, Miss Derossa. I am Soraja Theodosi and I am the one who shall interview you.

Janette: Thank you, Miss Theodosi. I am truly honored to be here, in the Capital, after so many years. May I call you Soraja?

Soraja: Why, of course. May I also call you Janette?

Janette: Please, I love informal interviews.

The interviewer nods and agreement then goes through her notes, before talking again.
Soraja: I must tell you that all questions have been carefully picked to help the voters decide on both your character and political views.

Janette: With the Tardineanni people interests in my mind, please begin.

Soraja: What would you say you are most passionate about?

Janette: In the first place, my family. Paulo, my loving husband, and my two children, Natalia and Antonio. In second place but no less important, the people who count with me. Be it my friends, or the entire Tardineanni population, I aim to not let anyone down. The people might have noticed it from how did I conduct Treviso deo Norte on these almost 15 years on the office, I tried to balance things as much as possible.

Soraja: You just said your family is something you are very passionate about. How would you say your family's support helps you on the tough choices one needs to make in the office?

Janette: My family is everything to me. Whenever I had to do some though choices, as you said well, I'd think about my children and what kind of world I wanted them to live on.

Soraja: What made you choose the Presumikasen, among all other parties?

Janette: I believe in the firm and inevitable gear of progress. All choices we make now will lead us to the future and it's up to us whether this future will be bright, or we'll fall into another age of darkness. The Presumikasen is the party that shares the same beliefs as me, and, with my knowledge on economic policies, we ought to find workable ways to reach the bright destiny we Tardineannen deserve.

Soraja: The next few ones a bit harder and revolve around some controversial topics.

Janette: Well, I feel ready for whatever you throw to me.

Soraja: Yours family company, Derossa Buildings Inc., now faces a lawsuit accused of underpaying employees, giving them less than the minimum wage and being charged also due to alleged insalubrious working conditions. What comments do you have on the situation?

Janette: While I am not allowed to comment in ongoing investigations, I can tell you, and to all Tardineannen, that despite me not being in charge of the company anymore, with my brother Carillo being now the CEO, I am faithful that the truth will come out. I can also tell that when I was in charge, our working conditions were the most favorable and I am sure my brother has maintained everything according to the law.

Soraja: Thank you for commenting this matter. Now the next question is in regards to your time as the President of the Treviso deo Norte Province.

Janette: I am an open book... Please ask me anything, Soraja.

Soraja: We allow the readers to send their questions and we ask some of them. One that people have been asking almost unanimously is "Why did you chose to stay neutral during most of the Civil War?"

Janette: I had a feeling this question might arise sometime. The truth is, I didn't feel like we should bring war to our doorsteps. Werdoi was committing atrocities, yes, but he wasn't directly attacking the Trevisan Provinces. After all, the Central Government headquarters are far closer to Vivankia and San Martin than they are from Miccan, for example. Any harsh decisions would have led to unforeseeable consequences that neither me nor Brandon were willing to see. [Brandon Jones was Province President of Treviso deo Sur. Author's note.]

Back then, we chose not to gamble with the lives of more than nine million people. Of course, when Werdoi ordered the terrorist attack on Mardokash, which was supposedly neutral grounds, and the sickening truth came out, we had to stand our ground and make the harsh decision to declare Werdoi's rule rogue and give our support to the growing Junta. I do not regret the course of action we had taken. I stand by my actions, as they saved the lives of as many Trevisan as possible.

Soraja: Another important question that arose was "Do you think your assessment of the Silver Arms' invasion and conquer of the Trevisan Provinces was correct?"

Janette: I must begin with this single fact, we successfully avoided a bloodbath. Strategically retreating our remaining forces that, should I also add, were diminished due to the war, saved another countless lives. Turning the streets of our biggest cities, like Vivankia, San Martin and Salvatore into battling grounds for the remote possibility of winning, would not be worth the amount of civilian deaths we'd have in our hands. Once again, me and Mr. Jones had chosen the most bloodless as possible path. Just compare the amount of civilians who died in both Trevisan provinces and Gambidion, for example.

Soraja: The last question of today is more focused on what will you do if you manage to win the national Elections of October. So, please tell me and all Tardineannen who are watching this interview today with us. What are your plans for the future of Tardine?

Janette: As I said previously, the gear of progress is unstoppable. We determine today what the nation will look like tomorrow. To shape Tardine as one of the most developed nations of Eras, to make the citizens proud of being Tardineannen, are my main goals. Risvie's so called "Recovery Plan" does not take into account that the poorest ones are already paying the price. The loss of purchase power directly affects the amount of food people put in their tables. Even with the "Caring Tardine" program, people still have way less money to live on than 2021. We must raise wages again, to make living affordable to everyone.

My plans include reviewing the economic policy so that the poor ones does not starve and increase the funds for the already existing development plans and create new ones. We also shall increase the amount of high speed rails and improve the infrastructure on the less developed areas. Increasing exchange students' fund and stimulating child birth will help our demographic transition to be slow and mitigate possible economic consequences. Peace must be the guide on international relations and we must pursue it at all costs.

Soraja: Thank you for joining us today! Those were all questions we had.

Janette: Thank you too for the invite, Soraja. Have a nice day!

Soraja: A nice day to you too, Janette!​

Redacted and revised by Soraja Theodosi
Posted in 22-04, 16:00 CTT

Special 2024 Elections Series: Meet the Candidates​

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs (1999-2009), Ambassador (1993-1999, 2012-2021), member of the Kuraccin Torkaisen party and well-known scholar, Kumika Shikei will be the third aspirant to the Prime Minister office interviewed in the new Tardineanni Royal series.


(Photo of Mr. Shikei at the Liberal Reformists' Headquarters, Olmongeter. Credit: Kuraccin Torkaisen Official Website)

Kumika Shikei was born in 1955, on the Arfik Province, in the みづりーま みず우み しく (Miduri-ma Mizūmi Chiku, lit. Green Lake District), nowadays part of 울ら치ーけん (Lurashim-kem, lit. Lurashim Prefecture, tar. Luratin City).

Mr. Shikei graduated in Political Science on the Imperial Academy of Miccan (1979), mastered in International Politics (1983) on the same university and got a specialization degree on Diplomatic Affairs from the Imperial University of Olmongeter in 1988. Mr. Shikei affiliated to the Kuraccin Torkaisen in 1985, and was a professor on the Imperial University of Olmongeter from 1984 to 1993, when he was invited by the late Emperor Stanfen II to be part of the Tardineanni diplomatic body as an ambassador.

He served as ambassador in Esthursennadt until the death of Empera Stanfen II, in 1999. In the same year, he was invited by the late Djemai-Emperan then Regent Alane Partei to be our Minister of Foreign Affairs, a job he worked dutifully on until Empera Jasemir I was coronated, in 2009. He then served as ambassador in Hekstanennadt from 2012 until the civil war's beginning, in 2021, when he was discharged and joined the Military Junta movement and actively fought against Werdoi's traitor forces. Following the war's end, he returned to his hometown, Luratin, where he would start his campaigning for the Prime Minister office.

After Mr. Shikei's life summary, we shall move onto the interview, also conducted by Soraja Theodosi, our specially designed journalist to interview all candidates of the 2024 election.​

The interview's transcript (for full interview video, watch and subscribe Tardineanni Royal's channel on Viedeo):​

Soraja: Good morning, Shikei-sama. Today I, Soraja Theodosi, will be conducting our interview. Have you any questions before we begin? [Mr. Shikei asked us to use the traditional Ramshuwanni honorific style to address him during the interview, namely, Shikei-sama or 치け이ーさま. Author's note.]

치け이ーさま: I have no further questions, Theodosi-sama. You may begin.

Soraja: The first round of questions consist on more personal questions, to allow our viewers, and readers as well, to get to know you better. The second round of questions are related to your political views and plans for Tardine. All questions were chosen based on what the people have sent.
치け이ーさま: If I come across a question too personal or that I simply do not have the desire to answer, can I refuse to answer it?

Soraja: Of course, Shikei-sama! While we highly encourage that all interviewees answer all questions, to let the people have a better picture of the candidates, you are not obligated to answer anything.

치け이ーさま: Very well. Please start right away.

Soraja: Shikei-sama, what would you say the most important things in your life are?

치け이ーさま: Above all, Theodosi-sama, comes my family and friends. The closest ones to me are the most important things in my life, specially my four children and nine grandchildren. Then, I would say it comes my duty to our nation. I have served Tardine since my youth and I do not plan on stopping so soon. All these years I served an ambassador, I have taken the needs of the people into my heart and made all decisions based on what the Tardineannen wanted.

Soraja: There was many criticism regarding your decision to leave the office during the Civil War and join the battle efforts. What comments do you have on this matter?

치け이ーさま: It is an absurd that someone dares to criticize me when all I did was to fight to protect our motherland! Just because their cities and Provinces were almost unaffected by the war, it does not justify some Province Presidents coward decision to stay out of the war because Werdoi was not "directly attacking them". Are we not a whole nation? A single people despite our many cultures? How can someone claim that not helping each other was a "strategic decision"?

Soraja: Still in regards to the Civil War, Shikei-sama, I have another question.

치け이ーさま: Ask away please, Theodosi-sama.

Soraja: In 2007, you wrote an article, titled: "On the rise of neo-fascism in Tardine, the parallels with the period pre-Aurorian Fascist War and the possible outcomes on the first half of the 21st century". Do you think Werdoi was the fulfilment of this "prophecy"? Or will neo-fascism persist in Tardine?

치け이ーさま: This is an interesting question, Theodosi-sama. While some will say that Danfeh was the epitome of neo-fascism in Tardine and that it has subsequently died with the return of democracy, I can affirm that Danfeh was just the beginning. Neo-fascism will not die so soon, and we must be ready to the rise of other figures that will disguise themselves as patriots who fight for the people, true populists who speak what they think without caring about consequences and that cannot take a loss lightly.

Soraja: What are the plans from the Kuraccin Torkaisen for future Tardine?

치け이ーさま: First, we need to make sure that the government stops overspending. The Government needs to stop strangulating the classes that make money, namely, the industrials and business owners. We need to cut taxes and reduce government expenditure to allow the market to regulate itself again. Klaiden's Economic Recovery Plan will cost billions of IBU yearly to pay for a mere possibility. As soon as we leave wages to the hands of the ones who pay them, people will receive what they deserve, based on solely their merit. We need to cut off welfare, not increasing it, otherwise the economic will be forever stagnant.

Soraja: Last question of the day is in regards to your support towards the killing of people who use drugs.

치け이ーさま: I do not wish to answer that.

Soraja: Well, then. We are done here, Shikei-sama. Have a good day.

치け이ーさま: You too, Theodosi-sama.
Redacted and revised by Soraja Theodosi
Posted in 29-04, 12:00 CTT
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