[GA, withdrawn] - Pre-Packaged Foods Labelling

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Pre-Packaged Foods Labelling
Category: Regulation | Area of Effect: Consumer Protection
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the frequent trade in pre-packaged food products between WA states;

Believing that consumers would be better informed to make decisions on their own well-being if labels on products from different WA states are reasonably standardized to ease comparison, and contain pertinent information for the consumer;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    • "Authority" means one or more government entities (depending on the governance structure of that state) designated by a WA state to be in charge of formulating, enforcing and interpreting the regulations.
    • "Food" means anything farmed, grown, or developed for consumption by a sapient species.
    • "Regulations" means all standards and requirements for templates and labelling for products according to clauses (2) to (4).
    • "Product" means any pre-packaged food.
  2. Templates.
    • Each authority is to set forth templates for labels set out in clause 3.
    • All labels are to be tailored for the sapient inhabitants of that WA state.
    • Additional regulations shall be set if tailored standards are needed for inhabitants in different stages of their life cycle, such as infants, or if a WA state is inhabited by multiple sapient species.
    • All products imported into, distributed in, or sold in a WA state (say "state A") must carry labels set out in clause 3, providing an accurate profile of the contents of that particular product, using the templates developed by state A's authority for state A.
  3. Types of labels.
    • Additives labels must include all pertinent information on any additives deliberately added to the product, such as for technology, sensory, production, or other reasons.
    • Allergies labels must include all pertinent information on any ingredients that the authority deems likely to trigger adverse food reactions for the targeted consumers, such as milk and nuts, and whether the facilities that make that product also process ingredients that may trigger such reactions.
    • Cannibalism labels must warn targeted consumers if the product involves cannibalism, such as products targeted for humans that include human placenta.
    • Ingredients labels must include all pertinent information on the main ingredients of that product.
    • Nutrient labels must provide pertinent analysis of the nutrition of the product tailored for the targeted consumer, such as energy values, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
    • Technology labels must include all pertinent information on the technologies used in making the product, such as irradiation, dry salting, or reconstitution.
    • Warning labels must include all pertinent information on any ingredients that the authority deems to be harmful to the targeted consumer, such as products containing cannabis.
  4. Display of labels.
    • All labels must be prominently displayed on (or affixed to) the packaging of the product, and in languages customarily used by that WA state (or its sub-national divisions, as appropriate).
    • All labels must use the customary measurement units of that WA state.
  5. Compliance.
    • Each authority is responsible for enforcement of the regulations, including ensuring that the labels are not materially false or grossly deceptive through such means, such as random tests and verification from time to time, as it deems necessary.
    • For example, if a WA state (say “state A”) produces and distributes its own products, or imports its products from another state (say "state B"), state A’s authority is responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations of state A, rather than state B.
    • Each authority may require products made, distributed, or sold in that WA state carry such additional labels as it deems necessary.
    • The manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of products are jointly and severally liable on ensuring that all products sold or distributed in a WA state are in compliance with the regulations.
  6. Database. Each WA state is to:
    • collate all templates for all labels issued by the authorities in that state in an up-to-date database, including any imports from other states;
    • ensure that the database is accessible free of charge through convenient electronic and physical means, and available in all commonly used languages of that state.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

For Against Abstain Present
For as author.

This is the first replacement for GAR 64 (Food and Drug Standards), now that it has been repealed. It sets out rough parameters for labelling of food products imported or distributed in a WA state, such as ingredients, nutrients, use of various food processing technologies, etc. Each state is responsible for formulating its own standards, so the powers are largely returned to each state, rather than centralised under a single bureaucracy.
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I maintain that this is far too specific in many of its clauses, and many of these specifics are not particularly sensible. Some of the definitions are not great (quite a lot of things are "developed for consumption by a sapient species", and a fair few of those are not really nutritious or even tangible…), and certain clauses would be rather difficult to implement given how generic they are ("Allergies" and "Technology", for example).
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