National Anthem Thread 2

Punished Lotion

Gameside Advocate
TNP Nation
Lotion Empire
Because the account I no longer use held the previous thread, here's a new thread for listing the national anthems of your country, both currently used or historical anthems!
I will carry on (and update) the list from the previous thread over to this. If any listing is outdated, or I missed your post, please let me know ASAP, and I will fix it as soon as possible.
The most you need is a YouTube link to the anthem and the name. History or other details of the anthem are not required, but feel free to include it if you'd like, extra fluff is always nice.
The listing will be alphabetical.

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The Goyanean national anthem is known as "Der Gamle Krone" in Gojan, or "The Ancient Crown" in Mercanti. The song is an old battle hymn dating to the times of the Second War of Goyanean Succession. While the composer of the hymn has never been uncovered, the modern sheet music and lyrics are attributed to Johannes Eivald, a playwright who integrated the song into his 1794 play titled "Kamusjin." This play, which is now considered one of the classics of Goyanean theater, popularized the song with the general public, who empathized with its patriotic lyrics in the years leading up to the 2nd Nordic Imperial War. After the formal dissolution of the UKAG into the Nordic Coalition in 1818, the first verse of the song was adopted by Grand Emperor Johannes IX as the national anthem via imperial decree.


Ære kron’ van der vaderland! Vår gamle krone!
Åskvær og jahren har passere,
Og ennå du er u’seigra!
På Johannes’ blad og Ingolfrs hjert,
Du er u’seigra!
Med sønnen trofast o’ andageist,
Din sikt er så herrnet!
Hvem kann trosser Gojannes’ Krone?
Hail, crown of the fatherland! Our ancient crown!
Thunderstorms and years have passed,
And yet you are still unconquered!
By Johannes’ blade and Ingolfr’s passion,
You are unconquered!
With faithful sons and spirit,
Your sight is so glorious!
Who can brave Goyanes’ Crown?
Lo Duolfenc (1783)
Written by Joan-Benèdit de Arganha
Instrumental - Composed by Lois Mergantès
Ausissètz pas los marrits passes,
De l'enemic en passant la campanha?
Dins los bòsques la bruta s'escampa,
E nostres soldats gardan las montanhas.

Fraires, levatz-vos, lo jorn es arribat,
A ma patria, mon sang es versat per tu.
O es la mòrt per nosautres o es la libertat,
L'esclavatge es coma lo solelh sens matin.

Las bandièras sagnosas son estadas levadas,
Lo tiran serà aculhit per nòstres filhs.
Per qui an aquestas vils cadenas,
Lors sepulturas son estadas preparadas.

L'amor sacrat de la patria nos guidarà,
Lo cap de la sèrp es estat esclafat.
L'eiretatge de nòstre eroïsme nos subreviurà,
Nòstra nacion prosperarà e nòstra fraternitat.

Jos nòstra bandièra de granda victòria,
Pintat de roge amb nòstre sang per totjorn.
Los nòstres còrs seràn sacrifici per la glòria,
E l'orribla nuèch serà un còp de mai jorn.
Can you not hear the wicked steps,
The enemy stalking our fields and dales?
In shadowed woods, the brute lies in wait,
While our soldiers stand guard on mountains.

Brothers, rise, the hour has come,
For you my motherland, I give my blood.
It is death we face or freedom we claim,
For slavery is a sun without dawn.

The banners of blood have been raised,
And tyrants will face our sons' fierce gaze.
For whom are these vile chains forged?
Graves await those who would bind us.

Sacred love of our land will guide us,
The serpent's head is crushed beneath our feet.
The legacy of our heroism will endure,
Our nation will flourish, and so will our unity.

Beneath our banner of grand victory,
Stained red with our blood for eternity,
Our hearts will be offered in sacrifice to glory,
And the darkest night will once more yield to day.