Modern Gameplay Compact: On Europe


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation

Modern Gameplay Compact: On Europe

On 11 February, a coalition of raiders led by The Black Hawks invaded Europe using a medium-term sleeper puppet. They then defaced the region and banned half of its regional population, until the governor of Europe returned and expelled the raider nations. We wish Europe, and in particular their delegate Imperium Anglorum, all the best in restoring their region to its proper state.

The justification for this unprovoked attack against a neutral region was the Modern Gameplay Compact sanctions. Europe is not a member of the MGC; its strongest connection to it is its alliance with The North Pacific, and perhaps its membership of the World Assembly Legislative League, which also includes three MGC member regions. Regardless, Europe is not a party to the MGC sanctions, and rarely votes in the Security Council except to combat campaign spam telegrams. It has no role in "blacklisting [The Black Hawks] from further recognition."

It is a given that The Black Hawks, as well as all regions comprising the raider unity movement, have no regard for neutral regions. Such regions are either potential members to be subjugated into the cause of raider unity, or future targets for military aggression, as demonstrated once again by the raid of Europe. As we have stated for nearly two years, all regions who wish to avoid this fate must act strongly to declare their opposition to the raider unity movement and contain it to the regions it already controls. Sitting on the fence has never been a feasible or acceptable option, but to continue to insist on such a course when witnessing the damage done to Europe - a region with no dog in this fight - and the numbers involved, is to insist on willful blindness and amounts to tacit acceptance of this behavior.

Many of our allies and friends have tried to stay out of this fight, pretending that they can look the other way while people they previously pledged friendship and support to are attacked or blamed for similar attacks on other friends and allies. Their inaction is deplorable, and their accommodation has only enabled the same aggression and perpetuated this conflict. The longer this continues, the more culpable they are for the misdeeds to come. Once again, we call on our friends, allies, and neighbors to join us in confronting these disrupters of peace and stability in our community. Do your part to bring an end to this madness, because if you do not, eventually there will not be a side for you to join and the decision will have been made for you.

In response to this latest heinous act, we have updated our sanctions and will be applying them immediately. If you are not moved to follow suit, and join us in opposing these people in every corner of this game, then decide what you are willing to do, what really matters to you, and which values and principles you actually wish to protect. The differences are stark and the choice is a simple one. It is time to choose.​

The following regions/organizations are hereby sanctioned: The Brotherhood of Malice, The Black Hawks, The Communist Bloc, Sparkalia, and all regions which:
i. Constitute their territories or possessions;
ii. Are operated by their members and contribute to their military or support their cause;
iii. Have a treaty with them;
iv. Constitute the territories or possessions of regions mentioned in items ii or iii.

Members of the sanctioned regions/organizations are prohibited from:
a. participating in any events hosted by the signatory regions/organizations;
b. being members of coalitions, factions, etc. led by the signatory regions/organizations in NS events;
c. being included in/platformed by media or promotional events/endeavors produced by the signatory regions/organizations;
d. serving in a leading/command role in joint military operations hosted by the signatory regions/organizations

The signatory regions/organizations are prohibited from:
a. participating in any events hosted by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations or in any events hosted by regions/organizations in which members of the sanctioned region/organizations participate;
b. participating in coalitions/factions/etc led by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations or in which members of the sanctioned regions/organizations participate;
c. participating in any media or promotional events/endeavors produced by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations or in which members of the sanctioned regions/organizations are included/platformed;
d. participating in military operations hosted/led by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations, provided those operations are not exclusively anti-fascist in nature.

The signatory regions/organizations will:
a. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations;
b. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations;
c. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation;
d. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation;
e. support and vote for resolutions liberating regions occupied by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations


Kazaman, King
Millenhaal, Statsminister

The North Pacific
Kaschovia, Delegate
Comfed, Minister of Foreign Affairs

JayDee, President of Europeia
Vor, Vice President of Europeia
upc, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The League and Concord
Creeperopolis, Chief Consul of the Republic
Spode Humbled Minions, Consul of the Republic
Quebecshire, Consul of the Republic