The MacMilitant
- Pronouns
- He/him
- TNP Nation
- Francois Isidore
- Discord
- themacmilitant

The Ministry of Defense
A Call to Arms: 21 January 2024
This is an urgent call to arms. I must inform you that the region of UEPU has been invaded by forces from both The Black Hawks and The Brotherhood of Malice, among others. As many will no doubt be aware of, a state of war continues to exist between us and BoM. In response to this latest attack from our adversaries, we are asking for your help to ensure that this region is liberated in due time before any further damage can be done.
This sounds serious! How can I help?
You can support our army's efforts to liberate this region by joining the Libcord server on Discord and identifying yourself as being from either the NPA or TNP to gain access to the necessary channel(s). In addition to that, it's also important that you have a second nation (AKA a "puppet" nation) stationed in Artificial Solar System prior to each liberation attempt.
Be aware that you can only have one nation in the World Assembly at a time per site rules. That means that if your main nation in The North Pacific is a member of the WA then you'll need to temporarily resign your membership and rejoin the body with a puppet nation of your choosing. If you have any questions or concerns, please do feel free to message me directly so that I can answer them and/or get everything squared away. You can either telegram Francois Isidore (me) or message me directly @themacmilitant on Discord.
Your help in this endeavor is both crucial to its success and greatly appreciated. Whether you're an active soldier already, a member of the militia, or someone who's never updated before and has no interest in military gameplay of any kind, your cooperation and continued support is invaluable to us. R/D can be fun, exciting, and sometimes even crazy. But when your region calls upon you to act, it's most certainly worth it to answer the call.
To alert!
To arms!
To victory!
~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Defense