[For Immediate Release] Delegate Kaschovia Re-Elected

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TNP Nation
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[b]TNN | Delegate Kaschovia Re-Elected in The North Pacific[/b]
[i]For immediate release.[/i]

Kaschovia has been [url=https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9197893/]re-elected[/url] as Delegate of The North Pacific as of 11 January 2024. He received 69 votes coming in at 93.24% of the popular vote, while his opponents Osk!ebot and Vapia received one (1.35%) and four (5.41%) votes respectively. Seven people abstained, and seven voted to re-open nominations, representing 8.64% of voters. He will be the first delegate to serve two consecutive terms since Pallaith, who served from May 2022 to January 2023.

In his [url=https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9197896/]opening address to the region[/url], Kaschovia stressed that he "[believes] in all of us to pull together and show the world what it means to be a part of The North Pacific," and emphasized continuity with the growth and advancement of the past term. His cabinet is as follows:

Minister of Defence - Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Comfed
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - Simone (Simone Republic)
Minister of Culture - Nutmeg The Squirrel (The Anddoran Commune)
Minister of Home Affairs & Lead Gameside Advocate - Lionsmeow (Lionsroar)
Minister of Communications - Halsoni

He is also joined in government by Speaker Arafuttio and Vice Delegate Chipoli. Arafuttio received 58 votes, with 23 abstained and 25 voted to re-open nominations, representing 30.86% of the voters, likely because they ran unopposed. The Vice Delegate race was certainly the most exciting of the three, with three candidates - Hulldom, Chipoli, and Nutmeg The Squirrel - entering the fray. However, Hulldom dropped out of the race during the voting period, leaving just the last two candidates. Ultimately Chipoli prevailed with 50 votes, 70.42% of the ballots, while Nutmeg The Squirrel received 21 votes, 29.58% of the final count. 10 voters abstained and 13 (16.05%) voted to re-open nominations.

Election Commissioners Gorundu and Simone supervised the election.

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Please contact Minister of Foreign Affairs @Comfed if you encounter any difficulties.
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