Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific
Opening Address, January 2024
I hope this address finds you well. Firstly, I wanted to wish you all a happy new year and extend my best wishes to you all for 2024. In addition, I'd like to take a moment to congratulate Delegate @Kaschovia, Vice Delegate @Chipoli, and Speaker @AraFuttio on their respective election wins. I'm thrilled about what this term has in store for us, and it's an honour to work alongside you all.
Since its revival in May, the Ministry of Communications has been an enormous success, and I'm determined to keep it that way. Comms is a ministry that's close to my heart. It's where I first started doing serious work in The North Pacific, got offered my first deputy position, was appointed as an executive deputy, and now, I'm thrilled to have been offered my first ministerial position here in Communications. I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who's been a part of this journey with me. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.
Now, before I get too sentimental, let’s get onto business.
Communications Leadership
Even though I’m awesome, I can't handle this ministry alone. That's why I've handpicked a group of talented individuals who will form the core leadership of the Ministry of Communications. I am pleased to announce the appointment of:
@Robespierre - Deputy Minister of Communications: Robes is set to move to the Ministry of Defence, but he won't be able to escape his duties at Communications just yet. As my deputy, he will continue to offer valuable advice while also serving as the Executive Producer of the Northern Broadcast Service. I have complete confidence in his ability to take on both roles as the Minister of Defence and Deputy Minister of Communications. Robes is an accomplished radio host and I'm excited to see what he can come up with in terms of broadcasts in the upcoming term.
@AraFuttio - Deputy Minister of Communications: I've been pleased with Ara's work as Deputy Minister of Communications, and I want him to continue in that role. He's been a valuable contributor, and I have no doubt that he'll continue to be. He's going to be leading the administrative part of the ministry and supporting the rest of us wherever necessary. Last term, he updated the rewards system with diligence, and I see no reason why he shouldn't continue that work this term.
@Picairn - Deputy Minister of Communications: I am pleased to introduce a new member to the Comms HQ team who brings with them a wealth of talent and experience from within the ministry. Picairn is a highly skilled writer and a consistently positive presence within our community. As the Executive Editor of TNL, TNS, and TNN, he will be operating under my oversight in this area. This appointment is a significant step in Picairn's career within The North Pacific, and I am confident that he will make valuable contributions to the ministry's future success.
Deputies, please take your oaths.
Communications needs to communicate, which we do through our publications. They are as follows: The Northern Lights, The North Star, The Northern Notes and the Northern Broadcast Service. These publications will continue to play an essential role in the ministry and will function according to Kaschovia’s campaign. However, there’s the elephant in the room: The Northern Lights. Despite our best efforts, there has been no TNL release since the revival. As outlined in Kasch’s campaign, we plan to change this. TNL Frontiers Edition is incredibly close to being finished and it will release somewhere in the coming months.
Very Important
- Join the Ministry of Communications here.
- Join the Collaborative Design Team here.
- Complete the Roll Call here (for existing members, you have 72 hours before the purge).
I’m thrilled about this term. It’s going to be great! For the last time, thank you to all who’ve accompanied me on this awesome journey in Comms, and thank you to Kasch for entrusting me with this position and a seat on the Executive Council. I’m beyond grateful and honoured.

Minister of Communications
One More Thing…
I play this game to have fun. I’m having a lot of fun right now.