Already? - Closing Address HA January 2024


Fulltime German
TNP Nation

Closing Address of Home Affairs - January 2024

Hello everyone, Lionsroar here! I've had the honor of working through a real term as Minister of Home Affairs and Lead Gameside Advocate for the first time, after serving under Gorundu last term, and later under Chipoli from halfway through. It was a term full of new experiences, insights and incredible fun! I have enjoyed being Minister of Home Affairs and Lead Gameside Advocate and being able to contribute to our great community. I hope that I can continue to serve well in the future, and continue to give my best and my passion, whether that is as a simple GA or HA Staffer, or perhaps as a Minister.

I would like to thank every HA Staffer who has handled the tasks and served the ministry and the entire region in various aspects. Thank you to everyone who has edited lists, messaged Discord members or new forum members, shared ideas in Resource Review, shared feedback with me, and served with passion in HA. So many thanks to you Staffer! An equally big thank you also goes to my Gameside Advocates. You have done an incredible job and worked your hearts out every day at the RMB for me and our tasks. Your initiative was incredible, so of course many, many thanks!

I would especially like to thank my current and former Deputy Ministers. You have helped me to get through this term. In particular, many thanks to Nutmeg and Caius, who helped right to the end!

And of course, many thanks to Kaschovia, who allowed me to work as Minister of HA, and of course offered regular support. We didn't manage to do everything, but HA is well-positioned for the future. So, of course, many thanks to the rest of the Executive Council who stood by me!

Now a summary of my term. We have brought the GAs up to scratch and launched several small projects in their name. The GAs have regularly advertised for ministries and our offsite properties, but we have also received feedback on how to improve the ads, for example with more personalized ads. That would be a good starting point. At the same time, the GAs provided a new Daily Question for RMB users almost every day for December and November. Important dispatches such as the list of Gameside Advocates and the RMB Rules have also been revised and made available separately for quick access.

In HA we have created the Welcome Wagon for Gameside, Forums and Discord and is already in the early working phase. We are still in the process of revising the Handbook and will soon be able to present a first proposal. At the same time, we have developed a points system for HA, which only needs rewards in the form of cards. We are still working on that too. As Minister, I have completely overhauled the entire HA infrastructure, from channel guides in Discord to the larger explanation guides on the forum, and made them available for the next HA staffers. We have regularly created and edited mentor lists, edited recruitment Telegram lists, welcomed new members on all platforms in the Welcome Wagon and guided them to the Ministry, and regularly promoted and celebrated birthdays and other occasions.

In the future, the main focus will be on recruitment. We have already spoken to API Recruitment, but the work in collaboration with the Delegate and Sil has not yet been fully completed. Sil is also working on a new dispatch system and has also looked at the list system again. We have already received feedback on the Recruitment Bot from Europeia, which is ready for use but have not yet been able to implement it. Another idea from the census was to repeat a Census after each term, and I have no problem with that either. And also the revision of further infrastructure, like the creation of new tutorial videos may come in the future.

That should be all, I hope I was able to do my job relatively well and did my job as a minister well. I hope to continue to be active in HA in any form in the future and wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Your Minister of Home Affairs and Lead Gameside Advocate