Results: September 2023 General Election
The Election Commission has counted the votes in this General Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.
Summary: @Kaschovia has been re-elected Delegate. @Chipoli has been elected Vice Delegate. @AraFuttio has been elected Speaker.
TNP January 2024 General Election (Delegate) ~ Official Vote Count
This document reflects the official tally of all public and private votes cast in the General Election by legal voters.
Delegate | Valid Ballots: 81
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?
Kaschovia 69 93.24% Yes
Osk!ebot 1 1.35% No
Vapia 4 5.41% No
Abstain 7
Reopen Noms. 7 8.64% Do Not Reopen
Vice Delegate | Valid Ballots: 81
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?
Chipoli 50 70.42% Yes
Nutmeg The Squirrel 21 29.58% No
Abstain 10
Reopen Noms. 13 16.05% Do Not Reopen
Speaker | Valid Ballots: 81
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?
AraFuttio 58 100.00% Yes
Abstain 23
Reopen Noms. 25 30.86% Do Not Reopen
@Hulldom's ballot (post 35) was discarded due to loss of citizenship during the voting period.
@Usernamisocensurg's ballot (post 71) was discarded due to the voter gaining citizenship after the start of the voting period.
@Usernamisocensurg's ballot (post 71) was discarded due to the voter gaining citizenship after the start of the voting period.
A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.
Election Commissioners: @Gorundu and @Simone