The Kingdom of Waltalriche - WBing Thread


TNP RP's Resident Fluffball of Cringe
TNP Nation

This thread shall serve as a worldbuilding compendium for the Kingdom of Waltalriche - a jointly-run nation between @Greater Ale Permars and myself. We will both be updating and maintaining this thread.


Kingdom of Waltalriche
Königreich Waltalriche (Aleman)


Motto: Gott Erhalte der König
God Save the King​

Capital: Erlagen
Largest City: Kronach
Official Language: Aleman
Official Script: Umbrial
Religion (2022 official govt. statistic): 96.7% Messianist | 3.3% Other
Demonym(s): Waltalrichian (adjective), Waltalricher(s) (noun, singular & plural)​

Government: Semi-constitutional monarchy under an authoritarian, theocratic government​
  • King (primary head-of-state): His Majesty, Maximilian II of House Windberg​
  • Archbishop of Kronach (secondary head-of-state): His Eminence, Rupert von Kadelburg​
  • Minister President (head-of-government): Konrad von Treich​

Legislature: Landtag​
  • Upper House: Ecclesiastical College​
  • Lower House: Council of the Laity​

  • Kingdom of Waltalriche: 1116 AD​
  • (Failed) Republican Revolution: 1849 AD​
  • Current Constitution Adopted: 1852 AD​
  • Universal Male Suffrage: 1862 AD​
  • Women's Suffrage: 1920 AD​
  • (Failed) Communist Revolution: 1922 AD​
  • Passau Massacre (officially denied by regime): 1967 AD​
  • Waltalricher annexation of Aarbeke: 1 December, 1993​

  • September 2022 Estimate: 79.7 million​


(work in progress)​
King’s of Waltalriche (1116-Present)

Oskar I “The Pious” (1116-1129)
Oskar II (1129-1150)
Arnold I (1150-1164)
Rainer I (1164-1189)
Arnold II “Heidenvernichter” (Pagan-Exterminator) (1189-1201)
Johann I (1201-1226)
Sebastian I (1226-29)
Sebastian II (1229-1236)
Kasper “The Wraith of Laugensburg” (1236-1254)
Johann II (1254-1265)
Christoph I (1265-1291)
Johannes (1291-1323)
Elias (1323-1325) *Eye punctured with Arrow during Battle of Kristwald (1325)
Gustav I (1325-1342)
Gustav II (1342-1361)
Karl I (1361-1370) *Died of Typhoid
Arnold III (1370-1387)
Christoph II (1387-1403)
Karl II (1403-1420)
Lukas (1420-1452)
Sebastian III (1452-1477)
Adrian (1477-1494)
Gunther I (1494-1516)
Oskar III “Der Entschlossene” (The Resolute) (1516-1525) *Died Childless
“The War of the Silver Cross” (1525-1542)
Gunther II “Verteidiger des Glaubens” (Defender of the Faith) (1542-1570)
Fritz (1570-1586)
Arnold IV (1586-1605)
Rainer II (1605-1627)
Gustav III (1627-1639)
Karl III (1639-1641)
Karl IV (1641-1656)
Johann III (1656-1672)
Christoph III (1672-1680)
Oskar IV (1680-1701)
Gunther III “Der Hund” (The Dog/Hound) (1701-1723)
Oskar V (1723-1746)
Klaus I (1746-1778)
Klaus II (1778-1797)
Johann IV (1797-1819)
Rainer III (1819-1843)
Rolf “Das Alte” (The Old) (1843-1906) *Oversaw the “Kronach Reforms” (1851-1862)
Gunther IV (1906-1943)
Rainer IV (1943-94)
Maximilian I (1994-2018) *Died of Diabetes
Maximilian II (2018-Present)​