Nutmeg Number II - Vice Delegate This Time?

Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation
Hello once again! I'm back running for Vice-Delegate, with more to talk about.
I have several goals, many from last time, but one more that's been added.

Reports and Endorsement Updates
As Vice Delegate, it is my responsibility to write a Vice Delegate's Report every week, and provide an endorsement table to update everyone on the status of the transition. Last Election, I promised to keep a daily record of endorsements, and provide a daily endorsement counter for the Gameside population. I still intend to do this, but now have a more fleshed out idea of how it will work. Using a Sheet, I will keep a record of the thirty most endorsed nations in the region, plus the Delegate and Vice-Delegate, if they aren't on that list. This list will simply include their nation name, their endorsement count, and how many endorsements they've gained or lost. This will all be compiled in a table for an RMB post, and a dispatch to hold them all.
This tracks endorsements, but will it have an effect on the transition? Maybe, but the next initiative might have even more.

The Telegram Task Force - Endorsement Squad
So, people have talked about collaborating with the Executive before, so here's my two cents on the matter. Why not take the endorsement telegram, a well known tool used by the SC, informing everyone that the Delegate needs to be endorsed, and couple it with the Telegram Task Force of Home Affairs. Using the tools at out disposal, we will keep a list of all the nations not endorsing the Delegate, Vice Delegate and the Security Council. Every week, the Telegram Task Force will aid in sending out telegrams to each nation on the list.
With this collaboration, we can streamline the mass endo-tarting process for the transition.

World Assembly Development Program - Lottery Changes
Over the past few terms, the WADP Lottery has been unable to run. Normally with a card reward for winning, this lottery will run with a simple spinning wheel to pick a winner. At the end of the week, the wheel will pick ten Keepers of the North who will have their nations displayed at the bottom of the WFE, as the Keepers of the Week.

Security and Information
Over the past term, the region has been under siege from several disinformation campaigns in an attempt to halt the transition. This must be prevented, through easy and accessible information on the Legal Government of The North Pacific. To aid in this, I will be updating and maintaining the Government Index dispatch, and ensuring that the Gameside Advocates will be quick to aid in responding if another campaign is launched.

I'm hoping that with my goals for the term, and the new experience I'm bringing in with me, you will choose me for your Vice Delegate!
Your nation isn't in the World Assembly. How on earth are you going to get to the #2 spot within four months?
You’re currently not a WA member in TNP, meaning you’re starting from scratch endorsements-wise. Can we trust you will remain vigilant and resilient in what will have to be a huge transition campaign?

I wish you luck in your campaign, I think your policies are good and I think you would make a good VD, but I can’t see myself supporting you if this factor isn’t considered.

(I know this similar to Ruben’s question, I started writing it before I saw his question)
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Yeah I must concur with Ruben here. You aren't even in the WA so it'll be a huge grind to transition. Hell, I wouldn't even think of going for the VD spot without reaching 400-500 endos first.
Your nation isn't in the World Assembly. How on earth are you going to get to the #2 spot within four months?
You’re currently not a WA member in TNP, meaning you’re starting from scratch endorsements-wise. Can we trust you will remain vigilant and resilient in what will have to be a huge transition campaign?

I wish you luck in your campaign, I think your policies are good and I think you would make a good VD, but I can’t see myself supporting you if this factor isn’t considered.

(I know this similar to Ruben’s question, I started writing it before I saw his question)
I am very much aware of my lack of endorsements.
That's why part of my main focus for this next term is endo-tarting.
There are 1125 WA nations currently in TNP, if I endorse them all within the week, and then rapidly exchange telegrams, I can shoot upwards very quickly without aid.
Then, my endorsements telegram plan kicks in.
Yeah I must concur with Ruben here. You aren't even in the WA so it'll be a huge grind to transition. Hell, I wouldn't even think of going for the VD spot without reaching 400-500 endos first.
I will admit, yes it does seem slightly outlandish that I would consider such an endorsement centered position without being a member of the WA. I've used this term to gather the experience that I was supposedly lacking from the previous election.
I'm willing to undergo that grind, as rapidly as possible.
I am very much aware of my lack of endorsements.
That's why part of my main focus for this next term is endo-tarting.
There are 1125 WA nations currently in TNP, if I endorse them all within the week, and then rapidly exchange telegrams, I can shoot upwards very quickly without aid.
Then, my endorsements telegram plan kicks in.
It took Kasch three months to get to the #1 spot. He was at over 500 endorsements at the start of the transition. This is not happening. No support.
It took Kasch three months to get to the #1 spot. He was at over 500 endorsements at the start of the transition. This is not happening. No support.

Our brave NPA soldiers are out there every day protecting our interests. It is just plain wrong to disqualify them from seeking higher office because of their service to our region.

Best of luck in your campaign, Nutmeg.
Our brave NPA soldiers are out there every day protecting our interests. It is just plain wrong to disqualify them from seeking higher office because of their service to our region.
No one is doing this. If you think it's a good idea to elect someone who's going to need to gain almost 800 endorsements in a relatively short period of time, be my guest, vote for Nutmeg, and watch as our region tries to deal with yet another embarrassingly long transition. I won't be making that mistake.
You know what, f*ck it. I completely agree with GBM, and I have been very close-minded in my dismissal of Nutmeg just for their lack of endos. I sincerely apologise for that. As GBM said on Discord, there are far more duties for the VD than just being second in endorsements, and it would set a bad precedent that those who can’t meet that requirement straight away cannot be able to serve in public office.

In terms of what Ruben said about the transition effort, with it being ‘embarrassing for the region’ let me point out that this is not a Delegate transition, therefore it is far less urgent, and can be done a lot more discreetly. We also did not really set aside as many resources for the Delegate transition as some are making out that we did.

I wish you the best of luck. You have my support at this moment in time.

I do have one question though, would you consider including Chipoli’s Declassification of SC records targets (or something similar) in your policies?
let me point out that this is not a Delegate transition, therefore it is far less urgent, and can be done a lot more discreetly.
Tell BoM when they launch another trolling campaign in our embassy thread that it's "far less urgent". Let's see how far you'll get with that. If you genuinely believe that a transition of any kind can be done "discreetly" you've quite frankly not been paying attention to anything BoM has been doing for the past three years.
I stopped listening to NSGP posts, especially from BoM a long time ago, that's nothing else but useless agenda-posting.

I looked through your campaign, @Nutmeg The Squirrel, and I do think Chipoli has a lot of interesting points as well. So best of luck to you!
I do have one question though, would you consider including Chipoli’s Declassification of SC records targets (or something similar) in your policies?
I certainly would give declassification some work, but I wouldn't consider it one of my core policies, I wouldn't be able to declassify as much as my opponents.
Using a Sheet, I will keep a record of the thirty most endorsed nations in the region, plus the Delegate and Vice-Delegate, if they aren't on that list.
Solid idea. I'm just not completely sure what this is supposed to achieve. Could you elaborate on that?
The Telegram Task Force - Endorsement Squad
When I resigned from Home Affairs, the telegrams were barely being claimed and Lionsroar was fighting an uphill battle to try and combat this lack of activity (very commendable, good job @Lionsmeow). Don't you think adding another thing they have to do on top of what they already do might be detrimental to the already stagnant activity level in the Home Affairs Ministry?
Giving people multiple notifications a week about endorsements has proven to not work very well. What are your thoughts on this?
To aid in this, I will be updating and maintaining the Government Index dispatch, and ensuring that the Gameside Advocates will be quick to aid in responding if another campaign is launched.
Are there other things you might want to try if say BoM launches another disinformation campaign except for pointing RMBers to the government registry (which updates automatically and is public to everyone on the forums)?
Solid idea. I'm just not completely sure what this is supposed to achieve. Could you elaborate on that?
The sheet's a way of storing the data, and calculating endorsement gains and losses. It's to serve as a record, and helps with easily compiling tables.

When I resigned from Home Affairs, the telegrams were barely being claimed and Lionsroar was fighting an uphill battle to try and combat this lack of activity (very commendable, good job Lionsmeow) Don't you think adding another thing they have to do on top of what they already do might be detrimental to the already stagnant activity level in the Home Affairs Ministry?
Giving people multiple notifications a week about endorsements has proven to not work very well. What are your thoughts on this?

The Telegram Task Force has had trouble with effort and activity, yes. I remember lists that Loh or I completed entirely on our own. However, I have observed a rise in activity with these lists with some of the newer staffers, so if that energy continues, throwing in an endorsement list every so often would be fine.
Yes, I would agree that it's a bad idea to send these telegrams all the time, I would consider them to be at least bi-weekly things.

Are there other things you might want to try if say BoM launches another disinformation campaign except for pointing RMBers to the government registry (which updates automatically and is public to everyone on the forums)?
If BoM launched another campaign, I'd do everything I could to prevent and reverse it's effects. The dispatch idea is to serve parallel with the forum Government Registry, for the large population of Gameside members who haven't joined the forum.
If they launched a campaign to unendorse or endorse someone, I'd send a telegram to every person who followed it.
I was incredibly frustrated when they launched their campaigns, and paraded around as false Ministers or members of the Delegate's staff, and knew I couldn't do anything about it. So, it would be about reminding people who the legitimate government are to prevent and discredit (government registry, both forum and Gameside), and reversal (telegrams).
The sheet's a way of storing the data, and calculating endorsement gains and losses. It's to serve as a record, and helps with easily compiling tables.
Right, but what is the purpose of that data? Are you going to analyse it to see what our endorsement patterns are? Is it to audit who's in violation of the endorsement cap? What are you going to do with the data and why is it important that those top 30 nations be tracked?
The dispatch idea is to serve parallel with the forum Government Registry, for the large population of Gameside members who haven't joined the forum.
You don't need a forum account to see the government registry, for the record. So, basically, you're making a dispatch version of the Government Registry? That's a nice idea.
Using a Sheet, I will keep a record of the thirty most endorsed nations in the region, plus the Delegate and Vice-Delegate, if they aren't on that list.
Doesn’t that sheet already exist, as we see in the Weekly VD Report?
Right, but what is the purpose of that data? Are you going to analyse it to see what our endorsement patterns are? Is it to audit who's in violation of the endorsement cap? What are you going to do with the data and why is it important that those top 30 nations be tracked?
You are correct with those two!
The point is to track the transition process, and to record endorsement fluctuations among the Delegate, Vice Delegate and the Security Council. Keeping a record with the highest nations does have the added benefit of knowing the nations that are highest over the endorsement cap.

You don't need a forum account to see the government registry, for the record. So, basically, you're making a dispatch version of the Government Registry? That's a nice idea.
Yes, one does already exist, but is outdated enough to still record Gorundu as Delegate.

Doesn’t that sheet already exist, as we see in the Weekly VD Report?
I'm not entirely sure whether or not the sheet is shared or is a sheet made by the VD, so if it is, I'll use that, if not< I was going to make my own.
You are correct with those two!
The point is to track the transition process, and to record endorsement fluctuations among the Delegate, Vice Delegate and the Security Council. Keeping a record with the highest nations does have the added benefit of knowing the nations that are highest over the endorsement cap.

Yes, one does already exist, but is outdated enough to still record Gorundu as Delegate.

I'm not entirely sure whether or not the sheet is shared or is a sheet made by the VD, so if it is, I'll use that, if not< I was going to make my own.
I can answer the last one at least. It used to be a sheet shared with the VD by the SC that used r3n stuff. I assume it must be either personal or shared by the SC but without r3n tech now?
I wanted to jump in again and say, that these telegram lists have actually been more often completed than it was before. It definitely gained activity, and that's something to keep in 2024.
I am obviously asking in my capacity as a RA voter, not as supervisor of this election nor as minister. All my questions are the same as to both those running for D and those running for VD, on the off-chance (never say never) of the VD having to step up.

1. What is the definition of TNP having "won" the war? Or "lost" the war? Or is this just going to be ongoing? Do we have clear goals on drawing a line on when to call it "won/lost/stalemate"?

2. How do we protect our smaller friendly partners? Not just The Wellspring, but also IDU, Taijitu and all the other friends of ours.

3. Do we have a KPI on recruitment? Say (as Ruben says) aim for D endo to go back up to 1,000?

4. "Forgive" might be too strong a word, but do we plan to mend relations with TSP any time soon?

5. (For VDs only, Hulldom already answered): is this a stepping board for running for Delegate?
I am obviously asking in my capacity as a RA voter, not as supervisor of this election nor as minister. All my questions are the same as to both those running for D and those running for VD, on the off-chance (never say never) of the VD having to step up.

1. What is the definition of TNP having "won" the war? Or "lost" the war? Or is this just going to be ongoing? Do we have clear goals on drawing a line on when to call it "won/lost/stalemate"?

2. How do we protect our smaller friendly partners? Not just The Wellspring, but also IDU, Taijitu and all the other friends of ours.

3. Do we have a KPI on recruitment? Say (as Ruben says) aim for D endo to go back up to 1,000?

4. "Forgive" might be too strong a word, but do we plan to mend relations with TSP any time soon?

5. (For VDs only, Hulldom already answered): is this a stepping board for running for Delegate?
1. I can't exactly judge what would constitute victory, but I would consider a success in this war even a humiliation of the opposition.

2. Perhaps combined military training would help ensure that our smaller partners had at least a militia that could act in defence, and the ability to dispatch the NPA as a bolstering force.

3. I will not make any key promises, because raising endorsement levels has been shown to be quite difficult, but I do agree that a substantial effort should be made to raise the endorsement levels to quadruple digits.

4. TSP has continued to be opposed to our independent alignment, I would believe that their leadership's own alignment (which I have no problem with, but at some points I question), may interfere. We can certainly attempt to mend relations with tSP, but it is my belief that we cannot fully do so until their attitude towards us is changed.

5. I had originally planned, but I have no intention of running for Delegate next term, even if I win this election.
In my last VD statement, I mentioned the following:

While our WA numbers continue to drop with our allied pliers leaving and our NPA soldiers going on their deployments/training, this is probably the true reflection of how the current WA situation is in our region. Gone are the days where the Delegate can go past 1000 endorsements - we have to probably accept that among the 250-300 nations that are not endorsing the Delegate, most of them probably are not involved in WA stuff that much and will never return the endorsement, and that achieving 875-900 native endorsement count is probably what we have to work around with.

You did mention, in your answers to Simone's questions, that you acknowledged that raising endorsement levels is also shown to be quite difficult, but added that "a substantial effort should be made to raise the endorsement levels to quadruple digits". What kind of effort do you see can be done? And given the thoughts of plans you have in mind, what is your conclusion regarding a feasible number of WA endorsements our delegate should target? Approximately which part of next term do you think we can reach these numbers?

I also note that in the Legal Code as written, Section 5.2 has a particular clause of interest:
9. The Vice Delegate is responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the WA Delegate's endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in the region. Frontier Vice Delegates are responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the Frontier WA Delegate’s endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in their respective territories of The North Pacific.
This number currently stands at around 550s (as of writing, it seems to be 552 by my personal count). When placed alongside Clause 22 of Section 5.4 on Reckless Endorsement Gathering, it seems that nations that are currently around 500 endorsements are not able to endotart any further to comply with the Endorsement guidelines. With your plans to increase WA endorsement count in mind, do you think this law as written should be kept? Or should it be changed? If so, what kind of changes would you like to make so that ordinary nations can continue to do their endotarting while ensuring that the regional security is not impacted?