Equilism Update, November 2023: Zombies and Governors Edition


Equilism Update, November 2023

King of The Realm: Westwind
Governorship: Westwind/Whamabama/Chaucerin
Successors: Westwind/Whamabama/Chaucerin/Naivetry
Delegate/Guardian: Isaris
Population: 220

The Equilism Update is brought to you by....

Westwind Telegraph Frontline News (WTF News), for 11 November 2023:

Z-Day:12 Zombie Wrap Up (Does that make a Zombie into a Mummy?)

The Equilism Cure Squad ramped into high gear early in the latest infectious outbreak across NationStates. That left the Squad with one concern. In order to continue producing more effective Cure Missiles, we needed more Zombies to experiment on.

Small Huts conducted field research experiments on Zombies to find the best optimization for researching better cure missiles, and then brought Zombies back into Equilism to reinfect our most prolific Squad members to improve their capabilities. The final report provided fresh insight on the best path to stronger cures.

Equilism has continued to cure Zombies without a quarantine. This allows us to help other region as they send nations for us to cure so they can then return to cure their own regions. The faster we can develop better cures, the better assistance we can provide to others.

Equilism Cure Squad members also moved to other regions to assist them. Successor Lady Naivetry of The Bureau of Zombie Apocalypse Management reports that we were able to help bring our friends in Warzone Europe to #40 for most survivors + no quarantine, Taijitu to #49 most survivors, and Liberty Alliance to #85 most survivors + no quarantine. Our assistance in Nasicournia was less successful.

Equilism Territorial regions The United Federation of Planets and The Watchtower also survived with no zombies, and at one point The Watchtower was neck and neck with 10000 Islands for survivors.

Equilism placed 1st/3rd/4th in Z-day 12 while setting a new regional population record:

-> Most Survivors + No Quarantine: 1st
-> Most Survivors: 3rd
-> Most Survivors + No Zombies: 4th

Yes, the rumours are true. King Westwind purposely attempted to help Equilism reach 4.20 Trillion Survivors, a new regional record. Delegate and Guardian Isaris said, "This is officially best Z-Day cuz we ended on 4.20."

Here are our total survivor numbers over the years:

Z1 - 1.29 trillion
Z2 - 1.27 trillion
Z3 - 651.10 billion
Z4 - 956 billion
Z5 - 2.24 trillion
Z6 - 2.15 trillion
Z7 - 3.02 trillion
Z8 - 2.71 trillion
Z9 - 2.11 trillion
Z10 - 1.97 trillion
Z11 - 3.60 trillion
Z12 - 4.20 trillion

Until Next Year, May Your Days Be Zombie Free!

The Town Hall Discusses...

King of the Realm Westwind presented The Founder/Governor Amendment Act of 2023 to the Equilism Town Hall for it's consideration and ratification.

The Act replaces the term "Founder" with the term "Governor" throughout The Equilism Township Charter in order to update the document to reflect the changes in game mechanics from the 'Frontiers' update of 2023. The Act was passed unanimously.

Some Embassies Close, Some Embassies Open

The King presented four Embassies to the Town Hall for it's input regarding their closure. As there were no objections, Embassies with Mindoorian Federation, United Britain and Nicholas Empire, Asylum, and The Universal Allegiance were closed due either to their populations falling below our current minimum, or long term inactivity. Equilism wishes them and their nations well.

Equilism also opened new ingame embassies with Holy Utopian Empire and Magna Aurea, and has enjoyed sharing our RMB with our new friends.

The Knights of The Crimson Order

The Crimson Order has provided two members of The College of Cardinals to assist Equilism with border control during the current heightened security status. Cardinals Wickedly Evil People and Regent Cardinal Elegarth are currently serving as Knights of The Crimson Order on Garrison in Equilism.

Equilism, a member of The Crimson Order, appreciates and welcomes their assistance. It is hoped that a policy of deterrence will prevent further incursions into Equilism, allowing our friends and allies to focus their resources on their objectives.

The Federation Sets Embassy Policy

The Federation Council of The United Federation of Planets has crafted and ratified it's NationStates Embassy Policy. Noting that the Federation "purposes to practice benevolent tolerance toward, foster justice and mutual respect for, and uphold the dignity and worth of all intelligent lifeforms," the Embassy policy can be reviewed here:


Star Trek: Equilism, Update

The ship came to a stop to rendezvous with a Starfleet courier ship, as Captain Rhodes had been called away from the USS Equilism. Vulcan Flight Control Officer Serok and Russian Chief Engineer Frost also arrived on the same courier ship, and have reported for duty to Acting Executive Officer Jarn as the ship approaches it's first set of coordinates.

As Counselor T'Char shapesifts into a Yeoman to go unnoticed down the ship corridors, Acting Captain Harrow addressed the crew, "We will overcome adversity; we will excel and we will go boldly."

For additional information, see the Star Trek Equilism Wiki, or contact Game Manager Tarlisea.
Or join us on the #holodeck on our Discord channel. (Yes, there is still an open position in the crew available if you're interested.)