[For Urgent Release] To War

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Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation
Please distribute this to your postings immediately.

Dispatch Version
[size=150][b]To War[/b][/size][/center]

To all North Pacificans,

[b]We are officially at war.[/b]

Our Regional Assembly has passed two motions recognizing that a state of war exists between The North Pacific and both the Communist Bloc (TCB) and the Brotherhood of Malice (BoM), and has also passed a separate motion exempting them, their territories or possessions, and regions which are operated by their members and contribute to their military or support their cause, from legal prohibitions on members of the North Pacific Army performing Class B restricted actions.

In the days following TCB and BoM’s invasion of our region on August 27th with their delegate tip and the subsequent release of former Acting Delegate Chipoli’s statement “Taking A Stand” on August 29th, the Brotherhood of Malice has continued to engage in further hostilities against our community and friends, most recently in their raids against multiple treaty allies, where they openly begged for a war despite their “Vampire King” vehemently claiming it was us that wanted one. If their insatiable desire for conflict has not been made clear enough through all of the baseless, self-serving narratives they spin and push wherever they can, insulting our region and its members, their actions over the last two months definitely have. While we deliberated over the best course of action in response to these provocations, it is now the mandate of the region to recognize and act on the fact that a state of war exists between ourselves and those regions, which I intend to carry through until the end.

In the wake of our participation in the ongoing operation in Solidarity, we have seen these same conflict-seeking enemies attempt to recast us as aggressors interested in waging a war based on political ideology, and one that The North Pacific does not subscribe to. We trust that the nations of the world recognize these desperate lies for what they are, but I want to state clearly that this is not at all a war of political ideology. We engage in this conflict not only for ourselves, but for our friends and allies who have had their sovereignty violated at the hands of the Communist Bloc and the Brotherhood of Malice. The operation in Solidarity also demonstrates as clearly as possible that we not only have significant backing from our allies, the defender sphere at large, and numerous independent militaries in our counteroffensive efforts, we also have the support of many regions who have similarly suffered as a result of the aggression of TCB and BoM. Those communities too, and their allies, are just as tired of the insults, threats, and rhetoric, and have decided that we have to take a stand much greater and more impactful than ever before. We will show the world, and in particular the two regions with which we now meet on the field of battle, that we will never be discouraged by the tactics they employ, we will never back down as a community because of their threats, and we will never let our allies suffer at their discretion without consequence.

Our region has faced countless challenges throughout our history and prevailed every single time - this will be no different. This is a direct call to arms for all North Pacificans, no matter what position you hold, to show that we are united in our efforts, prepared for any eventuality, and will fight until the end. Various dispatches will be released today to highlight avenues of participation for all residents of the North Pacific. But we also call on the citizens of the world to join us in standing up to these enemies of freedom and peace. To anyone who respects the efforts of our collective residents to build a vibrant and ever-improving interregional community, and believes that the work we’ve all put into it amounts to something and is worth preserving and protecting - join us in this fight.

To the Communist Bloc and the Brotherhood of Malice: you’ve been dreaming of this moment, caught up in your web of rhetoric, itching with anticipation for a war with the North, but it’s time to wake up and face the real consequences of your aggression. You cannot expect us to do nothing while you directly attack our region and our allies, and blatantly violate our sovereignty. You cannot expect to do these things and remain unscathed and unchallenged, nor can you hold the world ransom and expect it to let you have your way with it. We carry with us the undying flame of democracy, one that has fueled our independent spirit for two decades and united thousands of North Pacificans against adversity and against anyone who dares challenge our way of life. It is the bedrock of our community, inseparable from who we are. And that flame is not ours alone, but one that we have always sought to share with the world. Not only will we carry it with us in this war, but we will bring it to every nation who believes in the same values and principles that we hold dear, and is willing to fight for them. You are only now beginning to realize that this fight isn’t just with us, and it is not the same thing as slinging mud and taunting us in gameplay. You will face the judgment of the world and the hundreds of nations you have antagonized and victimized for over a year. It is not just The North Pacific who is taking a stand and fighting back today, and it will not solely be our victory when you are but a mere footnote in this game’s history.

Delegate of the North Pacific
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the North Pacific
Posted in The League & Concord (Forum + Discord), Declansburg (Forum + Discord) and Gay (Discord).

Did that a while ago but forgot to post here.
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