Treaty of the Northern Wells

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TNP Nation
Treaty of the Northern Wells

WHEREAS the regions of The North Pacific and The Wellspring, hereafter jointly referred to as "the signatories," are intrinsically linked by a community in common and a unique relationship forged by an accident of history; and
WHEREAS the signatories wish to preserve this relationship and history, and further deepen these ties in perpetuity;
THEREFORE, the signatories agree as follows:

Section I - Mutual Recognition

1. The signatories recognize one another as the sole, legitimate, and sovereign governments of their respective NationStates regions.

2. The signatories shall maintain in-game embassies (i.e., on the NationStates site) with one another as well as off-site embassies (i.e., on their regional forums) should both regions maintain an offsite forum.

3. The signatories acknowledge the sovereignty and ownership signatories hold over their own founded and established Frontiers or Strongholds, hereafter jointly referred to as “territories.”

Section II - Intelligence Sharing

1. The signatories shall provide information to their counterpart's head of government which is pertinent to the other region's security or well-being, unless the signatory in possession of such intelligence reasonably believes that doing so would violate applicable laws or contravene the terms of service for NationStates or said signatory's forum provider, or when revealing that information would unduly compromise that party's source(s) of information.

2. The signatories will keep confidential all intelligence provided to them under this Section, unless the other signatory consents to the release.

3. The signatories will not in any way, direct or indirect, initiate or participate in espionage, subterfuge, or other clandestine operations against one another. For this purpose, a "clandestine operation" is one or more persons acting under false pretenses in one signatory's home region or regional forum, without that signatory's knowledge, and at the direction of the other signatory.

Section III - Mutual Defense

1. The signatories agree not to engage in any military hostilities against one another. Participation by the signatories on opposite sides of a military engagement that does not constitute an attack on either signatory's home region shall not be considered "military hostilities against one another" for this purpose.

2. The signatories will not attempt to overthrow one another.

3. The signatories shall provide one another military assistance in case of a military attack, either internal or external, targeting the other signatory's home region or territories, to the best of their ability, and at the request of the other signatory.

Section IV - Cultural Endeavors

1. The signatories shall endeavor to conduct communal cultural activities to the benefit of members of both regions, such as an annual roleplay and cultural exchange.

2. Cultural and Culture-adjacent institutions from each signatory shall be encouraged to host events with one another, share experiences and knowledge, and work together whenever appropriate.

3. The signatories shall establish a joint date of celebration, to commemorate the capture of The Wellspring and the establishment of its community, to be known as Spring Day.

Section V - World Assembly Cooperation

1. The signatories shall support World Assembly resolutions proposed by members of the signatories through approvals for the purposes of advancing the proposals to queue and votes in favor on the assembly floor as soon as practicable, so long as:
a. the respective delegates of each signatory are asked in advance of the vote to provide such support, and given any accommodation for limitations in the respective delegates’ ability to approve or vote for the proposal; and
b. a majority of active World Assembly nations in the respective signatories' regions do not oppose the resolution while it is at vote.

2. Either signatory may apply the above provisions to any other proposed World Assembly resolution, and each signatory will endeavor to accommodate such a request, so long as:
a. such support would not conflict with the signatories’ diplomatic commitments to another region through agreement specific to the proposed resolution made prior to the signatories’ request or through existing treaties; and
b. such support would not conflict with the signatories’ internal process for determining its delegate’s vote in the World Assembly.

Section VI - Territory Option

1. If at any time the government of The Wellspring, following its appropriate sovereign and legal procedures, gives notice to The North Pacific to this effect, the signatories will recognize The Wellspring as a territory of The North Pacific. The government of The Wellspring will continue to be recognized as sovereign over The Wellspring while a territory of The North Pacific, and may give notice at any time to cease its status as a territory of The North Pacific.

2. While a territory of The North Pacific, The Wellspring will be subject to the same laws of The North Pacific applying to territories of The North Pacific, with the exception of any relevant provisions in this section of the treaty.

3. While a territory of The North Pacific, The Wellspring may choose its own Delegate, Vice Delegate, and regional officers, provided those individuals are citizens of The North Pacific; may assign and utilize its regional powers as it sees fit, provided the powers are utilized consistent with The North Pacific Constitution; and may establish, amend, or abolish its charter, provided it guarantees the same constitutional rights as The North Pacific Constitution; without requiring approval from the Delegate or the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific; and will not be mandated to cast its WA vote in accordance with The North Pacific’s WA vote.
4. While a territory of The North Pacific, The Wellspring may establish embassies and treaties with other regions, provided they are not in a state of war or diplomatic estrangement with The North Pacific.

Section VII - General Provisions and Dissolution

1. This treaty shall come into effect upon its ratification by the duly authorized individuals or bodies of both the signatories.

2. Either signatory shall endeavor to give a week's notice in the aforementioned embassies before withdrawing from this treaty.

3. Both signatories agree to make all reasonable efforts to seek a diplomatic solution before withdrawing.

Acting Delegate of The North Pacific

Delegate of The Wellspring
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