Opening Address - September 2023


Not involved in Iran-Contra
TNP Nation

Opening Address
September 2023


I am back as your Minister of Defence (with a "c"–I will fight you) once again. In spite of the valiant efforts of brave patriots, the deep state will still command the North Pacific Army. The forces of evil triumph again!

Recruitment will once again be a keystone of my administration this term. The new, full term will give us the opportunity to refine and redouble our recruitment efforts. Media will form an important part of our strategy. In short, we must be as visible as possible to TNPers. During the last term, we posted operation reports to dispatches and used RMB promotions, particularly through the gameside advocates, and all of that will continue. In addition to all of that, personal outreach, which is something I started in the previous term but failed to follow through on, will also be an important focus, and something I hope to use the High Command and officer corps for.

Training will be important to the NPA this term, as it always must be. I believe that a combination of written guides and learning-by-doing with a learned instructor is the most effective method we have for training our soldiers in new techniques. For the former–guides–the NPA manual is in severe need of updating. In particular, it needs to focus more on the "how-to" of operations, have its verbosity reduced, and be updated to reflect the realities of modern R/D. I will be assembling a team of knowledgeable military gameplay experts in the NPA to assist with this updating.

For the latter purpose (learning by doing), we will direct a more concentrated focus on training operations where they are needed. We are particularly deficient in the area of chasing, and this is an area where we will need to greatly improve training, working with our soldiers who already have chasing experience. In charge specifically of overseeing our training efforts, I appoint @Koopa103 as Deputy Minister of Defence. Please take your oath!

Another area we will be expanding this term is in the realm of honours and awards. This term, we will expand the amount of NPA honours that we have available to give out, be they ribbons, medals, ceremonial titles, or more. The possibilities here are endless, especially with our new top-secret army of infinite monkeys sitting at infinite typewriters. We will also look to expand and improve the Hall of Honour. The current plan is to create an actual "Hall" where people can see the accomplishments of our honoured soldiers, and to look into the depths of NPA history to nominate more people for the NPA's highest honour–we don't want @Malphe to get lonely! If anyone has any historical insights that they would like to contribute, or any people they feel are worthy of honoured soldier status, please send those suggestions to me.

To a great term,


Minister of Defence
I'm very happy you're staying on. You've been a helluva MoD. Good luck and remember to have fun!
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