Availability for Temporary Hearing Officer Status

Attempted Socialism

TNP Nation
Kim Philby#9330
Whenever a Justice is unavailable, the Court shall appoint a Temporary Hearing Officer (THO). This list contains people willing to serve, with relevant prior experience, and notes whether they are currently available to serve as THO. While the list is intended to give future Courts a shortlist for THO selection, being on this list is not and cannot be a requirement for consideration as THO.
Any citizen who wishes to be added to the list may post in this thread, including relevant experience. Likewise, any citizen currently on the list is invited to post with updates to their status that can impact their ability to serve, or request to be taken off the list. Any Justice may add or remove listed citizens for any reason, subject to any internal rules of deliberation the Court may have adopted.

NameCourt ExperienceAvailability
DreadtonJustice, Bar MemberYes
TlomzKranoBar Member, Hearing Officer, Court ExaminerNo (Court Examiner)
GorunduBar Member, ProsecutorYes
SanctariaJustice, Bar MemberYes
EluvatarJustice, Bar Member, ProsecutorYes
Lord DominatorJustice, Hearing Officer, ProsecutorYes
Attempted SocialismJusticeTBD
Simone RepublicHearing OfficerNo (Delegate)
Great Bights MumHearing Officer, ProsecutorYes
ComfedBar MemberYes
Sil DorsettJusticeNo (Deputy Speaker)
Just a LoreJusticeYes