Our Next Chapter


TNP Nation

Our Next Chapter

My fellow North Pacificans,

After a long few weeks of deciding whether or not The North Pacific should continue on the path it started in May with the same leader, you have decided to look towards someone else, leading to the resignation of our former delegate. The scenario which we have never seen anything like in our history, has happened twice in four months - just like earlier this year, it is too late to choose someone new before the regularly scheduled elections. It’s incredible how fast life moves sometimes. A year ago, I was a deputy in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and I was still very much learning the ropes of NationStates. I now have the responsibility of being your Delegate, and will have the honor of serving you all in this role for the rest of the term.

When I ran for Vice Delegate, Gorundu was still serving as our Acting Delegate, and some of you wondered if I would be able to handle being in that role if I had to. To be honest, I wondered the same thing. I’m aware that there might be some doubt about how I would do things during this period - after all, I was not chosen for this role. But I knew if I was chosen to be your Vice Delegate I would put everything I had into every part of that job, including serving as your Delegate if the time came. My priority will be what’s best for The North Pacific, not my own preferences. I will serve you to the best of my ability and do everything I can to keep our region on a good path forward. Because the truth is, this term hasn't been easy and things won’t get better immediately simply because our last Delegate is gone. Even before we work out how to get to September and reach some of the goals Gorundu originally had for the region, we have to reunite. Not everyone wanted to finish the month with someone else in charge who wasn’t chosen to lead them, and even the people who voted on the same sides of the recall did not agree on why they were voting that way.

I want us to be on the same page again. That starts with knowing why I am here and what I must do for the next month. I was not elected and I did not make a platform for you to sign up for, so I will look to spend this time finishing what Gorundu started. The plans you agreed to are the plans I will work to complete, which is why I asked @Fregerson to return as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Maybe we can’t achieve everything we want, especially with how much time has passed with the absence and the resignation of our former Delegate, but together we will work as hard as possible to get you some results. Whatever happens I promise that my government will keep the region informed. We will show you what we’re doing and we will be honest about what can and cannot happen. Oftentimes this term, our citizens have been left in the dark, and I will make sure that doesn’t happen again. You all deserve to know what TNP’s government is doing and how it is working for you, especially when things go wrong and we need help. I know that you want to understand what is happening and what everyone is doing, and I will make sure that you never have to ask those questions. I believe this will help all of us so we don’t lose our trust or respect for each other like what has been happening recently.

As your Delegate, the most important part of my job is to keep The North Pacific strong and on the right track. I know I still have a lot to learn, and I will need your help sometimes, but no Delegate can do it alone and to me, that’s what has been wrong this year. That’s why I am appointing @Pallaith and @Robespierre as my Advisors to the Delegate. Pallaith is a five time former delegate, has served as an advisor many times before, and is one of the best servants this region has ever seen. Robes is a former Delegate as well, and has also served as an Advisor to the Delegate in the past. But he also brings a lot of expertise as a member of the Speaker’s Office and a former NPA General, very important areas for us moving forward. Their experience and knowledge will help the region on its path. While Delegates cannot do their job alone, they also can’t leave others in government to work alone either. We have been going through a lot this year and we have to work together to make it through. The whole region has to work together, not just the members of the government. We have a lot of work to do and I know things won’t change overnight but while I am here, there will be better communication and teamwork. Now we can focus on all of the projects and things we have to do and I can’t wait to pick up where we left off. We will finish the month strong and ready for the next challenges in the next term. If you have any ideas or have questions or need some help, let me know and I and the rest of the cabinet will do what we can to help.

I appreciate all your support and your patience. We are in this together, and we will rediscover our greatness once more. Our community is solid and we all want to make it a better place. We have been challenged more than usual, but we always make it past those challenges and we will this time too. If you put your trust in me for the next month, I promise I won’t let you down. If TNP was a novel, right now is when we would finally start flipping past the last few crazy pages. This is the start of our next chapter, and I am excited to have the opportunity to lead us through it.

With hope,
Acting Delegate of The North Pacific
I was happy with the speech even with the few hits it took at me until you got to the part where you appointed Robespierre as an advisor. There is no worse choice for advisor as someone who:

1. Was widely agreed to have one of the worst terms as Delegate in recent memory (and I am aware of the irony of myself saying this)
2. Has been consistently spewing divisive rhetoric ever since his return to the region; and
3. Has tried to undermine the government's foreign policy decisions at almost every turn for the past few terms

I hope you seriously reconsider this choice.
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I was happy with the speech even with the few hits it took at me until you got to the part where you appointed Robespierre as an advisor. There is no worse choice for advisor as someone who:

1. Was widely agreed to have one of the worst terms as Delegate in recent memory (and I am aware of the irony of myself saying this)
2. Has been consistently spewing divisive rhetoric ever since his return to the region; and
3. Has tried to undermine the government's foreign policy decisions at almost every turn for the past few terms

I hope you seriously reconsider this choice.
First of all, I want to clarify that I had made this decision a couple of days ago.

Second, I am very aware of his past behavior. I believe people can change and I’m willing to give him a shot. He can become a valuable asset to the region if we can get the best out of him.

Let’s give him a chance first, please.
First of all, I want to clarify that I had made this decision a couple of days ago.
I'm not sure what that's supposed to say. His recent behaviour is very much in line with his past behaviour.
Second, I am very aware of his past behavior. I believe people can change and I’m willing to give him a shot. He can become a valuable asset to the region if we can get the best out of him.
This is the type of thing you say when you appoint a failed past Minister back to a Minister position because they've returned and done good work since then. That's not what advisors are abut. Advisors are there to be themselves and give their honest opinions to the Delegate. If you're asking him to change, then why not ask someone more suitable in the first place?
I'm not sure what that's supposed to say. His recent behaviour is very much in line with his past behaviour.

This is the type of thing you say when you appoint a failed past Minister back to a Minister position because they've returned and done good work since then. That's not what advisors are abut. Advisors are there to be themselves and give their honest opinions to the Delegate. If you're asking him to change, then why not ask someone more suitable in the first place?

In my view, giving people a chance means he can’t just do what he was doing before. I have seen other very opinionated players settle down and compose themselves when they join the government and Robes’ delegacy was an example of that. And of course, it is my choice whether to listen to his advice or not.
In my view, giving people a chance means he can’t just do what he was doing before. I have seen other very opinionated players settle down and compose themselves when they join the government and Robes’ delegacy was an example of that. And of course, it is my choice whether to listen to his advice or not.
That still doesn't explain why you didn't simply choose someone who is better suited to the role and doesn't need to be "given a chance". An exceedingly baffling choice for an Acting Delegate who is stepping into the role with relatively less experience compared to all of our recent Delegates.
That still doesn't explain why you didn't simply choose someone who is better suited to the role and doesn't need to be "given a chance". An exceedingly baffling choice for an Acting Delegate who is stepping into the role with relatively less experience compared to all of our recent Delegates.
l didn’t pick him to give him a chance. I was asking you to give him a chance in his new role.
l didn’t pick him to give him a chance. I was asking you to give him a chance in his new role.
You said yourself a few posts ago "giving people a chance means he can’t just do what he was doing before". And now you're saying you "didn't pick him to give him a chance", presumably because you think his past record justifies this appointment. To me, they can't both be true.

If you are, as you said in your speech, looking to "spend this time finishing what Gorundu started", then bringing on board the one person who has been consistently hostile to me through my whole term as an advisor is a choice I simply cannot comprehend.
Interesting advisor appointments, but nonetheless, best of luck in the role over the next few weeks.

Our Next Chapter

My fellow North Pacificans,

After a long few weeks of deciding whether or not The North Pacific should continue on the path it started in May with the same leader, you have decided to look towards someone else, leading to the resignation of our former delegate. The scenario which we have never seen anything like in our history, has happened twice in four months - just like earlier this year, it is too late to choose someone new before the regularly scheduled elections. It’s incredible how fast life moves sometimes. A year ago, I was a deputy in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and I was still very much learning the ropes of NationStates. I now have the responsibility of being your Delegate, and will have the honor of serving you all in this role for the rest of the term.

When I ran for Vice Delegate, Gorundu was still serving as our Acting Delegate, and some of you wondered if I would be able to handle being in that role if I had to. To be honest, I wondered the same thing. I’m aware that there might be some doubt about how I would do things during this period - after all, I was not chosen for this role. But I knew if I was chosen to be your Vice Delegate I would put everything I had into every part of that job, including serving as your Delegate if the time came. My priority will be what’s best for The North Pacific, not my own preferences. I will serve you to the best of my ability and do everything I can to keep our region on a good path forward. Because the truth is, this term hasn't been easy and things won’t get better immediately simply because our last Delegate is gone. Even before we work out how to get to September and reach some of the goals Gorundu originally had for the region, we have to reunite. Not everyone wanted to finish the month with someone else in charge who wasn’t chosen to lead them, and even the people who voted on the same sides of the recall did not agree on why they were voting that way.

I want us to be on the same page again. That starts with knowing why I am here and what I must do for the next month. I was not elected and I did not make a platform for you to sign up for, so I will look to spend this time finishing what Gorundu started. The plans you agreed to are the plans I will work to complete, which is why I asked @Fregerson to return as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Maybe we can’t achieve everything we want, especially with how much time has passed with the absence and the resignation of our former Delegate, but together we will work as hard as possible to get you some results. Whatever happens I promise that my government will keep the region informed. We will show you what we’re doing and we will be honest about what can and cannot happen. Oftentimes this term, our citizens have been left in the dark, and I will make sure that doesn’t happen again. You all deserve to know what TNP’s government is doing and how it is working for you, especially when things go wrong and we need help. I know that you want to understand what is happening and what everyone is doing, and I will make sure that you never have to ask those questions. I believe this will help all of us so we don’t lose our trust or respect for each other like what has been happening recently.

As your Delegate, the most important part of my job is to keep The North Pacific strong and on the right track. I know I still have a lot to learn, and I will need your help sometimes, but no Delegate can do it alone and to me, that’s what has been wrong this year. That’s why I am appointing @Pallaith and @Robespierre as my Advisors to the Delegate. Pallaith is a five time former delegate, has served as an advisor many times before, and is one of the best servants this region has ever seen. Robes is a former Delegate as well, and has also served as an Advisor to the Delegate in the past. But he also brings a lot of expertise as a member of the Speaker’s Office and a former NPA General, very important areas for us moving forward. Their experience and knowledge will help the region on its path. While Delegates cannot do their job alone, they also can’t leave others in government to work alone either. We have been going through a lot this year and we have to work together to make it through. The whole region has to work together, not just the members of the government. We have a lot of work to do and I know things won’t change overnight but while I am here, there will be better communication and teamwork. Now we can focus on all of the projects and things we have to do and I can’t wait to pick up where we left off. We will finish the month strong and ready for the next challenges in the next term. If you have any ideas or have questions or need some help, let me know and I and the rest of the cabinet will do what we can to help.

I appreciate all your support and your patience. We are in this together, and we will rediscover our greatness once more. Our community is solid and we all want to make it a better place. We have been challenged more than usual, but we always make it past those challenges and we will this time too. If you put your trust in me for the next month, I promise I won’t let you down. If TNP was a novel, right now is when we would finally start flipping past the last few crazy pages. This is the start of our next chapter, and I am excited to have the opportunity to lead us through it.

With hope,
Acting Delegate of The North Pacific

Our Next Chapter

My fellow North Pacificans,

After a long few weeks of deciding whether or not The North Pacific should continue on the path it started in May with the same leader, you have decided to look towards someone else, leading to the resignation of our former delegate. The scenario which we have never seen anything like in our history, has happened twice in four months - just like earlier this year, it is too late to choose someone new before the regularly scheduled elections. It’s incredible how fast life moves sometimes. A year ago, I was a deputy in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and I was still very much learning the ropes of NationStates. I now have the responsibility of being your Delegate, and will have the honor of serving you all in this role for the rest of the term.

When I ran for Vice Delegate, Gorundu was still serving as our Acting Delegate, and some of you wondered if I would be able to handle being in that role if I had to. To be honest, I wondered the same thing. I’m aware that there might be some doubt about how I would do things during this period - after all, I was not chosen for this role. But I knew if I was chosen to be your Vice Delegate I would put everything I had into every part of that job, including serving as your Delegate if the time came. My priority will be what’s best for The North Pacific, not my own preferences. I will serve you to the best of my ability and do everything I can to keep our region on a good path forward. Because the truth is, this term hasn't been easy and things won’t get better immediately simply because our last Delegate is gone. Even before we work out how to get to September and reach some of the goals Gorundu originally had for the region, we have to reunite. Not everyone wanted to finish the month with someone else in charge who wasn’t chosen to lead them, and even the people who voted on the same sides of the recall did not agree on why they were voting that way.

I want us to be on the same page again. That starts with knowing why I am here and what I must do for the next month. I was not elected and I did not make a platform for you to sign up for, so I will look to spend this time finishing what Gorundu started. The plans you agreed to are the plans I will work to complete, which is why I asked @Fregerson to return as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Maybe we can’t achieve everything we want, especially with how much time has passed with the absence and the resignation of our former Delegate, but together we will work as hard as possible to get you some results. Whatever happens I promise that my government will keep the region informed. We will show you what we’re doing and we will be honest about what can and cannot happen. Oftentimes this term, our citizens have been left in the dark, and I will make sure that doesn’t happen again. You all deserve to know what TNP’s government is doing and how it is working for you, especially when things go wrong and we need help. I know that you want to understand what is happening and what everyone is doing, and I will make sure that you never have to ask those questions. I believe this will help all of us so we don’t lose our trust or respect for each other like what has been happening recently.

As your Delegate, the most important part of my job is to keep The North Pacific strong and on the right track. I know I still have a lot to learn, and I will need your help sometimes, but no Delegate can do it alone and to me, that’s what has been wrong this year. That’s why I am appointing @Pallaith and @Robespierre as my Advisors to the Delegate. Pallaith is a five time former delegate, has served as an advisor many times before, and is one of the best servants this region has ever seen. Robes is a former Delegate as well, and has also served as an Advisor to the Delegate in the past. But he also brings a lot of expertise as a member of the Speaker’s Office and a former NPA General, very important areas for us moving forward. Their experience and knowledge will help the region on its path. While Delegates cannot do their job alone, they also can’t leave others in government to work alone either. We have been going through a lot this year and we have to work together to make it through. The whole region has to work together, not just the members of the government. We have a lot of work to do and I know things won’t change overnight but while I am here, there will be better communication and teamwork. Now we can focus on all of the projects and things we have to do and I can’t wait to pick up where we left off. We will finish the month strong and ready for the next challenges in the next term. If you have any ideas or have questions or need some help, let me know and I and the rest of the cabinet will do what we can to help.

I appreciate all your support and your patience. We are in this together, and we will rediscover our greatness once more. Our community is solid and we all want to make it a better place. We have been challenged more than usual, but we always make it past those challenges and we will this time too. If you put your trust in me for the next month, I promise I won’t let you down. If TNP was a novel, right now is when we would finally start flipping past the last few crazy pages. This is the start of our next chapter, and I am excited to have the opportunity to lead us through it.

With hope,
Acting Delegate of The North Pacific
Good luck our new delegate!