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- noclaf84kaijufan
NOTE: This is a thread for Worldbuilding and Lore building only. No Forum RP posts here. likes for the posts are allowed but no comments here. This is also in a big WIP, so I apologize for how it looks as of right now :/

Table of Contents:

The Islands of Naipra is a diverse Kingdom, at the South-east point of the Continent. With Anor and Marches of Veren being the neighbouring kingdoms. Consisting of many diffrent tribes and people that have united as one. These were the Atlans, Iwi, Shojibin and the Kujiran. This Realm is the home of Monsters....Some are Guardians of the people and Islands, while other seek to challenge The ones at the top. Its not best to travel alone, but if so then you must be ready to protect your life and others that are with you. The Islands consist of Great Cities, Fortresses and towns. All with defences to protect themselves from hostile monsters. Some even help these groups of people in isolated areas.
It is currently the Third Age, with Chieftain King Nixon Fulton I ruling the Islands. One of the many members of the House of Kujira. He focused on changing peoples beliefs on Monsters, that not all are bad. They only seem to because we hate them. He also has been focusing on helping other groups that are isolated, giving them a shed of light. As of this age the diffrent Groups are Divided, Nixon seeks to unite and have peace with the other groups. The Kujirans (the one he's a part of) and the Shojibin are continuously fighting against their opinions. Nixon is on his quest to unite and bring peace before the islands become divided.

Flag of Naipra, created near the end of the Second age:
Motto: "Hale be Thou, Ophinojira and Raijinira. Last of the Great drakes."

The Kingdom consists of 2 large islands, Falion (West) and Halion (East). They are both connected by a large long Bridge created after the War of the Titans. Both Islands Have Volcano's at the center of each island. On Mount Milano on Halion is the Great Fire bird (considered as a drake) as Radon, who is currently in a great deep slumber. The Island of Falion consists of Badlands, forests, flat lands and Mountains. For Halion has Swamps, Wetlands and Mountains.
In Halion the main groups of people are the Iwi, who worship and have a guardian named Honguir. They can usually be found in the Wetland areas of Halion, these people do not speak and they judge by peoples deeds. Make sure to make a sign that you bring no harm, they shall open the large walls filled with multiple defences. To protect their camps or bases from Monsters. The other group of people are known as the Atlans, people who live in the coastal areas of the Island. They are great Sea people and fisherman, as they construct ships for the Naipra navy.

This is what the Walls of Iwi camps look like. This is not one of the "Great walls" however.
On the other side of the island are groups that are more 'organized'. The 2 main groups in Falion are the Shojibin and Kujiran. The Shojibin are people who make large caves as their temples. They have the most beautiful and well made temples than the rest, as their people are small but wise and reliable. They speak their messages through singing when hope seems impossible. Then we have the Oldest of all of Naipra. The Kujirans, Great sea nomads and ones who build the Largest cities. They also are the ones that speak to The Great Leviathans of the Second age. The only ones we know left.
A map of all the Communes of Naipra.

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