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Commend Northrop-Grumman
Category: Commendation | Target: Northrop-Grumman
Proposed by: Westinor, Co-authored by: Magecastle Embassy Building A5 | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Article 1: Introducing Northrop-Grumman
The story of Northrop-Grumman is one of unparalleled persistence and tenacity in the face of adversity. The legends and endeavors of its people have carved an enduring mark into the faces of their home planets and the halls of history.
Originally a corporate entity founded in the city of Hawthorne in the United States, Northrop-Grumman would go on to declare independence from its home nation in 2003, and eventually sought to branch out into the final frontier. Their ships would journey to neighboring worlds — the red planet of Mars, populated by Grummians living in the shining towers and blue waters of cityship Valacirca, and the sunburnt planet of Mercury, home of the research colony-turned hardy home of New Sonne.
Northrop-Grumman eventually took to the stars, their fledgling interstellar empire spanning a few host worlds and several species. The Grummians have since welcomed refugees of disasters from several nations, most notably several species of elves, many of whom now run the nation as detailed in the astonishingly precise and exhaustive records of the O’Neill family.
Article 2: A Tale for the Ages
Within the archives of Northrop-Grumman are the stories of the O’Neill family, which includes incredibly detailed relationships and interpersonal conflicts between the O’Neills and those around them as they face the growing challenges of leadership and adversity at the head of numerous misadventures and tragedies. These unbelievably nuanced records are organized into a few simplified dossiers below.
Jack O’Neill is the former chairman of Northrop-Grumman, having led it through countless conflicts and endeavors in the Grummian space age. He would come to serve as an empathetic and determined leader, and married the elf now known as Siri O’Neill. The couple adopted the drow elf Alakantar O’Neill, and Jack would peacefully pass away at the old age of 109, his death mourned and respectfully recognized across the galaxy as the melancholy passing of a titan in his own right.
Siri O’Neill is the serving chairwoman of Northrop-Grumman, an elf that has suffered immense tragedy throughout her life at the hands of her family’s enemies. Siri carved herself into a battleworn warrior and obdurate leader across the centuries, relentlessly pursuing and hunting down her enemies. However, as she steps into the chairwoman role, she has learned that she can not have everything her way — and in the face of certain hardships, retribution is not a worthwhile or possible option. From the passing of her beloved husband to her relationship with her own estranged son and his fiancee, Siri O’Neill has learned to balance her ice-cold efficacy with understanding and grace, quietly but assuredly molding herself into a leader of our time.
Alakantar O’Neill is the governor of Northrop-Grumman’s Martian colony, a compassionate yet conflicted young drow elf. He has grown into his position as a leader, but his place as one of the last of his species and the adopted son of Siri O’Neill among other things has left him with no shortage of challenges and tragedies — he has faced off against, dueled, and slain the heir to the Roanian throne, Calavyr, and most recently endured the loss of his beloved fiancee Arielle in a terrorist attack on Valacirca that dismembered Alakantar himself, the aftermath of which saw the incredible mobilization of a search and rescue effort from friends and rivals alike. Even as he falls every time, Alakantar’s ability to overcome incredible pain and continued growth despite this serves as a beacon of hope to all who struggle.
These excerpts offer but a glimpse into the stories of a cast that have worked to create a nation of repute. In a heart wrenching and moving tale of the country’s most well-known individuals, Northrop-Grumman’s stories serve as an ode to the beauty and complexity of the sentient spirit, faltering yet growing still with each step they take into the pits of hell.
Article 3: The Lists Go On
Northrop-Grumman has worked to establish and maintain comprehensive lists of national capitals and leaders in their trademark love for labyrinthine, herculean efforts. These lists cover hundreds upon hundreds of nations, maintained regularly and tirelessly for nearly a decade and a half. Naturally, such dedication has inspired other works, including a similar compilation of national sports, and has served both as a mainstay resource across galaxies as well as a monument to what we can build if we try.
Article 4: The Presentation of Commendation
In the shadow of the countless marvels gracing our world many oft go unseen. With this commendation this council hopes to illuminate one nation for who they truly are, a diamond in the rough waves of time.
Hoping that this may serve as an ode to the pioneers as they journey into the black and an attestation to the wonders one can create through blazing sun and starry night,
The Security Council hereby Commends Northrop-Grumman.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
8 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
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