Justosia World Building


Your Favorite Gay Republican
(ooc note: One stop shop for all things Justosian here. Constructive criticisms always appreciated.)

National Standard

National Coat of Arms

Official name:
The Kingdom of Justosia



Official Language:


120 p/km2

652,608 square kilometers

§2 trillion

GDP per capita:

Economic type:
Capitalist. Modest social safety net. At times has dabbled in State Capitalism.

"God. King. Country."


Justo §

Internet ID:

National Anthem:
Onward Justosia!

A. Officially a Constitutional Monarchy. Also known unofficially as a 'Monarchist Republic'. Justosia has the organs of a republic. However the Divine Right of House Francisco as the sovereigns & founders of the kingdom is very much part of the national fabric.

B. Seat of Government:
Milenio Palace. Currently the throne is unoccupied due to the recent abdication of Her Royal Majesty Annabella Sofia Francisco I. The kingdom's first ruling female sovereign.

C. Major Political Parties:
Nationalist Center Right Alliance (NCRA)
Unofficial nickname: The King's Party
51.6% of populace registered as.

National Social Democratic Unión (NSDU)
Unofficial nickname: The Reds
45.4% of populace registered as (rest registered Independent or 3rd parties).

D. The Office of the Prime Minister:
His Excellency Prime Minister Enrique Suarez (NCRA). PM elections are held every 5 years barring extenuating circumstances. The NSDU hasn't held the PM's office since 1980. The PM's office is located in the royal palace. NCRA PMs have their offices in the right wing of the palace of course. NSDU PMs, the left. This was initially done as a sign of fealty. There are no term limits for Justosian PMs. The senate passed the law abolishing term limits for PMs in 1940. The chief reasoning being that the will of the people, is the will of the people. Period. Suarez has occupied the office since 2010

E. Senate:
Current Senate:
Independent 1 (Usually conferences with the NSDU.)

Senate Speaker Marco Torres (NCRA-Avalon)
Senate Minority Speaker Manuel Albarra (NSDU-Avalon)

Justosia is comprised of 50 electoral districts. Two senators elected from each. Senate elections are held every 5 years barring extenuating circumstances. The NCRA holds 39 districts, the NSDU, 11. Districts are headed by governors. Currently each district has the same party governor.

Major Religions:
Messianism: (Obvious what it really is.)
The state religion. Headed by the sovereign. 77.7% of populace identifies as.

The Ancients: (Should be rather obvious what this one really is too.) 10.4% of populace identifies as.

Rest of populace is either Agnostic, Atheist, or belonging to lesser known faiths.
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(ooc note: Sorry. Couldn't figure out how to get the white bubbles to disappear.)


Major Cities:

Population: 8,263,846

Population: 6,163,252

Population: 4,848,948

Population: 3,832,987

Population: 1,788,943

Population: 1,644,232

Population: 1,000,363

Population: 600,635

Population: 400,847
History General Overview

(ooc note: If any vets here would like to play parent nation to Justosia, that'd be cool. Then I'll revise this of course. If not, I'll just leave it relatively vague. As in "discovered & colonized on certain date", blah blah. Not gonna break my back with a tedious origin story that would be missing the proper pieces anyway.)

Justosia was discovered on February 2, 1610. There are constant claims from prominent SDU talking heads, senators, etc, that there was a native population. That they were in fact conquered, displaced, or worse. There remains no proof to this as all records dating back to that part of the founding were destroyed in a Royal Hall of Records fire on August 21, 1610. The palace, & NCRA top brass, vehemently deny these allegations to this day. Justosia's first King, Ferdinand Francisco I, Father de Justosia, discovered & founded the kingdom. None, at first, dared challenge his claim to the new throne.

The freshly minted Francisco Dynasty immediately moved to establish Justosian Messianism as the official state religion. Furthermore, their Divine Right as undisputed sovereigns as a central tenet. The king is supreme head of the church. Formation of infrastructure & a standing army began immediately. The capital was officially christened as Avalon on January 1, 1611. The new army fanned out to establish more settlements from there.
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Character Profiles
HRH Crown Prince Carlos Luis Francisco III



Party Affiliation:
OFFICIALLY.....all members of the Royal Family are supposed to be non partisan & Independent. This is strictly for show. Every member of the Francisco Dynasty has been a Nationalist since its inception.

Bisexual. Closeted.

Crown Prince. Currently awaiting coronation. Air Force Pilot. Captain of the kingdom's top fighter squadron.

Royal Air Force

Fleet General Vincent Rodrigo
Assorted Air Corps Generals
Defense Ministry

850 multirole combat, support, transport, etc, aircraft

40,000 personnel not counting reserves.

(ooc note: I will elaborate further on the types of aircraft if it becomes necessary. I'm just setting up the bones right now. Rping development of a 5th gen fighter. )
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Royal Army

Grand General Frederico Fox
Assorted Brigadier Generals
Defense Ministry

Peacetime troop #:
750,000-850,000 troops including reserves & Civil Guard. This is a max total wartime footing #.

1st Rapid Reaction Force
40,000 troops. HQ Avalon
Comprised of 3 GI regiments & a heavy artillery regiment.

1st Division:
10,000 troops. HQ Avalon
Comprised of an artillery regiment, engineering regiment, & GI regiment.

(ooc note: You get the idea. Will go into further detail if need ever be. To do more is asinine right now.)


Artillery Corps:
20 Regiments
220 batteries
5 squadrons
51 companies
25 platoons
1050 guns

605 Armored Command & Infantry fighting vehicles
20 heavier versions of both

1,600 EWVs (electronics warfare vehicles), armored self propelled anti tank systems, armored self propelled 120mm mortar vehicles, armored recon vehicles, armored med evacuation vehicles.
300 armored combat engineering vehicles.

(reserved for edits)
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Royal Marines

Fleet Admiral Jorge Carvalho
Defense Ministry

# 15,000 not counting reserves

The Royal Marines share tanks, artillery, infantry fighting & medical vehicles, etc, with the Royal Army. This was meant as a cost saving measure. This in addition to the Defense Ministry axing the Marines former fleet of fighter jets.
General Government Overview
Government makeup
'Checks & Balances'

Justosia is officially a Constitutional Monarchy. The Constitutional, is quite flexible.

"Those weak and incompetent enough to abdicate their thrones, their duties before God. His stewards on Eras. Be it through voluntary, revolutionary, peaceful, or forceful means. They deserved their hellish fate. Our belief in our Divine Right here is absolute. Such a fate will not befall this House."

King Marco Francisco I, 1850

After watching the gruesome fates of some foreign royal houses, House Francisco decided to end the Absolute Monarchy of Justosia. King Marco I signed his final edicts as an absolute monarch establishing an office of prime minister, a national senate, & capital, or national supreme court. The first senate, headquartered of course, in Avalon, divided the kingdom into 50 electoral districts from the old system. District Governors & assemblies would have legit power to decide matters within those borders, under Avalon's & the crown's watchful eye of course.

This new constitutional, republican system would effectively shield the crown from the type of national angst that starts anti monarchial revolutions. Pawning it off on its elected shields. On the surface, it looked like their House would become a purely ceremonial one.

- The first national PM election saw the seating of the first, nationalist, PM, Miguel Barros. It was a 61%/39% landslide.

- The first national election saw a 60 seat National Conservative Alliance (NCRA's predecessor) super majority.

- A pillar of the new Justosian Constitution of 1851 was that the crown was not allowed to author, submit, or even advise on new bills to be submitted for senate debate to become law. Getting around this was easy. The kings from Marco I on simply asked their close personal friends, nationalist pms, to submit on their behalf. No one ever had any proof it wasn't the PM's work.

- More often than not, the pm's office & nationalist senate majorities were covert rubber stamps for the crown.

(Reserved for retconns)
Military General/Miscellaneous


Talon II Fighter Bomber

Backbone of the Royal Air Force for over 30 years now. Supersonic multirole fighter. Its armaments are often a mix of medium to long range mounted heat seeking anti aircraft & anti ground target missles.

(more detail avaliable upon relevant request)

Vengador Main Assault Automatic Rifle

Mainstay of the Royal Army, Navy, & Air Force. Excluding SOF (Special Operations Forces)

National Geopolitics


(ooc note: The blue line denotes the unofficial boundary separating rightist northern Justosia, from the leftist south. I tried but drawing out 100 electoral districts with my finger is simply impossible on my phone. Sorry. Use your imaginations. As long as that spatial math adds up.)

The ruling NCRA party currently has the governorship in 39 districts. The minority SDU in 11. Population density is of course higher in the north, however its districts tend to be smaller. Furthering contributing to the aforementioned. Ceretia is known unofficially as the SDU capital. While the capital, is known unofficially as the NCRA capital. Although the SDU has made inroads in the median & lower income parts of Avalon in recent years.
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Royal Line of Succession
*denotes significance

*King Ferdinand Francisco I, 1610-1641
Founder, Father de Justosia.

*King Ferdinand Francisco II, 1641-1652
Heart attack.

King Ferdinand Francisco III, 1652-1680

King Ferdinand Francisco IV, 1680-1713

King Ferdinand Francisco V, 1713-1749

King Alphonso Francisco I, 1749-1785

King Alphonso Francisco II, 1785-1826

*King Marco Francisco I, 1826-1877
Justosia's longest reigning monarch. Crushed a small scale Democratic Socialist rebellion in 1849 (will elaborate on soon). Last Absolute Monarch. First Constitutional Monarch from 1850 until the end of his reign. Savior de Justosia.

King Marco Francisco II, 1877-1919

King Marco Francisco III, 1919-1964

*King Carlos Francisco I, 1964-1999

*King Carlos Francisco II, 1999-2021
Lung & Liver Cancer. Overhauled/modernized the national infrastructure & military with a huge State Capitalism & tax program.

*Queen Annabella Francisco I, 2021-2023
Justosia's first ruling female monarch. Widow of Carlos II. First to abdicate. Found herself unable to order the military to combat due to her pioty.

*King Carlos Francisco III 2023-
Bisexual (closeted).
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The Red Rebellion

Royal Army/Guard
Royal Navy

Red Militia
Local Police


Total Casualties:

2 weeks (May 2-May 16, 1849)

In 1849 the mayor of Soguna, a small town of 20,000 20 miles west of Vermeillia, carved out his infamous place in Justosian history. On May 2, 1849, Tomas Castro renounced his loyalty to the crown, declared himself a Socialist, & Soguna "The foundation of a Socialist state."

He had earned the loyalty of most of the local police & local garrison. He quickly put together a militia of roughly 1,500 new converted men to his cause & began marching for Vermeillia. Hoping to increase his ranks along the way. Local police were unable to stop his eventual force of 1,600 en route. Around dawn 2 days later, they had reached the outskirts of Vermeillia. Having killed any police, Royal Army soldiers spotted along the way, & anyone else who tried to stop them. Looting & pillaging smaller towns along the way as well. They also burned & defaced any national & Royal Standards they found. The mayor of Vermeillia, Tobias Rivera, though partially sympathetic to Castro's cause, knew King Marco Francisco I through the Royal Army Officer Academy. Marco was devout in his Messianism, but just as much in his Royal Oath. He refused to cross him. Though lacking sufficient man power, they attempted to lay seige to the port city. This was their first mistake. For in this duration, word was able to reach Avalon & the palace about the treasonous events unfolding.

Immediately his banners were raised. HRM & his force of 5,000 Royal Guard, artillery cannons & calvary in toe, made haste for Vermeillia. Royal word was also sent to the Royal Navy fleet. Which had just christened its first steel, steam powered, battle & flagship, HMS Marco Francisco I. Worse still for Castro, that fleet was near Vermeillia's coastal vicinity. For 3 days the reds laid seige to Vermeillia with little gained. At dawn on May 8th the Royal Standards & banners appeared on the hilltops noth of the city limits. Marco I took command personally. Not moving on the city too quickly to cement proper logistics. He ordered his cannons brought up immediately. At that same time, Royal Navy Task Force Uno entered Vermeillian waters after waiting on the outskirts. Castro had no military training & little artillery. He was blocked from the north, & of course from the sea to the east. Before engaging, Marco ordered his regiment broken up into 3 smaller batallions. 1,500 each. The latter 2 blocked the main roads west & south from the city.

At 8:00 AM a fusillade of cannon atop the hills opened up. Coinciding with bombardment from the sea. HMS Marco Francisco I led the naval assault. It nearly ran aground with Captain Jose Carvalho getting his gunners the best sights possible. The results were devastating.


Castro's men had prior to this convinced some municipal guards of the city's west gate to open them. Upon learning this, HRM ordered Carvalho not to hold back. About half of Vermeillia was leveled. Killing 1,388 Red Militia & 606 Vermeillians. As the seige was abandoned & Castro's men fled west & south, the message was clear. Do not challenge the crown. Do not challenge House Francisco. Do not challenge Avalon. Do not challenge the state. The king personally led the cavalry charge, against the pleas of his commanders, after the bombardment in the first mop up operation. Castro was captured & arrested. 212 Red Militia escaped west & south. They were blocked, hunted down, & slaughtered. No prisoners were taken besides Castro himself. In total, 52 Royal Guard were killed.

On May 16th, in front of his own city hall, Tomas Castro was publicly castrated, then hung. Soguna was then raised via fire after being evacuated. The friends & family of every Red Militia member were questioned, most were pardoned. Vermeillia was known as The City of Traitors for a decade. Until nearly everyone left of center moved out. Further south they went. Vermeillia became a nationalist stronghold from then on. The name Tomas also virtually died out on the mainland & archipelago.
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List of Government Ministers

His Excelencia Prime Minister Enrique Suarez (NCRA).

Defense Minister Miguel Ramos (NCRA).
*Aerospace Vice Minister Henrico Llano.

National Security Minister Dante Santana (NCRA).

Interior Minister Felipe Calderon (NCRA).
*The Interior Ministry is by far the largest. It houses the ministries of environment, energy, immigration, agriculture, transportation, & firearms. They're known as Vice Ministers respectively.

Foreign Minister Sergio Montoya (NCRA).

Finance Minister Jorge Alvarez (NCRA).
*Commerce Vice Minister Ricardo Fox.
*Treasury Vice Minister Gutierrez.

(ooc: All Vice Ministers are NCRA. Will update if I forgot any).
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Character Profiles
(ooc note: Retcon as no pics since they'll just get yanked anyway probably annnnd deeper bios for more frequent, main characters. Will edit in future).
King Carlos Luis Francisco III

: M
Age: 28
Nationality: Justosian.
Religion: Justosian mainline state Messianism.
Occupation: Head of State. Former fighter pilot, squadron captain.
Titles: His Royal Majesty. His Archipiélagic Majesty.
Sexuality: Bisexual (closeted).
Relationship status: Complicated. On again off again male lover.
Politics: Registered nationalist. Center right on the political/ideological scale. Although he personally finds Communism & Socialism "gross and silly", Carlos III is quite moderate compared to his last 3 predecessors.
Net worth: §111,000,000.00 (really family net worth)

Economic Left/Right: 1.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.50

Personality: Impatient, entitled, arrogant. What one might expect of a young, right leaning, new monarch. Wears his heart on his sleeve compared to his father & grandfather.

General bio: Reigning Justosian Constitutional-ish monarch. Above all else, even possibly his religion, he loves to fly. Avid aviator. Other loves are hunting & reading. He has been known to like to drink & even smoke Marijuana. Which remains somewhat taboo in the nationalist majority of society. The fate & very possibly end of House Francisco rests with him.

Queen Mother Annabella Sofia Francisco I

: F
Age: 57
Nationality: Justosian.
Religion: Orthodox Justosian Messianism
Occupation: Lecturer. Activist. Former Head of State.
Titles: Her Royal Majesty. Her Archipiélagic Majesty.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Relationship status: Widow of Carlos Luis Francisco II.
Politics: Registered, & ardent registered nationalist. Solid rightist.

Economic Left/Right: 1.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian:

Personalty: Devout. Patient. Loving. Doting. Has a temper she suppresses to the best of her ability. Traditionalist.

General bio: Mother of the current king. Still grieving widow of the last. Though her reign lasted only 2 years, her mark on Justosian history is quite etched through her devotion to social welfare, literacy for underprivileged girls, & pioty. She laments the changes she already sees her only son bringing. Especially to the church. Secretly wished for a daughter. No regrets about being the first Justosian sovereign to abdicate. Her faith is everything to her & she couldn't bring herself to order Justosian blood spilled on foreign or domestic lands. Fearful for her house's future.

Prime Minister Enrique Suarez

: 50
Nationality: Justosian.
Religion: Orthodox Justosian Messianism.
Occupation: Prime Minister. Party leader.
Title: His Excellency
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Relationship status: Married.
Politics: Registered & highest ranking nationalist in the lands. Leader of the majority Nationalist Center Right Alliance Party.
Net worth: §9,000,000.00

Economic Left/Right: 2.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian:
- 0.00

Personality/bio: Ardent nationalist. Firm believer in the Divine Right of his ruling house. Fiercely loyal royalist. Enrique is a loving husband & father of 2. He enjoys his gun collection, red wine, & reading classical domestic & foreign authors. He has been the highest elected official in the lands since 2010 when he became the youngest Justosian PM in history at 37. He's grown rather accustomed to power. He intends to serve as long as he is physically & mentally able. He is also an admirer of the late Carlos II.

Luis Santiago

Age: 25
Nationality: Justosian
Religion: Closet Atheist/Agnostic
Occupation: Royal Air Force fighter pilot. Recently promoted by king to captain of the nation's ace squadron. The Arcángels.
Title: Captain, Royal Air Force
Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted).
Relationship status: King's current lover.
Politics: Moderate/centrist registered Independent.
Net worth: §75,000.00

Economic Left/Right: 0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian:
- 0.25

Personality/bio: Laid back. Promiscuous. Explains his current situation. Recently promoted to Captain of the Arcangels Fighter Squadron. Private. Comes from a middle class, commoner family.
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Republican Line of Succession
*denotes significance

-Justosian PMs have never had term limits.

-The Office of PM was originally the Office of the Chancellor 1850-1926.

-The NCU was the NCRA's predecessor.

- Cycles with third party, %s are last.

- Note the increasing liberal trend with time barring the aberrations.

(ooc note: In 1943 the NCU became the NCRA. Two years later the National Liberal Coalition became the NSDU. If I called its predecessor something else earlier, will retcon. Also I won't be showing the Margin of Victory for every election cycle which is 5 years. That's just doing too much. Should be obvious who won.)

*Chancellor Pedro Alvaro 1850-1865
Party: NCU (National Conservative Union)
First elected Chancellor.
Margin of victory 81%-14%-5%.

Formally the Captain of the Royal Guard Cavalry that accompanied King Marco I into the final battle of the Red Rebellion. Died of a stroke. Nationalist, but center right. Rational, kind. Set a high bar as first Chancellor. Most popular highest elected official in archipiélagic history.

Chancellor Phillip Echiverra 1865-1890
Party: NCU
MoV: 67%30%-3%

Chancellor Sergio Martinez 1890-1905
Party: NCU
MoV: 61%-35%-4%

Chancellor Manuel Ortega 1905-1925
Party: NCU
MoV: 65%-29%-6%

*Prime Minister Ricardo Reyes 1925-1950
Party: NCRA
MoV: 58%-40%-2%

First Prime Minister. First NCRA PM.

*Prime Minister Hermin Franco 1950-1955
Party: NSDU
MoV: 48.3%-47%-4.7%

First SDU PM in Justosian history. Won due to a popular rightist third party candidate siphoning votes from the NCRA candidate. This would be the last election in archipiélagic history where third party candidates mattered or got enough votes to even register. Aware of historical significance, Franco charted a relatively moderate, center left course. It didn't matter. He was promptly thrown out next election.

*Prime Minister Henrico Rodriguez 1955-1965
Party: NCRA
MoV: 56%-44%

Only NCRA PM in history to bear the shame of losing outright to an SDU candidate.

*Prime Minister Elian Gomez 1965-1969
Party: NSDU
MoV: 50.9%-49.1%

Won mainly because the opposing NCRA candidate had domestic violence allegations leveled against him 2 weeks before the election. In 1969 he was outed as a closet Socialist. There was a massive public outcry, protests. A senate investigation was immediately launched at King Carlos Francisco I's request. The law making it illegal to be a Socialist or Communist hadn't been repealed yet. Gomez was found guilty in a unanimous 9-0 Capital Court decision. He was immediately removed from office & barred from holding such ever again. He avoided jail time via Royal Pardon on the condition he self exile, permanently. Three years later, confident the Red Menace had been defeated in the archipelago for good, King Carlos I asked the senate to repeal the aforementioned law as he personally thought it a tad reactionary. Though there were considerable nationalist nays, it passed 51-49. A special election was then called. The SDU hasn't held the PM's chair since.

*Prime Minister Fernando Barrias 1969-1985
Party: NCRA
MoV: 62%-38%

Had the highest win % in almost half a century due to the scandal of last PM.

Prime Minister Eduardo Ortiz 1985-2010
Party: NCRA
MoV: 55%-45%

*Prime Minister Enrique Suarez 2010-present
Party: NCRA
MoV: 53%-47%

Youngest PM elected at 40. Plans to seek reelection to a fourth term.
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The Royal Oath
"I understand that there is no higher calling for a child of God than to be the father, protector, worldly steward, healer, Supreme Bishop, king of a nation. No matter how big or small. I swear upon the sacred texts of our national faith to uphold the truths and values preserved by my father and forefathers who occupied the Throne of Eagles. I swear above all else to defend every inch of the archipiélago with my sacred blood and if need be, my Divinely Righted life. I promise this before God, the national church, and my fellow countrymen."
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Royal Navy
Founded 1615
"La Honra en el mares."
Honor on the seas.
HQ Desan Joint Naval/AFB
Auxiliary/Fall Back HQ:


King Carlos Francisco III Supreme Commander

Fleet Admiral Jorge Carvalho
Vice Admiral Victor Carvaz
Rear Admiral Alejandro Franco
Defence Minister Ronaldo Figueroa (NSDU)

At the inception of the Defense Ministry, there was conflict with Royal Navy HQ. The first Defense Minister, Juan Arrayo, demanded he have top say, even though he was a civilian. Navy HQ reacted with fury. It was decided that navy top brass would abide by the Defense Ministry's will during peacetime. Barring extenuating circumstances. In war time, free reign belongs to the admirals.

Northern Seas Fleet
(Ships rotate between fleets often)

Commander: Grand Admiral
Mission: Sea trade route security/anti piracy. General maritime defense. Power projection.

Eastern Seas Fleet
Commander: Vice Admiral
Mission: Sea trade route security/anti piracy. General maritime defense. Power projection.

Southern Justosian Sea Fleet
Commander: Rear Admiral
Mission: Sea trade route security/anti piracy. General maritime defense. Training.


1 Aircraft Carrier JRS Carlos Francisco I
2 Amphibious Assault Ships (that can double as ACs)
15 multi role destroyers
6 surveillance light frigates
(These can be easily retro fitted into missile frigates if need be.)
20 patrol corvettes
9 multi role attack submarines
170 multirole fighter naval aircraft
40,000 total personnel not counting reserves. This does not include the 14,000 strong Royal Marines.

Royal Marines
Founded 1620
Comprised of 3 brigades.

1st Brigade
HQ Avalon
5,000 troops
2 Mechanized Infantry Batallions
Rest GI Marines

2nd Brigade
HQ Barceltia

3rd Brigade
HQ Cadiz
4,000 troops
1 Combat Service/Support Batallion
Rest GI Marines
* Tho the Justosian Royal Marines don't outright have tanks, the Royal Army loans them to them often when tactical situation requires.

Royal Navy 1st Fighter Squadron
Assigned to JRS AC Carlos Francisco I
20 Talon IIs

Royal Navy 2nd Fighter Squadron
Assigned to JRS AAS Carlos Francisco II
20 Talon IIs

Royal Navy 3rd Fighter Squadron
Assigned to JRS AAS Carlos Francisco III
20 Talon IIs

[Reserved for edits/additions]
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Royal Air Force
Founded 1920
"Espadas de Angeles."
"Swords of Angels."

Administrative HQ:
Águilas Nido AFB Vermeillia District
Tactical HQ:
Desan Joint Naval/AFB
Auxiliary/Fall Back HQ:


King Carlos Francisco III Supreme Commander

Air Grand General Vincent Rodrigo

Air General Rafael Ortega

Defence Minister Ronaldo Figueroa (NSDU)

Airspace security/superiority. Power projection. Recon.

When Carlos II began his massive state programs to rebuild & modernize the Royal Armed Forces, the RAF & Royal Navy received the bulk of the attention. He envisioned Justosia becoming the proper sea & by extension, air, regional power he felt it was meant to be. The only branch of the RAF that has yet to see action, the Defense Ministry continues to plan for that day. The RAF & Royal Navy are often looked at as 'married' in terms of operational & power projection capabilities.

600 Talon II 4th gen multirole fighters (F-16s)
100 (currently finishing production) Talon III 5th gen multirole stealth fighters (J-20s)
140 Talon V II attack helicopters
150 assorted transport, refueling, recon, & support aircraft.

Arcangeles (Ace) Squadron
Captain: Luis Santiago
Justosia's Ace fighter squadron comprised of 11 pilots. Currently undergoing advanced training to pilot Talon IIIs.

Organizational Structure

The Justosian Royal Air Force is structured with every district having its own RAF Wing. A Justosian RAF squadron is usually comprised of 11-15 fighters (Talon IIs currently). No fewer than 9 by Defense Ministry current protocol. Districts with major cities or that are home to other important sites usually have more squadrons assigned to their air wings. For example the Avalon & Barceltia Districts have more fighter & recon squadrons in their air wings. This is in addition to a higher number of RAF bases. The concentration of the aforementioned tends to be higher in the northern regions. All RAF wings are always ready to scramble.

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