dasdeustcheskaiserreich - Proxy Notice

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
@dasdeustcheskaiserreich has used a proxy service. I am posting this notification in compliance with the law mentioned below:

Section 1.10: Proxying
23. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
24. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.
One of the IP addresses you've connected to the forum from is flagged by lookup services as a "VPN Server", which is a kind of proxy. A proxy is a service where you connect to something on the internet through it, and show up as connecting from it. This disguises the IP address of your computer.

Under our laws, using proxies to register multiple citizen accounts is illegal. In order to help enforce that, as it's not directly visible to either the government (executive branch) or the court (judicial branch) we have forum administration (outside of the government) let those bodies know, so they can perform their duties to prevent multiple citizen accounts by the same person.

Anything else you'd like to know?