[Idea - Game] The Endless Adventures


TNP Nation
Concept: a game to encourage HA staff to send list telegrams.

The premise is that staff can earn points by sending telegrams as part of lists. The points will entitle them to "explore" regions of Port Thel and recover hidden treasures.

This is the forum post I have thrown together that explains the idea in more detail:

The Lost Treasures of Port Thel
To whom it may concern:

New advances in ground-penetrating radar have revealed secrets that lay buried under the proud TNP city of Port Thel for years. Delegates, role players, spammers, legislators and more from days of old have left ancient relics of the past inside a deep network of tunnels under the city.

Now it is the task of the Ministry of Home Affairs to find them. Staff will earn points from sending telegrams from lists and will be able to use those points to explore the fabled city!
  • Every 100 points enables a staffer to explore one area of Port Thel for buried treasure.
  • 1 point for every telegram sent from a list.
  • 10 points for being the biggest sender of telegrams from a list.
  • When the staffer explores the area of the city, they will recover one of the lost treasures of Port Thel.
Here are the regions of the city to explore:
  • ???
Additionally, as Minister my hands are far too delicate for the task of digging, so I will not be eligible to earn any points.

Good luck,

Comfed Atlas
Minister of Home Affairs
We do need to figure out what regions of the city and what corresponding treasures we want to offer. Plus we probably want to find images for them. We would also want to design a spreadsheet to track people's contributions, but that's rather trivial to implement.

As I'll be taking primary responsibility for running the game, and also because this contest isn't about motivating the Minister to do his job, the telegrams I send won't count.

Thoughts? Is this even a good idea? :P I think this would be an interesting new way to get people to do what is honestly a pretty boring and menial task.
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Whoops, me too :p

It is an absolutely amazing idea and sounds incredibly exciting! For the record, what certain areas have you thought off, Comfed? Certain creative boundaries for regions? Or for treasures as well? Like cards, batches, banners/images, ...? Gonna brainstorm tomorrow as well!
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I echo what the others have said. I like this a lot, and I think it’s a great idea to boost staff activity.
It is an absolutely amazing idea and sounds incredibly exciting! For the record, what certain areas have you thought off, Comfed? Certain creative boundaries for regions? Or for treasures as well? Like cards, batches, banners/images, ...? Gonna brainstorm tomorrow as well!
Wow, you're thinking a mile a minute :P I was mostly thinking of images, yeah. Though I'm not quite sure what you mean by creative boundaries for regions?
Wow, you're thinking a mile a minute :P I was mostly thinking of images, yeah. Though I'm not quite sure what you mean by creative boundaries for regions?
Did definitely not say it properly :)

I mean certain boundaries for one creativity talking about the regions. Like certain "themes", regions with explicit uses, regions inspired by "Delegates, role players, spammers, legislators".

Additionally a few questions: Considering images, what are we thinking about? Like well-designed banners? Perhaps medals or batches? Or just flags/profile pictures?
And are we considering additional treasures as well, like cards? Even thought that might just be a problem at the moment.

And about the points,
  • 1 point for every telegram sent from a list.
This includes blocked telegrams as well, right?
I mean certain boundaries for one creativity talking about the regions. Like certain "themes", regions with explicit uses, regions inspired by "Delegates, role players, spammers, legislators".
Ah, I see. Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking.
This includes blocked telegrams as well, right?
Yeah, that's still a telegram that people sent.

I'll respond to the rest of your post later.
Additionally a few questions: Considering images, what are we thinking about? Like well-designed banners? Perhaps medals or batches? Or just flags/profile pictures?
I'm basically thinking of images representing the various treasures.
And are we considering additional treasures as well, like cards? Even thought that might just be a problem at the moment.
Card rewards are a popular thing to suggest, but personally, I'm not really sold on them as an idea. They're only a big incentive if people are interested in cards, and I think procuring the cards to distribute them is more trouble than it's worth.
Ok, I have some ideas now.
REGION: Speaker's Residence
NAME: Original Copy of the Blackshear Constitution
TNP's first constitution was written by Blackshear, and this lost treasure is the very first draft of the constitution that NP would go on to adopt that he ever penned.

REGION: Manumission Day Monument
NAME: Ink of Lungwallabad
This is a vial of the ink of Lungwallabad, the first to be delegate after the tyrannical reign of Pixiedance. Lungwallabad only held the delegacy for a short time, but did so long enough to unban several nations that had been banned by Pixiedance.

REGION: Old Legal Office
NAME: Mace of the North Pacific Directorate
It was said that "The Minister"--the ruler of Pixiedance during the North Pacific Directorate--would never open an Cabinet meeting without it! When he, much later went on to become Attorney General, he brough the Mace to his office, but forgot to take it home with him when he left.
Well, maybe a few little ideas and mind games from me. The only problem is, I'm nowhere near old enough, so I just threw a few ideas out here :p
And the spreadsheet looks very, very good too!

Since we want more than one treasure in the regions, here we go :)
REGION: Speaker's Residence
NAME: Henry the Hamster
You go down a level and sneak through the dark twists and turns of the earth. The shadows and flickering flames of the torches create a dark and creepy atmosphere. A gust of wind makes you tremble, a dark shadow flits past you. You turn around and look straight into the black eyes ... of a cute little hamster. It is Henry, the favourite hamster of Skaraborg, several times Speaker! The hamsters seem to know a lot about the office of the Speaker ... what are they looking for down here?

REGION: Speaker's Residence
NAME: Old RA election files with ... the UN?
Our well-known World Assembly has been active since April 1, 2008, but did you know that the organization existed earlier? It existed under the name United Nations and had the task of passing resolutions, just like our departments today. Max Barry was forced to change the name in 2008 by an official letter from the UN, and it has remained that way until today. And even in TNP you can still find traces of this ancient time, just as you had the luck to do!

Don't really have more ideas for the Manumission Day Monument :)

REGION: Old Legal Office
NAME: OT-Collection
Mr Sniffles was one of the first to hold the former office of Attorney General and was notorious for his rambling and incoherent threads. With each of these ramblings, he received an off-topic poster for it and amassed a collection over the course of his career. Old dusty and yellowed paper in the General's former office, after Vivanco left, still bears witness to this Era. A true treasure!

REGION: Old Legal Office
Name: Chewing Gum
You're standing in front of the remains of an old office complex. Mold and grime cover desks, posters and doors. You have found the old Legal Office, home of the Attorney General and his deputy. You enter a new room and stop in front of a huge mountain of gum. It is the expensive "under-the-table" quality brand of Apollo-Industria, the deputy under Mr. Sniffles. What a "tasty" find ...

And more of my own regions and treasures definitely later. Cheers!
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Those are great, Lionsmeow! Where did you learn the mr sniffles thing? :blink:
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Those are great, Lionsmeow! Where did you learn the mr sniffles thing? :blink:
Well, I just looked through the fitting archives and thought about the cases there.

And I stumbled upon the oldest threads with Mr Sniffles in the Legal Office Archive.
Hello everyone, it is time again to continue this project and continue to progress in a discussion. Basically, everything remains the same, it is a point system to encourage people to claim Rows in lists and thereby earn points for treasures. It's still in the early stages, so healthy discussion and sharing of ideas definitely can't hurt. So feel free to do so!

Treasures are the first item I'd like to address. So far, they are images depicting TNP historical items (Items, created by your fantasy of historical threads/discussions and figures). One problem I see in this is that especially with a certain activity it is problematic to have a large diversity of different treasures. As of now, we have 7 different items. That would be about 700 points, so with a row-claim of 100 for a single person and a point score 50+ per claim, that would make it 14 claims for one person to get all the current items. Of course, we have to expand this arsenal of pictures.
Also, cards were once in the discussion, however, we must clearly say that these are not operational right now with the current situation of the infrastructure and of course don't have this "educational" factor about TNP's history. What do you think? What do you have for treasure ideas?

We haven't really thought about the implementation yet. How many treasures do we want in total? When would we possibly go into a test phase? How are treasures determined? How can we secure it so that our successors can maintain it next term and of course expand it steadily?

All this data is caught in a spreadsheet (should be somewhere here in the thread too :p). I have access from Comfed requested and will update the spreadsheet soon.

That would be the approximate status right now. I'd appreciate opinions and further questions, so we can just keep going in this thread and maybe bring some small progress.

Cheers, Lion!
REGION: Mausoleum of the Great
NAME: Coin of MCM
You go down a staircase and open a large door. You stand in the middle of a large hall, at the end of which is a large golden statue. It already has clear signs of use and splinters of the statue are scattered around the hall. A large pile of gold lies in front of the statue, mountains of cups, trophies, laurel wreaths and gold coins. On the gold coin you can see mcmasterdonia, former delegate, admin and true embodiment of the TNP for a long time.

REGION: The North Pacific University
NAME: Chair of the Chairman
TNPU, the official university of the North Pacific, was a neutral and independent organization. In this chair, the last president of the university, Marcus Antonius, sat and directed the affairs.

REGION: The North Pacific Bar
NAME: Welcome Cookies
These cookies have been given to new forum members for years. They are wonderfully baked and provide a fantastic treat that you can never get away from. And who knows, try to ask the Forum Mentors, the HA Leadership, and the Bar, and maybe you can enjoy the cookies again! Definitely worth a try.

REGION: Hightemple of Admins
NAME: News Box
This news box (https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/6917307/) complemented the top of the TNP forum and provided a wonderful way for members to be informed about new activities and actions! However, in later years it was replaced and eventually could no longer be used with the new "What's new?" Button. It's a truly historic find, frozen in time documenting what has happened up to the present day.

The Spreadsheet has been updated as well!
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The Endless Adventure
You are sitting in your room in a cosy apartment in TNP, you are an employee in the Ministry of HA and you love your work, no matter how monotonous it might be. You are getting ready and preparing for work, but this time something is different. An old and worn letter is lying on your dining table. It has no sender but is clearly addressed to you with your name. You read it.

New advances in the expeditions of the Adventure Guild, supported by the Historical-Cultural Association of The North Pacific have revealed secrets that for years lay hidden in the diverse regions of our TNP. Buried beneath our proud TNP city of Port Thel, unreachable in high mountains or in the deepest caves, disappeared under the dust of time and forgotten for years, the treasures are hidden. Delegates, roleplayers, spammers, lawmakers and more from ancient times have left behind ancient relics and now it's up to you to bring them back to the light of day!

Let the adventures begin!

Staff will earn points from sending telegrams from lists and will be able to use those points to finance their adventures and explore the regions!
  • Every 100 points enables a staffer to explore one area of Port Thel for buried treasure.
  • 1 point for every telegram sent from a list.
  • 10 points for being the biggest sender of telegrams from a list.
  • When the staffer explores the area of a region, they will recover one of the lost treasures!
Additionally, staffers can unlock certain achievements and get medals, titles and badges for their work!

Here are the regions to explore:
  • Speaker's Residence
  • Manumission Day Monument
  • Old Legal Office
  • Mausoleum of the Great
  • The North Pacific University
  • Old North Pacific Bar
  • Hightemple of Admins
  • The Great WALL
  • Chamber of Culture
  • more to be added :)
This thread is the information thread for you staffers, in this new updates, title/badges achievements and other announcements regarding the project will be shared. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Additionally, as Minister, my hands are far too delicate for the task of digging, so I will not be eligible to earn any points. Thanks to Comfed for starting this project!

Good luck and may the adventures be successful,


Lion "Everest" Catsmeow
Minister of Home Affairs
Head of the Adventure Guild and the Historical-Cultural Association of TNP

Comfed Atlas, Archaeologist-in-Chief
Caius von Kahlstein, Vice President of the Historical-Cultural Association of TNP
Indiana Cloud, Grandmaster of the Adventure Guild
Captain Ruben Bloomworld, Head of the Expedition Safety Crew
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REGION: The North Pacific University
NAME: A Model Train
The last Chairman of The North Pacific University was Marcus Antonius, Security Counciller, Staffer and a fanatical train lover. He started a huge and still active thread with his Marcus Model Railway Journal (https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9195683/)! With over 4,000 messages, 26,000 views and 103 pages, this thread goes down in TNP history! Take good care of the train, because it is a very valuable treasure!

REGION: Manumission Day Monument
NAME: Unused Pillow of Cathyy
This unused pillow belongs to Cathyy, the longest and original owner of the Pixiedance nation, the tyrannic ruler of our region back in 2005. On January 8, Pixidance surprisingly handed over control and the Delegacy of her nation to Pierconium in an act, that was later revealed to have happened because Cathyy hasn't slept for 70 hours and was heavily sleep-deprived.

REGION: The North Pacific Bar
NAME: Catnip
Who do you think will own it? That's not exactly easy to answer, as TNP has had a number of diverse Cat Nations that have come a long way! First and foremost of course is Aenglaland, a "very old Cat", Security Councillor, GA and excited Staffer! But furthermore, there are of course new emerging nations, like Lionsroar, LGA, Minister of Home Affairs, Executive Staffer, catnip addict and a famous dealer. Don't come to near to him!

REGION: Hightemple of Admins
NAME: The Cursed Chatbox
Deep in the darkest dungeon of the Hightemple of Admins lies a cruel treasure with a terrifying history ... and you found it, the Cursed Chatbox! In 2009, a first attempt of a chat box was programmed and immediately added to our old Forum. But only a few days later, it got already removed again. The reason for this is the sudden appearance of spam and malicious ads, which disturbed the peaceful life in TNP. Be aware of the danger in your hands!

NAME: Europe's Confirmation Vote
The WALL (World Assembly Legislative League) is a still-existing cooperation of different regions in the field of WA. Founded in 2014, it quickly gained popularity and was an important component for the dominance of the TNP and the entire WALL community in the World Assembly. In 2018, the four founders, TNP, Europeia, Balder and The International Democratic Union, voted by a full majority to recognize long-time member Europe as a treaty signatory under new internal law changes. A great success that made WALL even more important.

NAME: Pile of WA Resolutions
The WALL (World Assembly Legislative League) is a still-existing cooperation of different regions in the field of WA. Founded in 2014, it quickly gained popularity and was an important component for the dominance of the TNP and the entire WALL community in the World Assembly.Accordingly, it is also not surprising that it is responsible for a huge proportion of WA resolutions and their adoption.

REGION: Chamber of Culture
NAME: The Lennart
The Lennarts are an annual award ceremony published by the Ministry of Culture to recognize individuals who are particularly outstanding in certain areas. Since Avalon, also known as Lennart, launched the eponymous awards in September 2013, they enjoyed great popularity and are still awarded today. The one you are holding is from 2013 and is an original design of this award. Who knows, you may get or may already have a more current Lennart Award!

Edit: Spreadsheet and Main Post updated as well!
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The principle is relatively simple. There are certain titles that you achieve when you reach a certain requirement. These titles are handed over together with a badge and a description to the individual, who is now allowed to display them in the signature.

Title: Indiana [nation name]
You are a master adventurer! You helped us add something new and truly deserve a medal for it. Thank you very much, and don't forget to continue it as best as you can :)

Title: The Secret Millionaire
You became Staffer for a reason, money. You have accomplished a lot and have no interest in adventure. You have accumulated an incredible number of 1,000 points without spending them on treasures. You are a true collector!

Title: Grandmaster of the Adventure Guild
Dust and adrenaline have become your life partners. You have fought your way through all regions, through high mountains, deep seas, underground cave systems, abandoned ruins and tracked down forgotten treasures. You have found every single treasure, but there are always adventures to be had! Go out into the wide world and wait for the next call of adventure to sound!

Title: Speaker's Badge
Congratulations, you have successfully found your way through the Speaker's Residence. You have met dangerous animals, ancient relics and tons of tons of files and citizenship registries!

Title: Manumission Day Badge
Congratulations, you have discovered all the treasures in the Manumission Day Monument. You are now very well informed about an important part of our history, use this wisdom wisely :)

Title: Legal Office Badge
Congratulations, you have left the dusty corridors of the Old Legal Office! For years, the Attorney Generals and their staff worked here until they were abandoned. An interesting piece of history!

Title: Mausoleum's Badge
Congratulations, you have finished exploring the mausoleum. Huge columns, long corridors and dark hallways only invite adventure! Here are the greatest of TNP and the game.

Title: University Badge
Congratulations, you have explored the realms of intellectual and scientific excellence in TNP. There was certainly a lot to see at The North Pacific University!
university badge.png

Title: Bar Badge
Congratulations, you have successfully explored the bar, that must have been delicious, I mean of course exciting! Maybe there are some recipes you have to try!

Title: The Almighty Hightemple of the Admins Participation Badge
Congratulations, you probably survived the most dangerous region in your adventure. Dangerous knowledge is stored in this temple of the great Admin powers, too strong for ordinary mortals.

Title: WALL Badge
A huge wall has risen in front of you, but you have not turned away. You climbed it and found new treasures. Congratulations!

Title: Chamber Batch of Culture
Congratulations, you have explored the realms of Culture. A region in cultural and spiritual height, of incredibly important value!
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