- Pronouns
- He/Him, They/Them
It was not something that had been seen before. For the Leonin tribes to call a fourth Crucible in a cycle was unheard of, never in a thousand years or more. But three times this year had the Crucible met, and every time all those attempting to join the ranks of the Mane had proven weak, and mewling. Not a single one had met the standard.
None had proven worthy.
And so, upon consulting the Temple of the Trunk (in private, for to make such a thing public would shame the Leonin leadership), an unprecedented fourth Crucible had been called. The tribes would meet again.
The queues to sign up for this fourth Crucible were not as long as they had been for the others, Khenra Betrest noted, in silent communication with her twin. The dark skinned feline watched the lines of Leonin youth from afar, forbidden from anything but observing by the covenant that bound the Khenra to the Ux Martivir.
I don’t know why you watch them so, sister.
Well aside from it being required of us, Sabaf, surely you can see what’s happening?
Khenra Sabaf said nothing, and Betrest took delight in her brother's ignorance. Her lilting, mocking laugh filled his head and he growled in return. She could feel him looking at her from across the square.
Look at the little lions, brother. The crowds are packed, but there are so few actually involved in this Crucible of theirs. Methinks they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Khenra Sabaf pondered her words, and a mood of deep satisfaction washed over him. He had always found the Leonin, especially the paladins of the Mane, to be arrogant without cause.
Perhaps their… exacting… standards have not been met by this newest generation. Perhaps the blood of the Leonin has failed.
Betrest didn’t reply, keeping her full thoughts to herself. Tactical appraisals of the Leonin were only part of her interest, but Sabaf didn’t need to know that the rest of her interest was more primal. The little lions were pretty in their own way.
In the square below where Betrest was perched, the queue moved slowly onwards, as the crowds pondered if anyone might prove themselves worthy this Crucible.
Dawntale was not a name easily forgotten by the tribes of the Leonin. For as long as the Crucible had existed, so too had a Dawntale found their way into the testing and more often than not, they had proven worthy. Irus Dawntale had led the Mane. Gorious Dawntale had held the bridge at noontide for 100 days. The chronicles of the Leonin, and all of the Ux, had Dawntales intermixed in all its greatest stories.
So it had been met with much consternation that all three Crucibles had passed without so much of a whiff of a Dawntale. There were rumours, spread by the ambitious and unworthy, that the line of Dawntale had failed. That the latest spawn of the tribe were themselves unworthy - and even worse - unwilling to be tested. When this fourth Crucible was announced, the tribe Dawntale had one more chance to present a candidate.
When a candidate for the Mane signed up in the queues, they were required to announce themselves. Most of the time, such announcements were met with polite applause or throaty approval if a member of the crowd nearby heard a member of their tribe announce but it wasn’t often that the crowd did a collective double-take.
“C-cala Dawntale.” The official showed no recognition they had heard the small voice of the person before them, so they repeated it louder and firmer.
“Cala Dawntale.”
Some in the crowd laughed. The tribe Dawntale - victors of a thousand battles, heroes of the Ux - had not sent Mox Dawntale, recently returned from adventure abroad, as expected. Instead stood before the official was a lithe female of less than 20 summers. The official said nothing, but murmuring in the crowd spread quickly, something Khenra Sabaf noticed.
Even Dawntale blood fails.
Ignoring the attention, Cala Dawntale stepped forward to be tested. The sun was high in the sky by the time Cala Dawntale stepped out of the Crucible, smiling from ear to ear. She had the marks of battle upon her, and as blood dripped from one of her ears, the crowd looked to her as he raised her mace high and heard the telltale boom of distant thunder and saw that she was worthy. Excited chatter broke out amongst the crowd, with a few taking large purses of gold from friends who had bet against Cala Dawntale. She strode off to the side, where members of the Mane greeted their new compatriot. Some of these she had fought, and she had bested.
Perhaps tribe Dawntale is not finished yet, brother.
Khenra Sabaf bristled.
Or perhaps her name was enough to arrange an exception.
Betrest sighed to herself. Contention was the plight of a Khenra and she had learn to pick her battles.
With attention on Cala Dawntale, no one was watching as the latest applicant stepped forward to the official and gave their name.
The official looked at. “I need your tribename.”
“With regret, I cannot tell you.”
A raised eyebrow, and some in the crowd started to take note of the exchange. “And why not?”
Beor shuffled on the spot, briefly consternated. “I do not know my tribe. I may not have one.”
The official huffed. “What kind of Leonin doesn’t know their tribe? This is not the time for jokes, young one.”
“And yet it is one life played on me. Your guess is as good as mine.”
The Leonin behind Beor was growing angrier as they listened to the exchange. He pushed the shoulder of Boer. “Just tell them your tribe, fool.”
Boer turned and was met by the frame of a much larger Leonin. His brain unfortunately didn’t process this information fast enough as he spoke hotly. “If I knew I would, halfwit.”
The larger figure stepped into Boer’s personal face. “If you don’t know your tribe, you must be a whoreson or a half breed.” He said loudly. The crowd’s attention was firmly on this exchange now.
“And a whoreson will never be worthy to join the Mane. Get out of line, whelp.” Before Boer could reply, he was sent stumbling by a backhand from the other Leonin. Roaring in anger, Boer went back at him and the two were soon grappling - Boer headbutted the other male, drawing blood, but found himself being squeezed by the stronger opponent. Boer felt himself getting light-headed, but managed to free his arms and clapped his elbows around his opponents ears. Discombobulated, Boer’s assailant let him go and Boer went to follow up with a knee when he found himself with ringing in his ears and on the floor.
Biox Brightroar stood between the two, hammer in hand. “Stand, if you can, but the next one of you to throw a blow faces me.”
The Crucible quieted at his call. It was not often that Brightroar spoke up and when he did, you listened. He had earned that right long ago.
“A fourth Crucible!” He shouted into the silence. “And this is what they bring me?” He pointed at the large Leonin. “You. The hulking idiot. Who are you?”
Anger darkened the features of the youth. “Kagtun Wildshadow.” He growled. Brightroar nodded.
“Wildshadow. Your father was an idiot as well. Coward too, he ran at Grond. I cut him down myself. You’ve already proven yourself half his son. Step forward, be tested and we’ll see if you’re anything else.” He pointed towards the shadowy buildings where Leonin were tested.
Saying nothing, Kagtun stalked past both Boer and Biox Brightroar, as the paladin turned.
“And you.” Brightroar spoke softly, causing some in the crowd to ask what he said, only to be shushed by those around him. “You have no tribe. You cannot be worthy. Testing will only bring further scorn. Be done with this.”
Boer closed his eyes at words that cut like daggers. He stood his ground. “It is my right, as Leonin.”
“Do you think you can beat your stars?” Brightroar glared at Boer. “There has never been a tribeless member of the Mane.”
“Those that join the Mane renounce tribal status.”
Brightroar laughed. “Aye, supposedly so. And yet, what do they call me?” His voice rose as he addressed the crowd. “Who am I?” He called and the crowd bayed and answered with a shouted “BRIGHTROAR!”.
“We may renounce our tribes, but the tribes don’t renounce us.” Brightroar told Boer. He took a step towards him. “But I tire of this, and if you wish to disgrace yourself, I won’t stop you.”
Biox Brightroar turned to the official. “Mark him as Boer Noname. He will be tested!”
Boer grimaced at the name, but said nothing and followed Biox into the building as the crowd erupted, and as Boer entered the building, it seemed like both the sun and moon disappeared from the sky.
Hours later, Biox Brightroar led Kagtun Wildshadow and Boer Noname out of the Crucible, and the thunder that followed told the crowd that both were worthy.
Khenra Sabaf looked incredulously towards where his sister was sat leisurely watching proceedings. He hadn’t felt her move, and she couldn’t have seen him, right?
Betrest… what did you do?
Khenra Betrest waiting a long moment before replying.
You. First.
She took off into the evening, cackling in Sabaf’s brain as he cursed his twin.
None had proven worthy.
And so, upon consulting the Temple of the Trunk (in private, for to make such a thing public would shame the Leonin leadership), an unprecedented fourth Crucible had been called. The tribes would meet again.
The queues to sign up for this fourth Crucible were not as long as they had been for the others, Khenra Betrest noted, in silent communication with her twin. The dark skinned feline watched the lines of Leonin youth from afar, forbidden from anything but observing by the covenant that bound the Khenra to the Ux Martivir.

Khenra Sabaf said nothing, and Betrest took delight in her brother's ignorance. Her lilting, mocking laugh filled his head and he growled in return. She could feel him looking at her from across the square.

Khenra Sabaf pondered her words, and a mood of deep satisfaction washed over him. He had always found the Leonin, especially the paladins of the Mane, to be arrogant without cause.

Betrest didn’t reply, keeping her full thoughts to herself. Tactical appraisals of the Leonin were only part of her interest, but Sabaf didn’t need to know that the rest of her interest was more primal. The little lions were pretty in their own way.
In the square below where Betrest was perched, the queue moved slowly onwards, as the crowds pondered if anyone might prove themselves worthy this Crucible.
Dawntale was not a name easily forgotten by the tribes of the Leonin. For as long as the Crucible had existed, so too had a Dawntale found their way into the testing and more often than not, they had proven worthy. Irus Dawntale had led the Mane. Gorious Dawntale had held the bridge at noontide for 100 days. The chronicles of the Leonin, and all of the Ux, had Dawntales intermixed in all its greatest stories.
So it had been met with much consternation that all three Crucibles had passed without so much of a whiff of a Dawntale. There were rumours, spread by the ambitious and unworthy, that the line of Dawntale had failed. That the latest spawn of the tribe were themselves unworthy - and even worse - unwilling to be tested. When this fourth Crucible was announced, the tribe Dawntale had one more chance to present a candidate.
When a candidate for the Mane signed up in the queues, they were required to announce themselves. Most of the time, such announcements were met with polite applause or throaty approval if a member of the crowd nearby heard a member of their tribe announce but it wasn’t often that the crowd did a collective double-take.
“C-cala Dawntale.” The official showed no recognition they had heard the small voice of the person before them, so they repeated it louder and firmer.
“Cala Dawntale.”
Some in the crowd laughed. The tribe Dawntale - victors of a thousand battles, heroes of the Ux - had not sent Mox Dawntale, recently returned from adventure abroad, as expected. Instead stood before the official was a lithe female of less than 20 summers. The official said nothing, but murmuring in the crowd spread quickly, something Khenra Sabaf noticed.

Ignoring the attention, Cala Dawntale stepped forward to be tested. The sun was high in the sky by the time Cala Dawntale stepped out of the Crucible, smiling from ear to ear. She had the marks of battle upon her, and as blood dripped from one of her ears, the crowd looked to her as he raised her mace high and heard the telltale boom of distant thunder and saw that she was worthy. Excited chatter broke out amongst the crowd, with a few taking large purses of gold from friends who had bet against Cala Dawntale. She strode off to the side, where members of the Mane greeted their new compatriot. Some of these she had fought, and she had bested.

Khenra Sabaf bristled.

Betrest sighed to herself. Contention was the plight of a Khenra and she had learn to pick her battles.
With attention on Cala Dawntale, no one was watching as the latest applicant stepped forward to the official and gave their name.
The official looked at. “I need your tribename.”
“With regret, I cannot tell you.”
A raised eyebrow, and some in the crowd started to take note of the exchange. “And why not?”
Beor shuffled on the spot, briefly consternated. “I do not know my tribe. I may not have one.”
The official huffed. “What kind of Leonin doesn’t know their tribe? This is not the time for jokes, young one.”
“And yet it is one life played on me. Your guess is as good as mine.”
The Leonin behind Beor was growing angrier as they listened to the exchange. He pushed the shoulder of Boer. “Just tell them your tribe, fool.”
Boer turned and was met by the frame of a much larger Leonin. His brain unfortunately didn’t process this information fast enough as he spoke hotly. “If I knew I would, halfwit.”
The larger figure stepped into Boer’s personal face. “If you don’t know your tribe, you must be a whoreson or a half breed.” He said loudly. The crowd’s attention was firmly on this exchange now.
“And a whoreson will never be worthy to join the Mane. Get out of line, whelp.” Before Boer could reply, he was sent stumbling by a backhand from the other Leonin. Roaring in anger, Boer went back at him and the two were soon grappling - Boer headbutted the other male, drawing blood, but found himself being squeezed by the stronger opponent. Boer felt himself getting light-headed, but managed to free his arms and clapped his elbows around his opponents ears. Discombobulated, Boer’s assailant let him go and Boer went to follow up with a knee when he found himself with ringing in his ears and on the floor.
Biox Brightroar stood between the two, hammer in hand. “Stand, if you can, but the next one of you to throw a blow faces me.”
The Crucible quieted at his call. It was not often that Brightroar spoke up and when he did, you listened. He had earned that right long ago.
“A fourth Crucible!” He shouted into the silence. “And this is what they bring me?” He pointed at the large Leonin. “You. The hulking idiot. Who are you?”
Anger darkened the features of the youth. “Kagtun Wildshadow.” He growled. Brightroar nodded.
“Wildshadow. Your father was an idiot as well. Coward too, he ran at Grond. I cut him down myself. You’ve already proven yourself half his son. Step forward, be tested and we’ll see if you’re anything else.” He pointed towards the shadowy buildings where Leonin were tested.
Saying nothing, Kagtun stalked past both Boer and Biox Brightroar, as the paladin turned.
“And you.” Brightroar spoke softly, causing some in the crowd to ask what he said, only to be shushed by those around him. “You have no tribe. You cannot be worthy. Testing will only bring further scorn. Be done with this.”
Boer closed his eyes at words that cut like daggers. He stood his ground. “It is my right, as Leonin.”
“Do you think you can beat your stars?” Brightroar glared at Boer. “There has never been a tribeless member of the Mane.”
“Those that join the Mane renounce tribal status.”
Brightroar laughed. “Aye, supposedly so. And yet, what do they call me?” His voice rose as he addressed the crowd. “Who am I?” He called and the crowd bayed and answered with a shouted “BRIGHTROAR!”.
“We may renounce our tribes, but the tribes don’t renounce us.” Brightroar told Boer. He took a step towards him. “But I tire of this, and if you wish to disgrace yourself, I won’t stop you.”
Biox Brightroar turned to the official. “Mark him as Boer Noname. He will be tested!”
Boer grimaced at the name, but said nothing and followed Biox into the building as the crowd erupted, and as Boer entered the building, it seemed like both the sun and moon disappeared from the sky.
Hours later, Biox Brightroar led Kagtun Wildshadow and Boer Noname out of the Crucible, and the thunder that followed told the crowd that both were worthy.
Khenra Sabaf looked incredulously towards where his sister was sat leisurely watching proceedings. He hadn’t felt her move, and she couldn’t have seen him, right?

Khenra Betrest waiting a long moment before replying.

She took off into the evening, cackling in Sabaf’s brain as he cursed his twin.
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