Staff Member of the Week (May 15th - 22nd)


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation

Staff Member of the Week
May 15th - 22nd

Hello and welcome to the first Staff Member of the Week Award!

I started the Staff Ratings and Rewards Program to recognize the contributions of standout staff members throughout the term, and I am happy to say it has been a total success thus far, with over 1800 CR points earned across all staff in the first week of the program! This first week has been eventful, with planning threads created, a new radio show recorded to be released very soon, spreadsheets locked and loaded, and so much more. To conclude the launch of the Ministry of Communications and begin a new era of rewards, you're about to find out which member of staff impressed myself and the deputies the most over the last week.

Without further ado, the Staff Member of the Week is...

Sacred Butterfinger

@Sacred Butterfinger has proven to the ministry within this first week that he has some serious enthusiasm for design and innovation, having created high quality logos for NBS and the thumbnail for the upcoming broadcast. Not only that, but I have been discussing with him the possibility of integrating Spotify into our publication channels, which looks to be a professional and well-needed addition to our media portfolio. He has also claimed an article for the upcoming edition of The North Star, and has also contributed some great ideas to the planning thread for TNL. Overall, he has proven his potential for bringing new ideas into the ministry, taking the initiative with writing articles, and helping us design high quality graphics to suit.

For winning Staff Member of the Week, Sacred Butterfinger has been awarded:

Communications RatingRank PromotionAward Badge
+100 CRNovice to Apprentice

Well done, Sacred Butterfinger!

I look forward to seeing what our winner will accomplish within the ministry in the future, and I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the revival of the Ministry of Communications so far - none of this would be possible without every single one of you. Feel free to leave kind remarks, congratulations, that sort of thing, in the thread.

Thank you!

Minister of Communications
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Thank you very much for the award! This is a very exciting term for the Ministry of Communications and I'm eager to do my part! This, of course, wouldn't be possible without the help of you, Minister Kasch. Thank you for being open to my ideas and helping me whenever I need it.