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Condemn Giovanniland
Category: Condemnation | Target: Giovanniland
Proposed by: Varanius, Co-authored by: Occidius | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Recognizing Giovanniland as a relative newcomer to the multiverse, having since August of 2019 made a name for itself as a dedicated bureaucrat of the West Pacific (TWP), experienced Security Council author, connoisseur of international artwork, and as a mild-mannered nation with a friendly and pleasant demeanor;
Realizing that while Giovanniland has accomplished many good deeds, this reputation is in reality a meticulous facade, existing to shield them from criticism and obfuscate the genuine danger they pose to the communities and regions they reside in;
Disgusted that Giovanniland quickly ascended within TWP, cementing their position as Guardian and Minister without Portfolio in July and November of 2020 respectively, and utilizing this newfound authority began to terrorize the region’s residents through their uniquely intense passion for the forceful ejection of natives — ejecting 3700 natives across 6 days in the 2021 Purgelympics alone, plummeting the region’s population to its lowest point in the last decade, while large-scale 'purgelympics' of this nature were not uncommon in TWP, the fervor with which Giovanniland behaved was distinctly sadistic;
Aghast that these actions ultimately did nothing to impede Giovanniland’s success, made obvious by their rise to the Delegacy of TWP in early 2022, a position they held covetously for over 400 days - though this term is generally well-regarded for Giovanniland’s positive foreign affairs and cultural contributions, it also served as a cover for their malevolence, as they continued to expel another 2300 nations in the 2022 Purgelympics while sitting delegate;
Horrified that these actions are merely a glimpse into the malign soul which drives Giovanniland, as surely their most dastardly deeds lie in the global artwork market, where they have caused unspeakable havoc and distortion with remarkable disregard — as one of the most ubiquitous perpetrators of self-interested inflation of the prices of often worthless artwork, Giovanniland routinely catapults the value of cheap artwork to exorbitant prices with the explicit purpose of lining their own pockets, displacing collectors who put resources into acquiring naturally high value artwork:
Appalled that Giovanniland has exploited these inflationary practices to establish themselves as the second richest collector in the world, with their gallery’s value rising to a combined worth of one million in August 2021, despite existing anti-laundering systems which should have made this strategy impractical;
Revolted at Giovanniland’s sinister warping of the Card Gardens into a twisted cult of personality with them at the head - forced into mass producing propaganda through the Gardener’s Gazette newsletter, and prohibiting members from interfering with their sinister market perversions;
Alarmed by Giovanniland’s corruption of the Cardlympics, a tournament requiring nations use specially founded satellite states to create collections, wherein they operated in cahoots withThe Second Best of Noahs Second Country to abuse the anti-laundering system and provide their satellites with illicit funds, before sweeping the competition and swindling the organizers out of a total 18 legendary pieces of artwork;
Distressed to find that while Giovanniland was the first ever nation to have assembled a collection of a full edition’s artwork from a feeder (exemplified by both their complete TWP S1 and S2 collections), they went on to artificially inflate many of the pieces of artwork provided to them for those collections, abusing the good faith they had been granted as a regional collector to increase their capacity for exploitation of the global economy;
Dismayed that despite a brief economic slumber throughout most of 2022, Giovanniland stunned the multiverse again as they violently awoke and produced never before seen pandemonium, mass-inflating much of their artwork and skyrocketing their collection’s worth to an extraordinary peak of 26 million, so high it was more than twice the capacity of World Census processing at the time, and over 8 times as high as previous record holderThe MikesHope Essence of Mikeswill;
Frustrated that, though this reign of terror was ended within a day by a radical and conveniently timed change in the calculation of artwork value, Giovanniland continued their abusive practices by boosting the price of common and uncommon artwork they owned hundreds of copies of, once again securing a place in the top 3 collectors through dishonest means;
Mystified as to why Giovanniland is still viewed with such admiration, being widely considered as the most popular artwork collector in the world and friendly former TWP official, despite their disturbing dedication to pure greed and enthusiasm for terror, even amongst their own regionmates;
Demanding that the NationStates community remove their lavender tinted lenses, and acknowledge Giovanniland as the monster they are;
Hereby condemns Giovanniland.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |