

official floof
TNP Nation
Edit: On second thought, I'd like to withdraw this application for now.

Application for Admission to the Bar

Applicant name: Darcania

Part One: Experience as a Justice or counsel

1. Have you served as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)?

5. Have you served as a Prosecutor?

6. Which criminal trials did you prosecute?
The North Pacific v. Bobberino

7. Did you participate in any requests for review related to those trials?

8. Have you served as counsel to a defendant in a criminal trial?

Part Two: Legal Writing

11. Have you authored any substantial legal work? (Examples include: briefs in requests for review; analysis or explanations of the law; arguments in criminal trials; bills that have been made law. However, it does not include any Official Opinion, Verdict or Sentencing Order of the Court or any decision or argument made in a trial or request for review identified in Part One)

12. Have you authored any briefs in requests for review? (If so, please identify the requests for review)
Brief on Request for Review: Election Commissioner Vacancy

13. Have you authored any other substantial legal work? (If so, identify no more than two)

Part Three: Other Relevant Experience

14. Have you served in a Constitutionally-mandated Elected Office? (This does not include the office of Justice)

15. Which offices have you served in and between what dates?
I apologize, but I haven't personally kept track of all the dates associated with these positions, only the number of terms served.
Speaker, 2 terms
Attorney General, 4 terms

16. Were you required to make a decision which required you to analyse and apply the law? (If so, please identify no more than two examples of this and explain why they show substantial knowledge of the law)
Yes, though you'll have to forgive me for forgetting the details after several years. Both the offices of Speaker and Attorney General required such skills on day-to-day tasks, and I would often give legal advice to others during that time.

17. Have you served as a government official in any other office in the previous two years? (This does not include any office identified in Part One)
Not in the past 2 years, no

Part Four: Acceptability Disclosure

20. Have you previously been convicted of any crime in The North Pacific?

22. Have you previously been recalled from office as Justice or Prosecutor?

24. Have you previously been found by the Court to be in contempt of court or to have submitted an appeal or review that was frivolous or solely for the purpose of delaying proceedings?

26. Have you previously had your membership of the Bar revoked for any reason other than ceasing to be a citizen?

Part Six: Request for Admission and Declaration

I apply to the Bar Commissioners for admission to the Bar.

I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and that I have not failed to provide any information required by this application.
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