Communications Returns!
Opening Address May 2023
This feels… familiar, doesn’t it?
Before I deliver my opening address, I would like to congratulate @Gorundu, @Chipoli, and @Skaraborg for winning their respective elections. Gorundu rose to the Delegacy in unprecedented fashion amidst a diplomatic disaster and has lead our region into the future with tenacity and focus. He truly took the position on and showed us all what he is capable of, and for that he has my respect. Chipoli and Skaraborg are newer faces to me since my return in early March, but in that time they have proven to us all that they deserve to be where they are. Chipoli, for his unwavering dedication to the work he does in the MoWAA and for the heights I know he will reach as Vice Delegate, sincerely well done. And Skaraborg, for your consistent successes as Speaker, I know you will do just as well this term in the position as you did in the last.
With that out of the way, I’d like to officially celebrate the revival of the Ministry of Communications!
Anyone who knows my story in this region knows how important Communications has been for me throughout my time here. From my first few terms as minister, to my latest works for The North Star, to say I am excited for the upcoming term is a huge understatement. The ministry has gone through quite a lot of changes over the last few years, even being absorbed into Culture for the most recent few, but the upcoming term is always the most important, and I want to make sure of that. I believe Communications can be one of the most active and enjoyable ministries. In fact, I know it. The effort required to brainstorm, plan, write, edit, design, and publish content for the region and the rest of NationStates can be rewarding within itself, but outside of writing for the enjoyment of writing, there really isn’t much to incentivize anyone to do it, but I can assure that is about to change. The most successful Communications ministers in the past tend to be those who enjoy perfecting the process the most, but as we have seen this does not make for simple and consistent training of future generations. If the balance is to be drawn between consistency and quality, then we must ensure that we can have as much of both without over-complicating the process, which will be one of my core missions this term.
I'd like to thank Gorundu for trusting me with this position. I know he is going to do a tremendous job as Delegate and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish.
This feels… familiar, doesn’t it?
Before I deliver my opening address, I would like to congratulate @Gorundu, @Chipoli, and @Skaraborg for winning their respective elections. Gorundu rose to the Delegacy in unprecedented fashion amidst a diplomatic disaster and has lead our region into the future with tenacity and focus. He truly took the position on and showed us all what he is capable of, and for that he has my respect. Chipoli and Skaraborg are newer faces to me since my return in early March, but in that time they have proven to us all that they deserve to be where they are. Chipoli, for his unwavering dedication to the work he does in the MoWAA and for the heights I know he will reach as Vice Delegate, sincerely well done. And Skaraborg, for your consistent successes as Speaker, I know you will do just as well this term in the position as you did in the last.
With that out of the way, I’d like to officially celebrate the revival of the Ministry of Communications!
Anyone who knows my story in this region knows how important Communications has been for me throughout my time here. From my first few terms as minister, to my latest works for The North Star, to say I am excited for the upcoming term is a huge understatement. The ministry has gone through quite a lot of changes over the last few years, even being absorbed into Culture for the most recent few, but the upcoming term is always the most important, and I want to make sure of that. I believe Communications can be one of the most active and enjoyable ministries. In fact, I know it. The effort required to brainstorm, plan, write, edit, design, and publish content for the region and the rest of NationStates can be rewarding within itself, but outside of writing for the enjoyment of writing, there really isn’t much to incentivize anyone to do it, but I can assure that is about to change. The most successful Communications ministers in the past tend to be those who enjoy perfecting the process the most, but as we have seen this does not make for simple and consistent training of future generations. If the balance is to be drawn between consistency and quality, then we must ensure that we can have as much of both without over-complicating the process, which will be one of my core missions this term.
I'd like to thank Gorundu for trusting me with this position. I know he is going to do a tremendous job as Delegate and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish.
The Ministry of Communications will require determined and ambitious leadership if we're to meet our goals this term. We're going to need to draw upon many skill sets and ideas to put in the place the foundations for success, with each deputy taking on the responsibilities of their area as early as possible. I have spent the last few days reaching out to various members of the executive and I am pleased to announce the appointment of following deputies for the upcoming term. These are my initial deputies, but more appointments may come as the first few weeks of the term develop.
@Bobberino has shown a keen interest in helping with the return of our primary publications, and in our conversations has proven to me that he is just as passionate about seeing a successful return to the executive for the ministry as I am. He is no stranger to the executive, and it is the experience he has working for practically all of the ministries that gives me all of the confidence I need to appoint him as a deputy.
@Robespierre has expressed a noticeable desire to become more accustomed to hosting and recording the NBS, and because it is an area I am looking to bring back into activity this term, I feel confident that I will be able to work with him in that regard. Once again, a person of considerable experience in the executive, who I believe will bring a whole host of skills and insights to the ministry that will absolutely be needed to help in the successful revival of the ministry.
@Caius has proven that he is a reliable, active, and dedicated member of the executive, and has expressed to me his intentions to contribute to The North Star in his capacity as a deputy. I look forward to working with him further on all sorts of projects, and I am sure that he will thrive in this role, taking on new responsibilities with determination and ambition.
@Bobberino has shown a keen interest in helping with the return of our primary publications, and in our conversations has proven to me that he is just as passionate about seeing a successful return to the executive for the ministry as I am. He is no stranger to the executive, and it is the experience he has working for practically all of the ministries that gives me all of the confidence I need to appoint him as a deputy.
@Robespierre has expressed a noticeable desire to become more accustomed to hosting and recording the NBS, and because it is an area I am looking to bring back into activity this term, I feel confident that I will be able to work with him in that regard. Once again, a person of considerable experience in the executive, who I believe will bring a whole host of skills and insights to the ministry that will absolutely be needed to help in the successful revival of the ministry.
@Caius has proven that he is a reliable, active, and dedicated member of the executive, and has expressed to me his intentions to contribute to The North Star in his capacity as a deputy. I look forward to working with him further on all sorts of projects, and I am sure that he will thrive in this role, taking on new responsibilities with determination and ambition.
I plan to bring about the return of many of our stagnant publications through modernisation, rewards, and dialogue with interested writers. I have already set up a large majority of the planning and infrastructure for each publication behind the scenes, so now our focus will turn to incentivizing the executive to get more involved with our content creation process and really come to appreciate the rewarding nature of this ministry.
The North Star
TNS will be published at the end of each month, featuring four to six key articles in the same style as the April edition. Like I mentioned above, a lot of the design and planning has been done already for the next two months, so my focus will be putting out a roll call to identify interested staff. I have modernised the publication through the free resource Canva, which I will be using for the entirety of the term, as well as onboarding interested staff designers to pass down the process of designing TNS, and our other publications, so we can achieve a high quality appearance, while also maintaining a sustainable demand for articles and writers. TNS will be the staple of our output, and will function as a vessel for the creative energy of the staff, as well as a reliable foreign affairs distribution.
The Northern Lights
TNL has shifted in its purpose over the last three years from a regular publication to a dedicated and high quality release, featuring articles much longer and more in-depth than TNS. I do hope to see the release of two editions this term, but I will be more than satisfied if we manage one. I understand TNL articles take up much more time and analysis for writers, and so the rewards for writing and editing TNL articles will absolutely match the effort required. I plan to organise the release of a frontiers themed edition as our first release, with a target publication date late in July. I have begun the process of brainstorming specific topics, but I will be seeking suggestions from all staff and from all possible angles.
Northern Broadcasting Service
In preliminary discussions with Gorundu before the start of the term, I expressed my opinions on the process of recording and hosting broadcasts for NBS, and specifically that doing so should feel like more relaxed and enjoyable for the panelists who put themselves out there. This term, I do not plan to micromanage, set deadlines for, or expect NBS to break their backs getting broadcasts released. If anything is done, I want everyone involved to enjoy the process and feel like their contributions are appreciated as much as they deserve to be. While I am sure a lot of us would love to see NBS return to monthly shows and feature pieces, we must all be able to celebrate the fact we've even seen success historically in this regard, and allow that creative process to take place organically and with the enjoyment of our hosts and broadcasters as the top and final priority. Only then, I believe, will NBS feel like a success to me.
Press Releases
I also hope to bring about a return of The Northern Notes and Press Releases, which I hope to organise and publish in tandem with the Delegate and his advisors. TNN will function as a direct focus on the activities of government and news that otherwise would not be included in releases of TNS or NBS. I will reach out to ministers and deputies alike for ideas regarding coverage of their executive progress, and hope to use TNN as a way of improving gameside engagement. These releases are planned every two weeks, but that is not set in stone and releases may be more dynamic. The content for TNN will be similar to releases in the past, featuring perhaps a paragraph or two per topic.
RolePlay Coverage
Of course, as Minister of Communications, I have always been a big fan of the creative writing output of the roleplay scene in the region. I thoroughly enjoyed putting together RP readings with @Prydania, and I intend to plan for a return to things like that, without anything confirmed as of yet. Myself and my deputies will be reaching out to RPers and evaluating the potential for a return of roleplay coverage, but if there is not enough interest or availability, I am sure we will find ways of integrating the inventive worlds of our most talented RP writers into our publications portfolio through other avenues.
The North Star
TNS will be published at the end of each month, featuring four to six key articles in the same style as the April edition. Like I mentioned above, a lot of the design and planning has been done already for the next two months, so my focus will be putting out a roll call to identify interested staff. I have modernised the publication through the free resource Canva, which I will be using for the entirety of the term, as well as onboarding interested staff designers to pass down the process of designing TNS, and our other publications, so we can achieve a high quality appearance, while also maintaining a sustainable demand for articles and writers. TNS will be the staple of our output, and will function as a vessel for the creative energy of the staff, as well as a reliable foreign affairs distribution.
The Northern Lights
TNL has shifted in its purpose over the last three years from a regular publication to a dedicated and high quality release, featuring articles much longer and more in-depth than TNS. I do hope to see the release of two editions this term, but I will be more than satisfied if we manage one. I understand TNL articles take up much more time and analysis for writers, and so the rewards for writing and editing TNL articles will absolutely match the effort required. I plan to organise the release of a frontiers themed edition as our first release, with a target publication date late in July. I have begun the process of brainstorming specific topics, but I will be seeking suggestions from all staff and from all possible angles.
Northern Broadcasting Service
In preliminary discussions with Gorundu before the start of the term, I expressed my opinions on the process of recording and hosting broadcasts for NBS, and specifically that doing so should feel like more relaxed and enjoyable for the panelists who put themselves out there. This term, I do not plan to micromanage, set deadlines for, or expect NBS to break their backs getting broadcasts released. If anything is done, I want everyone involved to enjoy the process and feel like their contributions are appreciated as much as they deserve to be. While I am sure a lot of us would love to see NBS return to monthly shows and feature pieces, we must all be able to celebrate the fact we've even seen success historically in this regard, and allow that creative process to take place organically and with the enjoyment of our hosts and broadcasters as the top and final priority. Only then, I believe, will NBS feel like a success to me.
Press Releases
I also hope to bring about a return of The Northern Notes and Press Releases, which I hope to organise and publish in tandem with the Delegate and his advisors. TNN will function as a direct focus on the activities of government and news that otherwise would not be included in releases of TNS or NBS. I will reach out to ministers and deputies alike for ideas regarding coverage of their executive progress, and hope to use TNN as a way of improving gameside engagement. These releases are planned every two weeks, but that is not set in stone and releases may be more dynamic. The content for TNN will be similar to releases in the past, featuring perhaps a paragraph or two per topic.
RolePlay Coverage
Of course, as Minister of Communications, I have always been a big fan of the creative writing output of the roleplay scene in the region. I thoroughly enjoyed putting together RP readings with @Prydania, and I intend to plan for a return to things like that, without anything confirmed as of yet. Myself and my deputies will be reaching out to RPers and evaluating the potential for a return of roleplay coverage, but if there is not enough interest or availability, I am sure we will find ways of integrating the inventive worlds of our most talented RP writers into our publications portfolio through other avenues.
Staff Rewards
This is something I am extremely excited to bring into the ministry, and I believe it will play a key part in encouraging staff activity, as well as rewarding our talented and creative writers, editors, and broadcasters for their work. The following are a set of new additions to the rewards system for Communications, with a brief explanation of their function within the revived ministry.
The Communications Rating System (CR)
For every action performed by a member of Communications Staff, they will receive a fixed amount of CR, which can be redeemed for cards at the end of each month, or contribute to their overall rankings in other rewards schemes. For example, responding to the roll call, being the featured staff member of the week, editing an article or broadcast, writing an article, contributing to a broadcast, or winning monthly and end of term staff awards. There are, of course, more ways to earn CR which will be detailed in further threads, but you get the idea. I will be maintaining a leaderboard alongside my deputies to recognise contributions to the ministry, and look forward to seeing who comes out on top at the end of the term.
Staff Awards
Each week, a featured member of staff will be recognised for their contributions to the ministry, or at random if nothing of particular interest happens. Every month, the Communications leadership team will be hosting staff awards for 100 CR to celebrate the best member of staff for that period across all functions, with smaller awards given out to the best writer, editor, broadcaster, and deputy of the month. And to top all of that off, at the end of the term, I will be personally hosting the End of Term Awards for the very best of the best, where several categories will be decided on by the leadership team, such as best writer, editor, broadcast, article, and radio show of the term, along with some more areas.
Staff Badges
Everyone loves a cool graphic in their signature, right? I will be exploring potential rewards badges and graphics for different areas of the ministry, for example for deputies, broadcasters, writers, and editors, as well as monthly and end of term awards. While this part of the new rewards system is in very early stages, I hope it will encourage a lot of newer staff to roll up their sleeves and get involved. Overall, I just want the Communications Staff to feel like their work will go recognised and celebrated.
Staff Badges
Everyone loves a cool graphic in their signature, right? I will be exploring potential rewards badges and graphics for different areas of the ministry, for example for deputies, broadcasters, writers, and editors, as well as monthly and end of term awards. While this part of the new rewards system is in very early stages, I hope it will encourage a lot of newer staff to roll up their sleeves and get involved. Overall, I just want the Communications Staff to feel like their work will go recognised and celebrated.
Other Things
I will keep this section short, because this is more of a manifesto now than an opening address, but I appreciate all of you who have actually read all of this!
- I hope to get Communications working with the NPA to modernise and improve their operations reports releases as well as some graphical work such as an NPA Leaderboard as well, although most of that will be materialised through myself.
- The ministry will also be extending itself to Culture, Foreign Affairs, Home Affairs, WA Affairs, and Cards for any Communications-related tasks so things like cultural events and TNN can tick over as efficiently as possible.
- I have created an extensive term calendar behind the scenes to schedule practically everything I have planned this term, so I will know if anything is falling behind or if a deadline is creeping up on us way ahead of time.
- In addition to that, I have also created a staff registry which will be used to track applications, staff additions, and deputies once the roll call has concluded.
- Following the roll call, I will be evaluating the interests and passions of each staff member to better understand who will be most available for specific tasks and areas.
I don't know if you could tell, but I am absolutely serious about this being a genuine revival. Since my return in March, this has been one of my goals, and to really sense that trust from Gorundu, and from everyone who I have spoken to about it, has even further pushed me to get this ball rolling. I know we have a lot to do over the next few months, and I know we may have to be flexible in our expectations down the line, but one thing I will always say to anyone in TNP, is that you should always go for what you enjoy over anything else. That is why we're all here.
Thank you!
Minister of Communications
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