Opening Address: May 2023
I come to you today with my first address as your duly elected Delegate, somewhat bizarrely having already been doing the job for the past month. I am humbled to have earned your confidence to be elected to a full term as Delegate, and I believe for some of you, my handling of the situation over the past month has contributed to your confidence. Before I continue further, I would like to first make some important thank you’s. Throughout the past month, our Ministers and other Executive staffers have worked tirelessly to help keep the region running while I focused my attention on more pressing foreign affairs issues. I am grateful for the work they have put in and proud of the results they have achieved - they are a testament to the resilience of our region, the undying passion of our people, and their willingness to step up during difficult times.
But now, with an elected Delegate and an extensive agenda, it is time for us to redirect our focus to what the future holds for us. Although many challenges lay ahead, we have much to look forward to. The addition of Frontiers may not be as giant a blow to TNP as many have predicted, and indeed presents many opportunities for us to invigorate our military, extend our diplomatic reach, and spur a much-needed re-organisation within our Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure it remains effective and efficient. In a gameplay scene where written media has slowly died out, the revival of our publications could have major effects and draw significant attention while educating our own residents on what’s going on in their region. Our efforts in the World Assembly have been stronger than ever, with a proposal by a TNP author in the queue almost all the time, and Heroes of Valhalla churning proposals such as Commend Madjack. Our non-functional scripts have inspired many of our tech-inclined citizens to contribute towards rebuilding our tech infrastructure into a more futureproof system. And having survived the diplomatic trials and tribulations over the past month, we are now firmer than ever about where we stand in this world, and clearer about what changes we want to see.
Seizing these opportunities would be no easy feat. But the one thing I’m sure of is that we would not stand a chance without the fine people who have agreed to be part of my Executive Council. Without further ado, I would like to introduce you all to my team for this term:
Minister of Foreign Affairs - @Fregerson
Fregerson has served admirably as Minister of World Assembly Affairs over the past term. While he undoubtedly had an excellent team around him, the operation certainly would not have been as smooth as it is without his leadership. With @St George having chosen to step away from the job, I have asked Fregerson to be the new Minister. His attention to detail and acute awareness to his surroundings will be a great asset when it comes to implementing the internal reforms planned for the ministry, and while he is relatively lacking in foreign affairs experience, I have no doubt his demeanour and level-headedness will enable him to become an excellent representative for the region.
Minister of Home Affairs - @Comfed
Comfed is no stranger to our region, but I was pleased to see over the past few months that he had really begun to involve himself in the executive and the Regional Assembly, with excellent contributions across our ministries and RA debates. He also served as the only Deputy Minister of Defence this past term, where he has been a great help in organising the NPA, leading operations, and bringing a fresh perspective into NPA Command. I believe Comfed will have something similar to offer in this new role, bringing in energy, enthusiasm, fresh ideas and a hardworking attitude, and I can’t wait to work closely with him to help Home Affairs rediscover its mojo.
Minister of Defence - @Rom
I am pleased that Rom has agreed to stay on for another term as MoD. At this point Rom should need no introduction, having been a stalwart of the NPA for the past few years. He has steered the NPA through challenging times on many an occasion, and I am excited to continue working with him to seize the opportunities available to the NPA in this new age of Frontiers.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - @Chipoli
Having just been elected Vice Delegate, Chipoli certainly has the confidence of the electorate to be a competent government official. As a newcomer who wasted no time getting the hang of the World Assembly and rapidly rose to Minister, I have full faith that Chipoli will be able to take on this position again with lessons from his first term under the belt and maintain the strong trajectory of the ministry. Of course, this will mean that he is serving simultaneously in two very important roles for the region, but I will leave it to him to address how he will handle this in his own opening statement.
Minister of Culture - @Dreadton
Dreadton has been one of the most prolific contributors to Culture in recent years, often stepping up to help keep the ministry and its activities running without any official title or even being asked. He has spearheaded initiatives such as Music Monday, Games Nights, and has been a constant source of polls that entertain our gameside residents. I am excited to see him back in the Minister’s office. Always reliable and never short of new ideas, I am confident he can breathe new life into the ministry and keep TNPers engaged through an abundance of activities and events, whether they are big or small, serious or silly, new and experimental or tried and true.
Minister of Communications - @Kaschovia
As one of our most successful Ministers of Communication ever, Kasch is an obvious choice to lead the revival of the ministry. Having practically single-handedly engineered a revival of The North Star, I have no doubt that Kasch is ready to put in some serious work. I know there are many TNPers who are itching to contribute to the revival of our publications, and Kasch will be able to assemble and lead an excellent team to examine the major hurdles we need to tackle and work diligently, intelligently and methodically towards creating a sustainable ministry with regular releases.
Minister of Cards - @Noah's Second Country
The North Pacific has no shortage of prolific Cards players, Noah being one of the greatest among them. I am glad that Noah has agreed to continue for another term, and I look forward to his leadership of the ministry as it continues to look for optimal practices in building and serving our Cards community.
I am also appointing two Advisors to the Delegate for this term. @Pallaith and @St George have been an enormous help to me as I navigated the complex situation facing my Acting Delegacy, and dispensed invaluable advice to help me resolve the situation and get to grips with the duties of the office. Pallaith is continuing his role as Advisor, while Madjack moves into this role from Minister of Foreign Affairs as he takes a temporary step back from some political aspects of the region. I am delighted that he has agreed to continue serving the government in a reduced capacity as an Advisor.
I truly believe this term will be one of the most consequential terms in our history. I am truly grateful that you have given me the opportunity to take on such a great responsibility, and I promise to you solemnly that I will do my very best. But I alone will not be able to carry this burden, and nor will my Ministers. To build something truly special this term, we need you, our citizens and residents, to step into the fray and contribute your efforts and your ideas. Join a ministry, any one of them, and help our government to do more and achieve our vision. Join the WA or the NPA to help make our region safer and more powerful. Participate in discussions and debates on the forums or on Discord. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do - take the initiative and do it yourself. The more we see from you, the more likely we’ll be in for a great term.
Let’s get this party started.
Your Delegate,

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