"For all that we are and all that we have"
The New Arem Starfleet serves as the Naval Service of the Aremite Defence Forces, responsible for conducting exoatmospheric warfare. For this task, the New Arem Starfleet operates a varied fleet of warships and fighters.
Built from the ruins of the Arem Exodus, the New Arem Starfleet has had to maintain a disproportionately large force in order to provide for the security of the New Aremite Colonies.
The Aremites maintain a fleet of an estimated 2,000 warships, as well as a large number of auxiliary vessels, crewed by millions of men and women from across the Aremite Colonies.
The New Arem Starfleet is, on an operational and strategic level, split between numbered fleets and system defence fleets. The Numbered Fleets are known to be the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Fleets. In addition, the most famous System Defence Fleets are the Home Fleet, charged with protecting the Ren System including New Arem itself, and the Nimrod Defence Fleet, charged with protecting the Nimrod System and the vital Aremite Colony of Oulea.
These fleets are overseen by Fleet Command, which exercises control over fleet movements and overall coordination of New Arem exoatmospheric strategy. To do this, New Arem Space is divided into three Fleet Command Sectors, overseeing all Naval Forces in their designated sector. A Fleet Command Sector is overseen by an officer ranking no lower than Admiral.
The Organisation of a Numbered Fleet varies, but each fleet is built around a core of Battlecarrier Strike Groups (BSGs) led by a Battlecarrier. In addition to these BSGs are Cruiser Groups (CGs) and Battlecruiser Groups (BCGs) acting independently of the powerful Battlecarriers.
Personnel for the New Arem Starfleet are acquired through conscription. Every Aremite, upon turning 18, regardless of gender, must serve four years in the Armed Forces, with the Starfleet being one of the most common destinations. Fleet Officers are trained in a network of military academies across Aremite Space with specialties such as Naval Aviator, Tactical Officer, Engineer, and others available for prospective officers. The most prestigious Aremite Naval Academy is located on Oulea. Aremite Starfleet Officers are universally required to acquire flying wings.
Ship-Based Weaponry of the New Arem Starfleet
Chapter I: Missiles
Chapter Ia: Guided Missiles
The Aremite Starfleet operates a number of guided ship-to-ship missiles, from the light Archer Missiles mounted on Stardancer fighters, to the large Trumpet missiles carried aboard the warships of the Starfleet.
The Archer Missile is carried by the fighters of the Aremite Starfleet, meant chiefly to engage opposing fighters and small craft, its limited payload makes it ineffective against larger ships. The current service model of the Archer is the Archer Mk.XIII with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities.
For anti capital ship duties, the Starfleet's Air Arm has at its disposal the Hellfire Missile, a larger missile capable of carrying a variable yield nuclear payload alongside a conventional payload, the Hellfire is a major threat to opposing capital ships, capable of destroying even the largest of enemy capital ships in a powerful alpha strike. The current service model of the Hellfire is the Hellfire Mk.Xb.
The frontline ships of the Aremite Starfleet all carry the venerable Trumpet Missile, capable of carrying a large variety of payloads. From the conventional high explosive to the variable yield nuclear warhead, but in addition to these there are the following payloads: Armour Piercer is a low payload but high penetration warhead, and the Projectile Countermeasures Warhead emits an EM radius that ensures the mutual destruction of hostile munitions. The current service model of the Trumpet is the Trumpet Mk.XV.
A step above the Trumpet is the Skylark, capable of carrying the standard high explosive and variable yield nuclear warheads, but also the following warheads: A Proximity mine munition uses its DRADIS IFF sensors to determine if a hostile unit has come into its vicinity, once an enemy unit is detected the releases an explosive shrapnel payload, capable of causing severe damage to enemy warships.
The debris mine munition, which is a directional fragmentation charge that creates a field of debris that is fatal to both opposing and friendly squadrons, as well as lighter ships.
The EMP generator munition generates a localised EMP pulse that will severely disrupt the systems of all nearby squadrons and ships, with a grounding kit minimising the damage done to the host ship's systems.
The similar EMP mine is a similar munition but creates a much more powerful pulse only once, capable of completely disabling warships. The current service model of the Skylark is the Skylark Mk.VIc
The primary missile for orbital bombardment is the Brimstone. A huge missile only carried by captial ships of the Starfleet, they carry massive nuclear or conventional payloads. Capable of being used against opposing warships, their primary role is as a weapon of terror against terrestrial installations. The current service model of the Brimstone is the Brimstone Mk.III.
Chapter Ib: Unguided Missiles
The New Arem Starfleet operates two primary kinds of unguided missile, the Screecher Rocket and the Howler Torpedo.
The Screecher rocket is deployed in pods from Songbirds and Stardancers, and are targeted at larger capital ships, meant to soften up targets before being struck by Battlecarriers. The current service model of the Screecher is the Screecher Mk.IIIc.
The Howler Torpedo is a much larger rocket launched in massive salvos at point blank range to cause devastating damage. The current service model is the Howler Mk.II.
Chapter II: Artillery
Chapter IIa: Subcapital Ship Artillery
Guns aborad the escort ships are as follows:
Galeras-class Light Frigate: QF 30-inch Mk.IX Naval Gun
Minerva-class Frigate: QF 30-inch Mk.X Naval Gun
Archeron-class Destroyer: QF 31-inch Mk.VI Naval Gun
Demeter-class Light Cruiser: BL 35-inch Mk.VII Naval gun
All capable of firing standard HE, AP, Flak, and SAP rounds, along with nuclear shells as required.
Chapter IIb: Capital Ship Artillery
Aremite Battlecarriers have a variety of heavy artillery:
BL 40-inch Mk.XI Naval Gun
BL 47-inch Mk.VII Naval Gun
BL 73-inch Mk.III Naval Gun
BL 98-inch Mk.IV Naval Gun
BL 157-inch Mk.II Naval Gun
BL 315-inch Mk.I Naval Gun
All capable of firing standard HE, AP, Flak, and SAP rounds, along with nuclear shells as required.
Chapter III: Point Defence
The Starfleet's warships are protected by point defence CIWS mounts, with the most common being the QF 8-inch Mk.VIII and QF 4-inch Mk.VII weapons in addition to the Slug Mk.II Interceptor Missile arrays on selected vessels.
Chapter IV: Electronic Warfare
Many New Arem Warships have an electronic warfare suite, capable of defending against jamming attacks, and launching jamming attacks themselves. Though a capability that is not often used, the New Aremites do have several potent computer worms to unleash on opponents if necessary. These would be unlikely to cause permanent damage, but enough to weaken an opposing ship’s capability to fight, so that it would largely be unable to defend itself.
Vessels of the New Arem Starfleet
The New Arem Starfleet operates a varied fleet of ships built by a multitude of corporations across many worlds. The most important world for shipbuilding in New Arem is, however, the key world of Oulea, with its bountiful titanium and uranium deposits, it has become a key shipyard site for the Starfleet, and has seen many of its important command and control facilities relocate there from New Arem.
Ship Classes
"For all that we are and all that we have"
The New Arem Starfleet serves as the Naval Service of the Aremite Defence Forces, responsible for conducting exoatmospheric warfare. For this task, the New Arem Starfleet operates a varied fleet of warships and fighters.
Built from the ruins of the Arem Exodus, the New Arem Starfleet has had to maintain a disproportionately large force in order to provide for the security of the New Aremite Colonies.
The Aremites maintain a fleet of an estimated 2,000 warships, as well as a large number of auxiliary vessels, crewed by millions of men and women from across the Aremite Colonies.
The New Arem Starfleet is, on an operational and strategic level, split between numbered fleets and system defence fleets. The Numbered Fleets are known to be the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Fleets. In addition, the most famous System Defence Fleets are the Home Fleet, charged with protecting the Ren System including New Arem itself, and the Nimrod Defence Fleet, charged with protecting the Nimrod System and the vital Aremite Colony of Oulea.
These fleets are overseen by Fleet Command, which exercises control over fleet movements and overall coordination of New Arem exoatmospheric strategy. To do this, New Arem Space is divided into three Fleet Command Sectors, overseeing all Naval Forces in their designated sector. A Fleet Command Sector is overseen by an officer ranking no lower than Admiral.
The Organisation of a Numbered Fleet varies, but each fleet is built around a core of Battlecarrier Strike Groups (BSGs) led by a Battlecarrier. In addition to these BSGs are Cruiser Groups (CGs) and Battlecruiser Groups (BCGs) acting independently of the powerful Battlecarriers.
Personnel for the New Arem Starfleet are acquired through conscription. Every Aremite, upon turning 18, regardless of gender, must serve four years in the Armed Forces, with the Starfleet being one of the most common destinations. Fleet Officers are trained in a network of military academies across Aremite Space with specialties such as Naval Aviator, Tactical Officer, Engineer, and others available for prospective officers. The most prestigious Aremite Naval Academy is located on Oulea. Aremite Starfleet Officers are universally required to acquire flying wings.
Enlisted Personnel:
Leading Crewman
Petty Officer Third Class
Petty Officer Second Class
Petty Officer First Class
Chief Petty Officer Second Class
Chief Petty Officer First Class
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Starfleet
Commissioned Officers:
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Senior Grade
Lieutenant Commander
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Admiral of the Fleet
Leading Crewman
Petty Officer Third Class
Petty Officer Second Class
Petty Officer First Class
Chief Petty Officer Second Class
Chief Petty Officer First Class
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Starfleet
Commissioned Officers:
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Senior Grade
Lieutenant Commander
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Admiral of the Fleet
Ship-Based Weaponry of the New Arem Starfleet
Chapter I: Missiles
Chapter Ia: Guided Missiles
The Aremite Starfleet operates a number of guided ship-to-ship missiles, from the light Archer Missiles mounted on Stardancer fighters, to the large Trumpet missiles carried aboard the warships of the Starfleet.
The Archer Missile is carried by the fighters of the Aremite Starfleet, meant chiefly to engage opposing fighters and small craft, its limited payload makes it ineffective against larger ships. The current service model of the Archer is the Archer Mk.XIII with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities.
For anti capital ship duties, the Starfleet's Air Arm has at its disposal the Hellfire Missile, a larger missile capable of carrying a variable yield nuclear payload alongside a conventional payload, the Hellfire is a major threat to opposing capital ships, capable of destroying even the largest of enemy capital ships in a powerful alpha strike. The current service model of the Hellfire is the Hellfire Mk.Xb.
The frontline ships of the Aremite Starfleet all carry the venerable Trumpet Missile, capable of carrying a large variety of payloads. From the conventional high explosive to the variable yield nuclear warhead, but in addition to these there are the following payloads: Armour Piercer is a low payload but high penetration warhead, and the Projectile Countermeasures Warhead emits an EM radius that ensures the mutual destruction of hostile munitions. The current service model of the Trumpet is the Trumpet Mk.XV.
A step above the Trumpet is the Skylark, capable of carrying the standard high explosive and variable yield nuclear warheads, but also the following warheads: A Proximity mine munition uses its DRADIS IFF sensors to determine if a hostile unit has come into its vicinity, once an enemy unit is detected the releases an explosive shrapnel payload, capable of causing severe damage to enemy warships.
The debris mine munition, which is a directional fragmentation charge that creates a field of debris that is fatal to both opposing and friendly squadrons, as well as lighter ships.
The EMP generator munition generates a localised EMP pulse that will severely disrupt the systems of all nearby squadrons and ships, with a grounding kit minimising the damage done to the host ship's systems.
The similar EMP mine is a similar munition but creates a much more powerful pulse only once, capable of completely disabling warships. The current service model of the Skylark is the Skylark Mk.VIc
The primary missile for orbital bombardment is the Brimstone. A huge missile only carried by captial ships of the Starfleet, they carry massive nuclear or conventional payloads. Capable of being used against opposing warships, their primary role is as a weapon of terror against terrestrial installations. The current service model of the Brimstone is the Brimstone Mk.III.
Chapter Ib: Unguided Missiles
The New Arem Starfleet operates two primary kinds of unguided missile, the Screecher Rocket and the Howler Torpedo.
The Screecher rocket is deployed in pods from Songbirds and Stardancers, and are targeted at larger capital ships, meant to soften up targets before being struck by Battlecarriers. The current service model of the Screecher is the Screecher Mk.IIIc.
The Howler Torpedo is a much larger rocket launched in massive salvos at point blank range to cause devastating damage. The current service model is the Howler Mk.II.
Chapter II: Artillery
Chapter IIa: Subcapital Ship Artillery
Guns aborad the escort ships are as follows:
Galeras-class Light Frigate: QF 30-inch Mk.IX Naval Gun
Minerva-class Frigate: QF 30-inch Mk.X Naval Gun
Archeron-class Destroyer: QF 31-inch Mk.VI Naval Gun
Demeter-class Light Cruiser: BL 35-inch Mk.VII Naval gun
All capable of firing standard HE, AP, Flak, and SAP rounds, along with nuclear shells as required.
Chapter IIb: Capital Ship Artillery
Aremite Battlecarriers have a variety of heavy artillery:
BL 40-inch Mk.XI Naval Gun
BL 47-inch Mk.VII Naval Gun
BL 73-inch Mk.III Naval Gun
BL 98-inch Mk.IV Naval Gun
BL 157-inch Mk.II Naval Gun
BL 315-inch Mk.I Naval Gun
All capable of firing standard HE, AP, Flak, and SAP rounds, along with nuclear shells as required.
Chapter III: Point Defence
The Starfleet's warships are protected by point defence CIWS mounts, with the most common being the QF 8-inch Mk.VIII and QF 4-inch Mk.VII weapons in addition to the Slug Mk.II Interceptor Missile arrays on selected vessels.
Chapter IV: Electronic Warfare
Many New Arem Warships have an electronic warfare suite, capable of defending against jamming attacks, and launching jamming attacks themselves. Though a capability that is not often used, the New Aremites do have several potent computer worms to unleash on opponents if necessary. These would be unlikely to cause permanent damage, but enough to weaken an opposing ship’s capability to fight, so that it would largely be unable to defend itself.
Vessels of the New Arem Starfleet
The New Arem Starfleet operates a varied fleet of ships built by a multitude of corporations across many worlds. The most important world for shipbuilding in New Arem is, however, the key world of Oulea, with its bountiful titanium and uranium deposits, it has become a key shipyard site for the Starfleet, and has seen many of its important command and control facilities relocate there from New Arem.
Ship Classes
Escort ships such as frigates and destroyers play a vital role in screening their assigned capital ship, such as a battlecarrier or battlecruiser, and are the most numerous warship type in the Aremite Starfleet.
The Galeras-class Light Frigate, at 610 metres long is the smallest frontline ship of the Aremite Starfleet. At 12.1 million tonnes she is also one of the lightest, though still heavily armoured in the Aremite fashion. Armed with 750mm main guns, and a number of lighter CIWS and secondary guns, as well as Trumpet missiles and Howler torpedoes, the ship is a capable fighting vessel, despite its compact size.
The Minerva-class frigate is the mainline picket ship of the Aremite Starfleet, equipped with highly advanced DRADIS, and carrying a small air wing of three Songbirds, the 660 metre long vessel is an excellent escort to Aremite battlecruisers and battlecarriers. Her armament is no slouch either, with an updated model of the 30-inch weapon found on the Galeras-class making up her main armament, alongside missiles and lighter guns. Weighing in at 16.6 million tonnes, the frigate is also heavily armoured enough to be able to receive some hits.
The Archeron-class Destroyer is 670 metres long and weighs in at 18.7 million tonnes. Armed with 800mm main guns and Skylark missiles alongside the usual Trumpet missiles, the Archeron packs a significant punch, and can take hits for her escortee. Her signifcant light gun complement is capable of providing significant support for a capital ship's flak screen.
The Demeter-class Light Cruiser at an overall length of 710m and a weight of 30.4 million tonnes is the Aremite Starfleet's largest escort ship. Armed with 900mm main guns, and a mix of Skylark and Trumpet missiles alongside Howler torpedoes, the ship is capable of leading small task forces on her own, though works best as a supporting ship in a Battlecarrier Strike Group (BSG). Her flak screen is an excellent addition to any battlegroup looking to defend against opposing ordnance and squadrons.

The Galeras-class Light Frigate, at 610 metres long is the smallest frontline ship of the Aremite Starfleet. At 12.1 million tonnes she is also one of the lightest, though still heavily armoured in the Aremite fashion. Armed with 750mm main guns, and a number of lighter CIWS and secondary guns, as well as Trumpet missiles and Howler torpedoes, the ship is a capable fighting vessel, despite its compact size.

The Minerva-class frigate is the mainline picket ship of the Aremite Starfleet, equipped with highly advanced DRADIS, and carrying a small air wing of three Songbirds, the 660 metre long vessel is an excellent escort to Aremite battlecruisers and battlecarriers. Her armament is no slouch either, with an updated model of the 30-inch weapon found on the Galeras-class making up her main armament, alongside missiles and lighter guns. Weighing in at 16.6 million tonnes, the frigate is also heavily armoured enough to be able to receive some hits.

The Archeron-class Destroyer is 670 metres long and weighs in at 18.7 million tonnes. Armed with 800mm main guns and Skylark missiles alongside the usual Trumpet missiles, the Archeron packs a significant punch, and can take hits for her escortee. Her signifcant light gun complement is capable of providing significant support for a capital ship's flak screen.

The Demeter-class Light Cruiser at an overall length of 710m and a weight of 30.4 million tonnes is the Aremite Starfleet's largest escort ship. Armed with 900mm main guns, and a mix of Skylark and Trumpet missiles alongside Howler torpedoes, the ship is capable of leading small task forces on her own, though works best as a supporting ship in a Battlecarrier Strike Group (BSG). Her flak screen is an excellent addition to any battlegroup looking to defend against opposing ordnance and squadrons.
Capital ships, the heads of battlegroups and anchors of the battle line. These are the most powerful ships at the disposal of an Aremite Commander.
The Antietam-class Light Carrier is the smallest capital ship of the Aremite Starfleet, indeed sometimes not even considered a capital ship due to its small size, coming in at just 700m long and weighing in at 40.5 million tonnes, the Antietam-class is often mockingly called a "half pint" by many Aremite Naval Personnel. Despite her small size, however, she packs a punch, carrying 72 Stardancers and 12 Songbirds, along with a primary armament of 1,000mm guns and formidable ship to ship missiles. Despite her small size, her air wing and durability make her more than capable of leading small Carrier Strike Groups.
The Marathon-class Heavy cruiser is the smallest of the "true" Aremite capital ships, coming in at 1,002 metres and weighing in at 191 million tonnes, the Marathon's main armament consists of 1,000mm heavy guns, alongside 900mm guns as its secondary battery. The ship carries Trumpet, Skylark and Brimstone missiles, and has facilities for a flag officer. The Marathon-class is a formidable capital ship for leading smaller battlegroups or serving as an integral part of larger strike groups.
The Cowan-class Battlecruiser, named for the legendary Vice Admiral William Cowan, is a 1,450 metre long battlecruiser, being the largest Aremite capital ship not to carry an air wing. Weighing in at 330m tonnes, the ship can boast a powerful armament of 1,200mm guns and is bristling with lighter guns and missiles, making her a dangerous opponent to any capital ship. Paired with a battlecarrier, the Cowan-class can be incredibly difficult to cope with.
The Novatous is the oldest class of battlecarrier still in service, in the form of the ASFS Hornet. Designed before the exodus, the Novatous was once the backbone of the Aremite Starfleet, with a heavily damaged Novatous leading the refugee fleet to the faraway Aremite colonies.
Armed with 1,860mm guns for her main weaponry, along with over 500 point defence guns and carrying 144 Stardancers and 24 Songbirds in her Air Group, the Novatous was an immensely capable capital ship. At a length of 1,438m and a weight of 471m tonnes it was also massive but would eventually be dwarfed by new developments in Aremite battlecarrier design.
Following the Great Exodus, and the first years of struggle to get settled, the Aremite Government turned their attention to the Fleet, which had extremely limited resources to defend New Arem with. The Fleet consisted largely of converted civilian vessels, and a lone heavily damaged Novatous-class Battlecarrier. The decision was made to begin building additional Novatous-class ships to reinforce the battered fleet. In total, thirty new Novatous-class Battlecarriers would be built to constitute the core of the New Aremite Starfleet. The Daidalos was originally planned as the 32nd Novatous-class to enter service with the Aremite Starfleet, but Titania Heavy Industries had decided to build upon the Novatous-class Battlecarriers, and moved to improve the design in various ways. When the design was presented to the newly reconstituted Admiralty, they approved it enthusiastically, and presented it to the Ministry of Defence, who also enthusiastically approved of the design. The ship retained the general design of the Novatous-class, but several significant improvements were made: an all new Armour scheme, more resilient against both kinetic and energy weapons, new 2,500mm main guns, increased automation and all new computer networking system, fusion reactors replaced tylium reactors, and a new and improved DRADIS and sensor suite was included with the ships as well. Her armament, aside from just being more powerful, was also more numerous. In total, there were thirty main batteries, as well as 628 improved dual CIWS point defence gun mounts. As for length, the Daidalos-class remained at 1,438m long, which makes the class the shortest serving class of Battlecarrier, with her successor, the Vengeance-class absolutely dwarfing her. Nevertheless, the Daidalos-class continues to serve doggedly onwards, even as her future with the Aremite Starfleet grows increasingly uncertain, with the Admiralty preparing to present its plan for their eventual decommissioning. Even still, the Daidalos-class has an absolutely undying place in Aremite history, as the first Battlecarrier designed and built entirely in New Arem, even if taking heavy inspiration from her forebear. In total, Titania Heavy Industries built thirty six Daidalos-class Battlecarriers, with eighteen cancelled as the new Vengeance-class arrived to the scene.
The Aremite Starfleet is defined most by one class of Battlecarrier: the Vengeance-class Battlecarrier.Designed as a replacement for the earlier Novatous and Daidalos-class Battlecarriers, the Vengeance-class ships are considerably heavier and longer at 1,790m, with further modernised systems, and new capabilities, such as on-board fighter production. In addition, however, the ship also features thicker plating than her predecessors, giving her the distinction of the most survivable Battlecarrier up to that time. The ships avoided much of the usual Military Politicking, and dozens would be authorised by the Ministry of Defence, which would eventually go on to authorise over a hundred such vessels. Politicking only became unavoidable when the Starfleet asked for yet more still Vengeance-class Battlecarriers, which the Ministry of Defence declined to do on cost grounds. This led to the development of the slimmed Victory-class Battlecarriers, which the MoD accepted, and numerous ships were quickly ordered.The Vengeance-class features thirty-four 2,500mm main batteries, thirty in dual mount turrets and four in fixed dual bow mounts. In addition, there are dozens of secondary batteries and hundreds of dual mount CIWS point defence turrets. The ship also carries conventional and nuclear missiles, and is the first to feature the novel double decker flight pod layout. This allows the ship to carry an unprecedented amount of fighters, a total of ten squadrons or 240 craft, as well as forty-eight Songbirds.The ship also features water reclamation capabilities and food production facilities, as well as the most advanced networked computers up to that time in the Aremite Starfleet. The ship features many crew comforts due to the larger space and only a modestly larger crew compared to the Novatous-class Battlecarriers. They are the favoured frontline Battlecarriers of the Modern Aremite Starfleet, serving as the backbone of every numbered fleet, and as the flagship of many a system defence fleet. They are an indelible symbol of a new Aremite people, forged together in the fires of destruction and defeat, standing ready to set forth into the future.
The Victory-class Light Battlecarrier is an increasingly common sight in Aremite fleets, with MoD Plans slating it to eventually become the most common ship of its type in the Starfleet. There rises a question, then: why?
The Victory-class was born out of Ministry of Defence Politics, after the Admiralty asked the MoD for a total of 200 Vengeance-class Battlecarriers. The MoD flatly rejected such a notion, citing the costs of such an endeavour, before confirming that the cap for the Vengeance-class would be 130 vessels. The Admiralty was not pleased with the situation, and turned to Oberon Shipworks for a smaller, more compact Vengeance-class, that would be cheaper than her larger sister. This request led to the Victory-class, which strongly resembles the Vengeance-class in general shape, but is nearly 300m shorter and almost 100 million tonnes lighter, at 1,500m long and 639 million tonnes respectively. She also carries slightly less armament, at twenty-four 2,500mm main batteries, twenty in dual mount turrets, and four in dual fixed mounts in the bow. The ship also features secondary batteries, conventional and nuclear missiles, and hundreds of dual CIWS point defence mounts. As for the air wing, while it is reduced when compared to the Vengeance-class, the difference isn’t as massive as the size difference would suggest, with the Victory’s similarly designed flight pods capable of carrying 168 Stardancers and thirty-six Songbirds. The especially space intensive fighter production capability had to be deleted, however, with the Victory only being able to manufacture spare parts for its air wing on board. The ship’s crew facilities remain relatively roomy, however, with a 1,000 man reduction in crew complement, and the deletion of the fighter manufacturing capability making up for the near-300m reduction in length. The ship’s water reclamation and food production capabilities remained mostly unchanged, with small updates made to the systems. The Victory-class ships implemented changes to the computer systems from their inception as well, with new security systems and protocols making Aremite warships harder to hack, changes implemented retroactively on the first five batches of Vengeance-class Battlecarriers, and all Daidalos-class Battlecarriers. The Victory-class features the newer Pegasus-class Hyperlight Drive, more resilient to constant jumping, and with a quicker safe spool-up time of twenty minutes, as compared to twenty-three minutes on the previous class of hyperlight drive. This change was implemented on the first five batches of Vengeance-class Battlecarriers through refits. The MoD, upon receiving the design, was happy to authorise its production, with 150 being given as the authorised strength of the class. Twenty-nine ships have been built, with thirty-one on order and under construction, out of the planned 150 ships.
The Valiant-class Battlecarrier is the class of battlecarrier sponsored by the Core Worlds of New Arem. With ten in service, the 1,620m, 690m tonne warship is capable of carrying 192 Stardancers, 36 Songbirds, and is armed with a signifcant number of 2,500mm gun batteries. Each of the Aremite core colonies sponsored a ship, with the ships coming under control of the Colonies.
The Retribution-class Battlecarrier was devised as a list of requirements by the Admiralty following the success of the Vengeance-class Battlecarrier. The specifications were passed on to Titania Heavy Industries. They went on to present the Retribution-class to the Admiralty, which presented the design to the Ministry of Defence with a request for thirty. The Ministry of Defence in a surprise development, authorised all thirty. The ships are 1,820 meters long and weigh 780 million tonnes. The ships feature the now ubiquitous double decker flight pods, which can carry 336 Stardancers and 60 Songbirds. As for armament, the ship is the second class for whom the main batteries are formed of 4,000mm dual turrets, six of them in total. There are also dozens of 2,500mm secondary batteries and smaller tertiary batteries. In addition, the ship carries hundreds of dual CIWS point defence gun mounts, as well as both conventional and nuclear missiles. Retribution-class warships contain the now common Stardancer Manufacturing capabilities, as well as water reclamation and and food production capabilities. The ship is also the first to integrate gun-launched ship to ship missiles, this being a feature later integrated on all Battlecarriers except those from the Daidalos and remaining Novatous classes. In addition, interceptor missile arrays also debuted on the Retribution-class, with plans to equip most Starfleet ships with such arrays in the works.There are eighteen Retribution-class Battlecarriers currently in service, out of the planned thirty, though the Starfleet has presented a request for another thirty to bring the number up to sixty. This has brought about speculation as to whether or not there are plans to replace the Vengeance-class with the Retribution-class as the backbone of the fleet. The New Arem Ministry of Defence has denied this, stating that their plans remain firmly intertwined with the Vengeance-class Battlecarriers, which, according to their plans are meant to serve into the next century.
The Prometheus-class was built to act as a Fleet Flagship, but the Aremites already have the clearly superior Fortress Class, so why?Well the answer is fairly uncomplicated. The superiority of the Fortress-class to the Prometheus-class is beyond dispute. The Fortress-class is immense, and has more of everything. That is part of the issue, however. The Fortress-class is immensely expensive, and the Ministry of Defence eventually told the Starfleet that their ten Fortress-class ships weren’t going to happen.The Admiralty was not happy, but was forced to accept this state of affairs. Still needing fleet flagships, however, they decided that a new class of warships would be necessary. Titania Heavy Industry were tasked with providing a smaller and cheaper alternative to the Fortress-class. So was born the 2,000 metre long Prometheus-class. A decidedly more toned down design, the Prometheus-class still features considerable firepower, with eight heavy main batteries, and eighty-four secondary batteries. Notably, the Prometheus’ main batteries are considerably larger than most Aremite main batteries, at a bore of 4,000mm, with the secondary batteries being 2,500mm. In addition, there are smaller tertiary batteries and hundreds of dual CIWS point defence batteries throughout the ship providing considerable firepower. The ship also carries conventional and nuclear missiles, and a large air wing, giving it quite a bit of staying power. The ship also has advanced water reclamation and food production facilities, as well as workshops for the manufacture of new ammunition for the ship, and fighters for the air wing.While certainly not cheap, they are considerably cheaper than their larger sisters in the Fortress-class. The Ministry of Defence relented, and approved the design for an initial run of twenty ships, which the Starfleet accepted, though their initial request was thirty-six vessels. Today, twelve ships of the class are in service, serving in their intended role as fleet flagships.
The Bellerophon-class Battlecarrier is an immensely powerful warship, with some calling it a Super Battlecarrier, despite her small size, relatively speaking. The ship was designed by Oberon Shipworks and presented to the Admiralty, who loved the idea. The Ministry of Defence, after long discussions, authorised twelve such ships to be built initially, though the Admiralty is still pushing for twenty-four Bellerophon-class battlecarriers. The ship’s main body resembles the Vengeance and Victory classes, but is significantly larger, coming in at 1,900m long and weighs in at 863 million tonnes, which is notably just seven million tonnes less than the 2,000m long Prometheus-class. The ship features the novel “triple decker” flight pod design, allowing her to accommodate a massive air wing of 720 Stardancers and ninety-six Songbirds, something unheard of for ships of her size. Her armament is nothing to sneeze at either, carrying sixty 2,500mm main batteries as well dozens of secondary batteries and hundreds of dual mount CIWS point defence batteries. In addition to her gun armament, she carries both conventional and nuclear missiles and is equipped with a sophisticated Electronic Warfare Suite, a feature introduced with the Retribution-class, and later included as standard in all Battlecarriers, being fitted onto previously built BCVs as well. The ship also features the capability to manufacture new fighters and Songbirds. The ship also has refining capabilities, meaning that should her Songbirds find raw tylium, she can refine it into tylium fuel, and thus be self sufficient for aviation fuel, as long as raw tylium is found of course. Along with that novel capability, the ship features advanced water reclamation facilities and rapid growing beds for food. The ship as a consequence has sometimes been called a “Warcarrier” a play off of Battlecarrier with the ship supposedly being capable of fighting an entire war on her own. This is of course an overstatement of her capabilities, though she can be self sufficient for possibly years on end, quite possibly indefinitely, making her an excellent power projection vessel and patrol capital ship in the more remote areas of Aremite space. Being built for long missions has necessitated roomy rec rooms in order to make life more bearable on long deployments away from home. The ship features a basketball court, a bar, an observation deck, several gyms, an officers’ club, and even a small library. In total, of the twelve ships initially authorised, five have been built and are in service, representing Aremite interests at home and abroad.
The enormous Fortress-class Super Battlecarriers are the largest and most powerful warships ever fielded by the Aremites. Built to be the heart of Exoatmospheric Battlegroups, but also to have the capability to singlehandedly establish a Military Presence in hostile enemy systems, as well as act as the backup fleet headquarters for the Aremite Starfleet, while also acting in the age old role of Fleet in Being, the Fortress-class vessels are heavily armed and have immense capabilities.
Designed by Titania Heavy Industries at the request of the Admiralty, the Ministry of Defence initially approved the Admiralty’s request for ten of these behemoths which were to be named the ASFS Fortress (BCV-100), the ASFS Sanctuary (BCV-101), the ASFS Citadel (BCV-102), the ASFS Redoubt (BCV-103), the ASFS Castle (BCV-104), the ASFS Bastion (BCV-105), the ASFS Bulwark (BCV-106), the ASFS Keep (BCV-107), the ASFS Rampart (BCV-108), and the ASFS Stronghold (BCV-109). Budgetary constraints and the Fleet’s other needs only led to four ships being completed: the Fortress, Sanctuary, Citadel, and Redoubt. Today, these ships serve as fleet flagships, with the ASFS Fortress serving as the flagship of the entire Aremite Starfleet.
At a length of 3.6km and a weight of 1.35 billion tonnes, the Fortress-class is the largest class of Aremite Warship in service by a significant margin, with the other class of “Super Battlecarrier” the Bellerophon being dwarfed by this behemoth. Armed with sixteen 4,000mm main batteries in her original configuration but also dozens upon dozens of smaller 2,000mm secondary batteries, thousands of dual CIWS Point Defence gun mounts, as well as missile silos for nuclear and conventional ordnance, the Fortress packs the firepower of multiple smaller battlecarriers. Her air wing is also immense, permitted by her enormous double decker flight pods, which are longer than some Aremite Battlecarriers in their own right. The standard air wing consists of 1,536 Stardancers and 240 Songbirds, though as ever, these ratios can be changed depending on mission. Thanks to their role as secondary fleet headquarters, the Fortress-class ships are fitted with flag facilities capable of commanding an entire fleet. To support these, the ships have immensely advanced sensors and communications equipment, capable of coordinating the actions of an entire fleet, as well as finding scattered elements of it. The ship is powered by multiple fusion reactors, and is capable of FTL travel thanks to the two Minotaur-class Heavy Hyperlight drives. The standard crew complement of the Fortress-class is 16,900 personnel, though in their force projection capacity, they are capable of carrying, deploying, supporting, and sustaining a full Aremite Marine Expeditionary Brigade. For this purpose, the ships have fabrication facilities, capable of not only fabricating fighters and utility craft, but also heavy terrestrial equipment and supplies. This gives the Fortress-class the capability to completely subjugate smaller enemy colonies, as well as the capability to project power across an entire system. Indeed, they can single-handedly establish an Aremite presence in hostile systems, should it be necessary. The ship features robust food production and water reclamation facilities, as well as a tylium refining capability, making the ships self sufficient possibly indefinitely. In order to make such potential cruises more bearable, the Fortress-class has many roomy rec facilities for the vast crew. The Fortress-class ships are immense beasts, capable of subjugating systems by their mere presence, and acting as the Starfleet’s Headquarters should the worst happen. They are titans of the fleet. Statements of New Arem’s power moulded from titanium and steel. In a battle, they are the Aremites’ checkmate, capable of standing up to almost anything that can be thrown at it

The Antietam-class Light Carrier is the smallest capital ship of the Aremite Starfleet, indeed sometimes not even considered a capital ship due to its small size, coming in at just 700m long and weighing in at 40.5 million tonnes, the Antietam-class is often mockingly called a "half pint" by many Aremite Naval Personnel. Despite her small size, however, she packs a punch, carrying 72 Stardancers and 12 Songbirds, along with a primary armament of 1,000mm guns and formidable ship to ship missiles. Despite her small size, her air wing and durability make her more than capable of leading small Carrier Strike Groups.

The Marathon-class Heavy cruiser is the smallest of the "true" Aremite capital ships, coming in at 1,002 metres and weighing in at 191 million tonnes, the Marathon's main armament consists of 1,000mm heavy guns, alongside 900mm guns as its secondary battery. The ship carries Trumpet, Skylark and Brimstone missiles, and has facilities for a flag officer. The Marathon-class is a formidable capital ship for leading smaller battlegroups or serving as an integral part of larger strike groups.

The Cowan-class Battlecruiser, named for the legendary Vice Admiral William Cowan, is a 1,450 metre long battlecruiser, being the largest Aremite capital ship not to carry an air wing. Weighing in at 330m tonnes, the ship can boast a powerful armament of 1,200mm guns and is bristling with lighter guns and missiles, making her a dangerous opponent to any capital ship. Paired with a battlecarrier, the Cowan-class can be incredibly difficult to cope with.

The Novatous is the oldest class of battlecarrier still in service, in the form of the ASFS Hornet. Designed before the exodus, the Novatous was once the backbone of the Aremite Starfleet, with a heavily damaged Novatous leading the refugee fleet to the faraway Aremite colonies.
Armed with 1,860mm guns for her main weaponry, along with over 500 point defence guns and carrying 144 Stardancers and 24 Songbirds in her Air Group, the Novatous was an immensely capable capital ship. At a length of 1,438m and a weight of 471m tonnes it was also massive but would eventually be dwarfed by new developments in Aremite battlecarrier design.

Following the Great Exodus, and the first years of struggle to get settled, the Aremite Government turned their attention to the Fleet, which had extremely limited resources to defend New Arem with. The Fleet consisted largely of converted civilian vessels, and a lone heavily damaged Novatous-class Battlecarrier. The decision was made to begin building additional Novatous-class ships to reinforce the battered fleet. In total, thirty new Novatous-class Battlecarriers would be built to constitute the core of the New Aremite Starfleet. The Daidalos was originally planned as the 32nd Novatous-class to enter service with the Aremite Starfleet, but Titania Heavy Industries had decided to build upon the Novatous-class Battlecarriers, and moved to improve the design in various ways. When the design was presented to the newly reconstituted Admiralty, they approved it enthusiastically, and presented it to the Ministry of Defence, who also enthusiastically approved of the design. The ship retained the general design of the Novatous-class, but several significant improvements were made: an all new Armour scheme, more resilient against both kinetic and energy weapons, new 2,500mm main guns, increased automation and all new computer networking system, fusion reactors replaced tylium reactors, and a new and improved DRADIS and sensor suite was included with the ships as well. Her armament, aside from just being more powerful, was also more numerous. In total, there were thirty main batteries, as well as 628 improved dual CIWS point defence gun mounts. As for length, the Daidalos-class remained at 1,438m long, which makes the class the shortest serving class of Battlecarrier, with her successor, the Vengeance-class absolutely dwarfing her. Nevertheless, the Daidalos-class continues to serve doggedly onwards, even as her future with the Aremite Starfleet grows increasingly uncertain, with the Admiralty preparing to present its plan for their eventual decommissioning. Even still, the Daidalos-class has an absolutely undying place in Aremite history, as the first Battlecarrier designed and built entirely in New Arem, even if taking heavy inspiration from her forebear. In total, Titania Heavy Industries built thirty six Daidalos-class Battlecarriers, with eighteen cancelled as the new Vengeance-class arrived to the scene.

The Aremite Starfleet is defined most by one class of Battlecarrier: the Vengeance-class Battlecarrier.Designed as a replacement for the earlier Novatous and Daidalos-class Battlecarriers, the Vengeance-class ships are considerably heavier and longer at 1,790m, with further modernised systems, and new capabilities, such as on-board fighter production. In addition, however, the ship also features thicker plating than her predecessors, giving her the distinction of the most survivable Battlecarrier up to that time. The ships avoided much of the usual Military Politicking, and dozens would be authorised by the Ministry of Defence, which would eventually go on to authorise over a hundred such vessels. Politicking only became unavoidable when the Starfleet asked for yet more still Vengeance-class Battlecarriers, which the Ministry of Defence declined to do on cost grounds. This led to the development of the slimmed Victory-class Battlecarriers, which the MoD accepted, and numerous ships were quickly ordered.The Vengeance-class features thirty-four 2,500mm main batteries, thirty in dual mount turrets and four in fixed dual bow mounts. In addition, there are dozens of secondary batteries and hundreds of dual mount CIWS point defence turrets. The ship also carries conventional and nuclear missiles, and is the first to feature the novel double decker flight pod layout. This allows the ship to carry an unprecedented amount of fighters, a total of ten squadrons or 240 craft, as well as forty-eight Songbirds.The ship also features water reclamation capabilities and food production facilities, as well as the most advanced networked computers up to that time in the Aremite Starfleet. The ship features many crew comforts due to the larger space and only a modestly larger crew compared to the Novatous-class Battlecarriers. They are the favoured frontline Battlecarriers of the Modern Aremite Starfleet, serving as the backbone of every numbered fleet, and as the flagship of many a system defence fleet. They are an indelible symbol of a new Aremite people, forged together in the fires of destruction and defeat, standing ready to set forth into the future.

The Victory-class Light Battlecarrier is an increasingly common sight in Aremite fleets, with MoD Plans slating it to eventually become the most common ship of its type in the Starfleet. There rises a question, then: why?
The Victory-class was born out of Ministry of Defence Politics, after the Admiralty asked the MoD for a total of 200 Vengeance-class Battlecarriers. The MoD flatly rejected such a notion, citing the costs of such an endeavour, before confirming that the cap for the Vengeance-class would be 130 vessels. The Admiralty was not pleased with the situation, and turned to Oberon Shipworks for a smaller, more compact Vengeance-class, that would be cheaper than her larger sister. This request led to the Victory-class, which strongly resembles the Vengeance-class in general shape, but is nearly 300m shorter and almost 100 million tonnes lighter, at 1,500m long and 639 million tonnes respectively. She also carries slightly less armament, at twenty-four 2,500mm main batteries, twenty in dual mount turrets, and four in dual fixed mounts in the bow. The ship also features secondary batteries, conventional and nuclear missiles, and hundreds of dual CIWS point defence mounts. As for the air wing, while it is reduced when compared to the Vengeance-class, the difference isn’t as massive as the size difference would suggest, with the Victory’s similarly designed flight pods capable of carrying 168 Stardancers and thirty-six Songbirds. The especially space intensive fighter production capability had to be deleted, however, with the Victory only being able to manufacture spare parts for its air wing on board. The ship’s crew facilities remain relatively roomy, however, with a 1,000 man reduction in crew complement, and the deletion of the fighter manufacturing capability making up for the near-300m reduction in length. The ship’s water reclamation and food production capabilities remained mostly unchanged, with small updates made to the systems. The Victory-class ships implemented changes to the computer systems from their inception as well, with new security systems and protocols making Aremite warships harder to hack, changes implemented retroactively on the first five batches of Vengeance-class Battlecarriers, and all Daidalos-class Battlecarriers. The Victory-class features the newer Pegasus-class Hyperlight Drive, more resilient to constant jumping, and with a quicker safe spool-up time of twenty minutes, as compared to twenty-three minutes on the previous class of hyperlight drive. This change was implemented on the first five batches of Vengeance-class Battlecarriers through refits. The MoD, upon receiving the design, was happy to authorise its production, with 150 being given as the authorised strength of the class. Twenty-nine ships have been built, with thirty-one on order and under construction, out of the planned 150 ships.

The Valiant-class Battlecarrier is the class of battlecarrier sponsored by the Core Worlds of New Arem. With ten in service, the 1,620m, 690m tonne warship is capable of carrying 192 Stardancers, 36 Songbirds, and is armed with a signifcant number of 2,500mm gun batteries. Each of the Aremite core colonies sponsored a ship, with the ships coming under control of the Colonies.

The Retribution-class Battlecarrier was devised as a list of requirements by the Admiralty following the success of the Vengeance-class Battlecarrier. The specifications were passed on to Titania Heavy Industries. They went on to present the Retribution-class to the Admiralty, which presented the design to the Ministry of Defence with a request for thirty. The Ministry of Defence in a surprise development, authorised all thirty. The ships are 1,820 meters long and weigh 780 million tonnes. The ships feature the now ubiquitous double decker flight pods, which can carry 336 Stardancers and 60 Songbirds. As for armament, the ship is the second class for whom the main batteries are formed of 4,000mm dual turrets, six of them in total. There are also dozens of 2,500mm secondary batteries and smaller tertiary batteries. In addition, the ship carries hundreds of dual CIWS point defence gun mounts, as well as both conventional and nuclear missiles. Retribution-class warships contain the now common Stardancer Manufacturing capabilities, as well as water reclamation and and food production capabilities. The ship is also the first to integrate gun-launched ship to ship missiles, this being a feature later integrated on all Battlecarriers except those from the Daidalos and remaining Novatous classes. In addition, interceptor missile arrays also debuted on the Retribution-class, with plans to equip most Starfleet ships with such arrays in the works.There are eighteen Retribution-class Battlecarriers currently in service, out of the planned thirty, though the Starfleet has presented a request for another thirty to bring the number up to sixty. This has brought about speculation as to whether or not there are plans to replace the Vengeance-class with the Retribution-class as the backbone of the fleet. The New Arem Ministry of Defence has denied this, stating that their plans remain firmly intertwined with the Vengeance-class Battlecarriers, which, according to their plans are meant to serve into the next century.

The Prometheus-class was built to act as a Fleet Flagship, but the Aremites already have the clearly superior Fortress Class, so why?Well the answer is fairly uncomplicated. The superiority of the Fortress-class to the Prometheus-class is beyond dispute. The Fortress-class is immense, and has more of everything. That is part of the issue, however. The Fortress-class is immensely expensive, and the Ministry of Defence eventually told the Starfleet that their ten Fortress-class ships weren’t going to happen.The Admiralty was not happy, but was forced to accept this state of affairs. Still needing fleet flagships, however, they decided that a new class of warships would be necessary. Titania Heavy Industry were tasked with providing a smaller and cheaper alternative to the Fortress-class. So was born the 2,000 metre long Prometheus-class. A decidedly more toned down design, the Prometheus-class still features considerable firepower, with eight heavy main batteries, and eighty-four secondary batteries. Notably, the Prometheus’ main batteries are considerably larger than most Aremite main batteries, at a bore of 4,000mm, with the secondary batteries being 2,500mm. In addition, there are smaller tertiary batteries and hundreds of dual CIWS point defence batteries throughout the ship providing considerable firepower. The ship also carries conventional and nuclear missiles, and a large air wing, giving it quite a bit of staying power. The ship also has advanced water reclamation and food production facilities, as well as workshops for the manufacture of new ammunition for the ship, and fighters for the air wing.While certainly not cheap, they are considerably cheaper than their larger sisters in the Fortress-class. The Ministry of Defence relented, and approved the design for an initial run of twenty ships, which the Starfleet accepted, though their initial request was thirty-six vessels. Today, twelve ships of the class are in service, serving in their intended role as fleet flagships.

The Bellerophon-class Battlecarrier is an immensely powerful warship, with some calling it a Super Battlecarrier, despite her small size, relatively speaking. The ship was designed by Oberon Shipworks and presented to the Admiralty, who loved the idea. The Ministry of Defence, after long discussions, authorised twelve such ships to be built initially, though the Admiralty is still pushing for twenty-four Bellerophon-class battlecarriers. The ship’s main body resembles the Vengeance and Victory classes, but is significantly larger, coming in at 1,900m long and weighs in at 863 million tonnes, which is notably just seven million tonnes less than the 2,000m long Prometheus-class. The ship features the novel “triple decker” flight pod design, allowing her to accommodate a massive air wing of 720 Stardancers and ninety-six Songbirds, something unheard of for ships of her size. Her armament is nothing to sneeze at either, carrying sixty 2,500mm main batteries as well dozens of secondary batteries and hundreds of dual mount CIWS point defence batteries. In addition to her gun armament, she carries both conventional and nuclear missiles and is equipped with a sophisticated Electronic Warfare Suite, a feature introduced with the Retribution-class, and later included as standard in all Battlecarriers, being fitted onto previously built BCVs as well. The ship also features the capability to manufacture new fighters and Songbirds. The ship also has refining capabilities, meaning that should her Songbirds find raw tylium, she can refine it into tylium fuel, and thus be self sufficient for aviation fuel, as long as raw tylium is found of course. Along with that novel capability, the ship features advanced water reclamation facilities and rapid growing beds for food. The ship as a consequence has sometimes been called a “Warcarrier” a play off of Battlecarrier with the ship supposedly being capable of fighting an entire war on her own. This is of course an overstatement of her capabilities, though she can be self sufficient for possibly years on end, quite possibly indefinitely, making her an excellent power projection vessel and patrol capital ship in the more remote areas of Aremite space. Being built for long missions has necessitated roomy rec rooms in order to make life more bearable on long deployments away from home. The ship features a basketball court, a bar, an observation deck, several gyms, an officers’ club, and even a small library. In total, of the twelve ships initially authorised, five have been built and are in service, representing Aremite interests at home and abroad.

The enormous Fortress-class Super Battlecarriers are the largest and most powerful warships ever fielded by the Aremites. Built to be the heart of Exoatmospheric Battlegroups, but also to have the capability to singlehandedly establish a Military Presence in hostile enemy systems, as well as act as the backup fleet headquarters for the Aremite Starfleet, while also acting in the age old role of Fleet in Being, the Fortress-class vessels are heavily armed and have immense capabilities.
Designed by Titania Heavy Industries at the request of the Admiralty, the Ministry of Defence initially approved the Admiralty’s request for ten of these behemoths which were to be named the ASFS Fortress (BCV-100), the ASFS Sanctuary (BCV-101), the ASFS Citadel (BCV-102), the ASFS Redoubt (BCV-103), the ASFS Castle (BCV-104), the ASFS Bastion (BCV-105), the ASFS Bulwark (BCV-106), the ASFS Keep (BCV-107), the ASFS Rampart (BCV-108), and the ASFS Stronghold (BCV-109). Budgetary constraints and the Fleet’s other needs only led to four ships being completed: the Fortress, Sanctuary, Citadel, and Redoubt. Today, these ships serve as fleet flagships, with the ASFS Fortress serving as the flagship of the entire Aremite Starfleet.
At a length of 3.6km and a weight of 1.35 billion tonnes, the Fortress-class is the largest class of Aremite Warship in service by a significant margin, with the other class of “Super Battlecarrier” the Bellerophon being dwarfed by this behemoth. Armed with sixteen 4,000mm main batteries in her original configuration but also dozens upon dozens of smaller 2,000mm secondary batteries, thousands of dual CIWS Point Defence gun mounts, as well as missile silos for nuclear and conventional ordnance, the Fortress packs the firepower of multiple smaller battlecarriers. Her air wing is also immense, permitted by her enormous double decker flight pods, which are longer than some Aremite Battlecarriers in their own right. The standard air wing consists of 1,536 Stardancers and 240 Songbirds, though as ever, these ratios can be changed depending on mission. Thanks to their role as secondary fleet headquarters, the Fortress-class ships are fitted with flag facilities capable of commanding an entire fleet. To support these, the ships have immensely advanced sensors and communications equipment, capable of coordinating the actions of an entire fleet, as well as finding scattered elements of it. The ship is powered by multiple fusion reactors, and is capable of FTL travel thanks to the two Minotaur-class Heavy Hyperlight drives. The standard crew complement of the Fortress-class is 16,900 personnel, though in their force projection capacity, they are capable of carrying, deploying, supporting, and sustaining a full Aremite Marine Expeditionary Brigade. For this purpose, the ships have fabrication facilities, capable of not only fabricating fighters and utility craft, but also heavy terrestrial equipment and supplies. This gives the Fortress-class the capability to completely subjugate smaller enemy colonies, as well as the capability to project power across an entire system. Indeed, they can single-handedly establish an Aremite presence in hostile systems, should it be necessary. The ship features robust food production and water reclamation facilities, as well as a tylium refining capability, making the ships self sufficient possibly indefinitely. In order to make such potential cruises more bearable, the Fortress-class has many roomy rec facilities for the vast crew. The Fortress-class ships are immense beasts, capable of subjugating systems by their mere presence, and acting as the Starfleet’s Headquarters should the worst happen. They are titans of the fleet. Statements of New Arem’s power moulded from titanium and steel. In a battle, they are the Aremites’ checkmate, capable of standing up to almost anything that can be thrown at it
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