NPA and ERN Overthrow Native Delegate on Detag Run


the Second Best Ron in the World
TNP Nation

Ministry of Defense
11 April 2023

A great terror had fallen over the North Pacific, as a.. sloth had stumbled their way into being TNP delegate! Quickly realizing the urgency of this situation yet at the same time understanding they had plenty of time to act, Minister of Defense Rom quickly got ahold of ERN Grand Admiral Forilian who luckily is also quite experienced in dealing with rogue sloths. Eventually they came up with a great plan - "What if we, just install someone else as delegate? We can even do some detags on the side so that nobody suspects a thing." noted Rom. With a plan in mind, both the NPA and ERN set out to do some detags until CHAOS appeared. CHAOS was quite effective in throwing off some of the detags, but yet they pressed on and managed to successfully detag five regions along with successfully returning TNP back into a sloth-free region. Three NPA soldiers participated in this operation.

Soldiers Present:
COL Comfed
LTN Icarus
CPL El Fiji Grande

Regions Detagged
Virgo Clava
International Association of States
Violet Irises
Sulawesi United Organization

Delegates Overthrown: