Statement from The League & The Order of the Grey Wardens


Foreign Envoy

Follow-up, Retraction, and Apology

At even the best of times for both people and governments, mistakes are inevitable. Very few choices are flawless, and today The League & Concord and The Order of the Grey Wardens wish to acknowledge a recent occurrence of this and make a step towards productive and reconciliatory dialogue.

On April 8th, The League & Concord and The Order of the Grey Wardens signed on to a statement regarding recent events publicized by Lone Wolves United in response to actions relating to The North Pacific. This was a poor decision, a poor statement, and we retract our signatures and our assent to the contents of that statement effective immediately.

To the people and government of The North Pacific: We apologize for our role in these events from the original ultimatum onwards. Our convictions and frustrations, earnest as they may be, and fierce as they may be at times, did not warrant our involvement in the ultimatum delivered to your previous Delegate.

Our governments have reached out to The North Pacific and hope, either jointly or individually, that a productive conversation may ensue. We understand that this statement must be followed by sincere steps of action, and we hope that the opportunity for that arises as things move forward.

Creeperopolis, Chief Consul of the Republic

Quebecshire, Consul of the Republic

Spode Humbled Minions, Consul of the Republic

New San Antonio, Director of Foreign Affairs

Paleocacher, Executive Advisor & Diplomat to The North Pacific

Grea Kriopia, First Warden

Sir Merlin, High Constable

Lucabaduka, Chamberlain

Tim Stark, Warden-Commander & Steward of The Frontier

Nakarisaune, Warden-Commander & Arlessa of The Amaranthine Isles

Varax Zwei, Warden-Commander

Questions may be posted here or addressed to Consul Quebecshire by telegram on NS or over Discord.
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