

Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

I stand before you today to announce my resignation as your Delegate, as a Security Councillor, and all other IC positions I hold in the North Pacific. I will be taking some time away from The North Pacific in general, but will still be contactable via DM for urgent business (will still be in the NPO and Europeia servers so you can find me there). It is obviously not a decision I make lightly, but a decision I am making for a variety of reasons I want to lay out to you all now.

First, for those of you who are familiar with the LWU statement of yesterday or Wym’s resignation statement. If you are not, I’ll spare you the details. The Government was pressured by a coalition of regions including The South Pacific, the League, and 10000 Islands on a future WA vote to vote Against it. Other elements of our foreign relations (namely Lone Wolves United and The West Pacific) wanted us to vote For it. This was, and I mean, a tremendously difficult decision. We initially thought that an Abstention, as agreed upon by the League on the 15th of March, would be good enough. It apparently was not. What followed, and you might know LWU’s side of the story but not mine, was a protracted divide between what substantially is an uneasy balance we draw—between the “good raiders” (and I believe LWU are substantially better than any other raider org besides this) and our more natural allies in the fight against the Brotherhood of Malice, defenderdom.

I will admit that the decision should not have been vacillated on as it was, but I wanted to make what I felt was the right decision knowing full well a tit-for-tat could not be avoided. I could not in good conscience commit to Abstaining on this proposal while knowing that two of our own proposals, Commend MadJack and eventual Commend Former English Colony (which, of note, is in something approaching final drafting on the HoV server), would be stomped. The math I knew suggested that sticking to my guns would lead to both proposals being sunk—this was not something I was willing to accept, hence why I chose to commit Against.

However, as always, this was not how the story ends. This very afternoon, I was approached by Jo about submission of Condemn Dream Killers (Cain). We talked for about an hour and I felt we could agree on delaying submission. As it turns out, we could not. That led to what I view as a quite unfortunate statement by Lone Wolves United. I haven’t read it, I don’t intend to ever read it, or the comments in turn. This statement, in turn, prompted Wymondham’s resignation, and subsequently my own. (Do note that I was privy to Wym’s future plans, I do not bear him any malice for what he did. I approved of it, in fact, as odd as that may sound.)

At the end of the day, I made the decisions that I did, and I make the decisions with the North Pacific in mind and what, I believe, was firmly in its best interests. Granted, those decisions don’t always lead to sunshine and rainbows. After all, here we are.

So, now let’s get into some other things I feel I need to say at this juncture.

Second, where does TNP go from here? As you all might expect, I have Opinions. Not like that ever got me into trouble before!

I think that, going forward, it probably behooves the North Pacific to keep well away from raiderdom. Our previous forays have been unsuccessful and always ended in trouble. I’ve had conversations with multiple raider leaders during my tenure in Cabinet and beyond and while I came away feeling that they cared deeply about their own regions’ successes, they couldn’t give a lick about The North Pacific’s. Going forward, while we need to be invested in our partners’ successes, we also ought to make sure they are directly interested in ours and would not attempt to undermine them. This includes all form of WA cooperation—including who we choose to work with and who we do not choose to work with.

I also think that the North Pacific should keep, more or less to the line it is on—minus cooperating with raiders. There is nothing wrong, truly, with where we are. We ought to be willing to compromise where doing so would not be an undue burden, but we should also feel as though we can stick up for ourselves. We ought to feel not only as though we can stand up for democracy, liberty, and Independence, but we also feel as though as it is our moral duty and obligation. We remain a bastion for those things along with many of our friends. We cannot stop fighting the good fight. After all, in a community of this size, someone *ought* to be good at it.

So why stick with defenders even after…all this? Put bluntly, TNP cannot operate on its own anymore. It’s not a feasible thing for us to operate as only the North Pacific Army. Additionally, while I believe firmly that the North Pacific has a bedrock of support from Europeia, Balder, Europe, and the International Democratic Union (in WALL and otherwise), I am also cognizant of the fact that all the challenges we face require more bilateral and multilateral policymaking than ever before. And it is my firm belief that while there ought to be recompense made, that with defenders, there is more that serves to be uniting forces right now that feed into cooperating than works against it. But the regions I named earlier who issued the threat, the blackmail, the ultimatum, whatever one wants to call it, ought to apologize--and the sooner the better.

Lastly, I want to thank you all for the opportunity to serve you all for the last 20 months. (It really has been that long.) Has it always been pretty? Has it always been smooth? No. But you all have been a wonderful community that has done an awful lot for me, be it opportunities or changing the law to enable me to serve you all more fully or simply being friends, VC partners, or shoulders to lean on.

The North Pacific is the greatest community and region on NationStates and regardless of how I am leaving, this one will not forget any of your kindnesses, big or small, nor do I hope you miss those I have shared with you all.

One last time as your Delegate,
Those of you who know me will know that I'm a big narrative guy. I believe in taking chances that feel right. I believe in investing in people to help them realise their story. So it's to the narrative threads that I draw in this instance. Your journey, from someone who could not even have citizenship, to delegate of this region speaks for itself. It is a story of hard work, of innovation and of competence. I regret that your delegacy has ended this way, but I also feel like this isn't the end of your journey in TNP. Take some time, refocus, grow. You'll be back one day, I'm sure.

As for this incident, all I will say right now that for supposed allies, the Prime Minister/Foreign Minister of The South Pacific has not acted in good faith, has not spoken in the tones that allies speak to each other, has not demonstrated they even understand how to work co-operatively with allies except to browbeat them into submission. There should a reckoning for their actions, whether in TSP or in wider defenderdom or elsewhere. It is unacceptable that they chose to treat one of their longest standing allies in this way, and it seems that HumanSanity only sees TNP as a pawn they can use to advance their own agenda. They should reflect on their actions and whether they're appropriate, and should probably resign themselves.
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Thank you for your service Hulldom.

There have been and will be very trying times indeed and the look towards the future is a difficult one.

However, just like you, I am sure democracy, liberty and unity will eventually prevail. Even though in my own opinion TNP has a serious outward image problem right now, I think we can overcome this too; as a community.

As a whole reflection is needed on both sides of the argument, in my opinion that is.

I want to thank you for being our delegate and for your service.
Speaking in my capacity as a TNP resident of almost seven years and not as a foreign official, I hope a strong response is taken against the perpetrators of this ultimatum. As long as TNP accepts it as par for the course it'll happen again, this region has the resources to deny that spiral.

I wish the delegate emeritus well, this shit is dumb and stressful and I hope it doesn't get to them too badly.
Thanks Hulldom for the service you have brought to the TNP for these past months. Some things decisions where not good, and some positive things happened.

Farwell Hulldom, one day we might see you again.
Delegate of a region like The North Pacific can be a thankless task. I am grateful for all the work you've done on behalf of the region @Hulldom.

As far as the South Pacific, the League, and 10000 Islands are concerned, I think the government needs to make public complaints to their governments, explaining our grievance(s) and that as an independent region we need to consider carefully whether we want to maintain the relationships we have with them.

It makes sense that we would withdraw from cooperation with Lone Wolves United after this spat. We're already in conflict with The Black Hawks and The Brotherhood of Malice. I see no such reason to break ties with The West Pacific in this, however. If anything, we may wish to reward regions like theirs, and perhaps the Rejected Realms, which have been supportive and not entitled in this contretemps.

As a final note, while I do not and may never know all I might like to of how this went down, I would like to give some advice to whomever comes next to lead us in foreign relations: I've found it helpful not to be in a position of being alone with people aligned against me, in the past, when I needed to engage as a leader and diplomat. I've found it sometimes helps to have my Minister of Foreign Affairs, for instance, with me even in smaller group conversations, and to lean more on advisors when there is an issue.
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Those of you who know me will know that I'm a big narrative guy. I believe in taking chances that feel right. I believe in investing in people to help them realise their story. So it's to the narrative threads that I draw in this instance. Your journey, from someone who could not even have citizenship, to delegate of this region speaks for itself. It is a story of hard work, of innovation and of competence. I regret that your delegacy has ended this way, but I also feel like this isn't the end of your journey in TNP. Take some time, refocus, grow. You'll be back one day, I'm sure.

As for this incident, all I will say right now that for supposed allies, the Prime Minister/Foreign Minister of The South Pacific has not acted in good faith, has not spoken in the tones that allies speak to each other, has not demonstrated they even understand how to work co-operatively with allies except to browbeat them into submission. There should a reckoning for their actions, whether in TSP or in wider defenderdom or elsewhere. It is unacceptable that they chose to treat one of their longest standing allies in this way, and it seems that HumanSanity only sees TNP as a pawn they can use to advance their own agenda. They should reflect on their actions and whether they're appropriate, and should probably resign themselves.
Someone who sold this region out to defenders and then had the audacity to suggest continued cooperation with them despite these events doesn’t deserve to be celebrated.

Indeed, Boston Castle was just as you say. Boston Castle was hard-working, and Boston Caste was innovative. Boston Castle was competent and Boston Castle was someone whose story arc in TNP is unprecedented. Unfortunately, Hulldom is a far cry from what Boston Castle once represented. Even whilst giving his resignation speech, the cowardice remains in his rhetoric.

The reality is that defenders are not our friends, nor have they ever been. At this point, Hulldom is a traitor to the North. Whether or not they return in the future to rewrite that story is, ultimately, up to them.

Say no to bullies. Say no to thugs.
Someone who sold this region out to defenders and then had the audacity to suggest continued cooperation with them despite these events doesn’t deserve to be celebrated.

Indeed, Boston Castle was just as you say. Boston Castle was hard-working, and Boston Caste was innovative. Boston Castle was competent and Boston Castle was someone whose story arc in TNP is unprecedented. Unfortunately, Hulldom is a far cry from what Boston Castle once represented. Even whilst giving his resignation speech, the cowardice remains in his rhetoric.

The reality is that defenders are not our friends, nor have they ever been. At this point, Hulldom is a traitor to the North. Whether or not they return in the future to rewrite that story is, ultimately, up to them.

Say no to bullies. Say no to thugs.
I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post other than to say that, while things between hulldom and I professionally ended on a sour note, to call him a traitor is risible. I firmly believe that, while we disagreed markedly at the end, Hulldom always acted with what he believed to be TNP's best interests at heart.

I'm am not going to sit idly by when you mendaciously rewrite events you know naught about, especially given that you haven't seen fit to post on the forums since February of last year. You're better than this Robes, act like it.
Someone who sold this region out to defenders and then had the audacity to suggest continued cooperation with them despite these events doesn’t deserve to be celebrated.

Indeed, Boston Castle was just as you say. Boston Castle was hard-working, and Boston Caste was innovative. Boston Castle was competent and Boston Castle was someone whose story arc in TNP is unprecedented. Unfortunately, Hulldom is a far cry from what Boston Castle once represented. Even whilst giving his resignation speech, the cowardice remains in his rhetoric.

The reality is that defenders are not our friends, nor have they ever been. At this point, Hulldom is a traitor to the North. Whether or not they return in the future to rewrite that story is, ultimately, up to them.

Say no to bullies. Say no to thugs.
I’m not sure what the distinction you’re making between Boston Castle and Hulldom is. Hulldom has only acted in the best interests of The North Pacific. He, just like any of us, makes mistakes. Therefore I don’t quite understand why you are labeling him a traitor.
I’m not sure what the distinction you’re making between Boston Castle and Hulldom is. Hulldom has only acted in the best interests of The North Pacific. He, just like any of us, makes mistakes. Therefore I don’t quite understand why you are labeling him a traitor.
Here, let me help you understand:

Data from Oxford Languages


a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.:
"they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy"
By definition, a traitor is a sellout to the enemy. I view present-day defenders as both an enemy and a threat to The North Pacific and its interests.

Given this, it seems entirely reasonable to me that I would use this word to characterize my perception of his leadership these last few months. A leader is someone who stands up for their constituents. A leader is someone who can represent them proudly and effectively on a grander stage. A leader remains firm, stands assertively, and doesn't allow their region to take the fall for them and be publically mocked and ridiculed for their mistakes.

Certainly, a leader can make mistakes. To err is human, but a leader worth celebrating isn't someone who flees the region amidst disgrace and leaves an unwitting Vice Delegate to stay and hold the bag for them with the smoking gun on the way out.

In these instances, you've got to be tough. And if you're not tough, then you can get out.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post other than to say that, while things between hulldom and I professionally ended on a sour note, to call him a traitor is risible. I firmly believe that, while we disagreed markedly at the end, Hulldom always acted with what he believed to be TNP's best interests at heart.

I'm am not going to sit idly by when you mendaciously rewrite events you know naught about, especially given that you haven't seen fit to post on the forums since February of last year. You're better than this Robes, act like it.
Firstly, whether or not I post on the forums and when/if I decide to do so is, frankly, none of your business.

Secondly, I know more about The North Pacific, its policies, precedent, and its history than you are likely to ever gain a grasp of for the foreseeable future. So I'd pipe down because this isn't your fight, and I remain unconvinced that this is the card that you want to play with me.

Thirdly, and finally, actions breed consequences. You may not agree with my outlook, but the events that have transpired and the actions that led to them are undeniable. There are numerous things that the now ex-Delegate could have done better, as there are with any administration of the past. But it's the lack of accountability, unwillingness to communicate with others during the decision-making process, and the audacity to believe that their actions and their approach should be emulated for future administrations that's dictated this narrative for them.

Not me, and not anyone else.
Out of all of the people, you, Robes, are the least capable to speak in such way to Hulldom considering the circunstances by which you left in the first place TNP's government. As you did, in fact at a time "flee the region amidst disgrace". During a delegacy transition, a delicate time no less.

It is highly disrespectful to as well claiming he's a traitor. Instead of using a dictionary, you may be more interested in using the actual legal term. And if you're so sure of that, there's ways to exercise that through the court.

You had once my respect. But with this outburst, it pains me to see the scope by which you have fallen.
Here, let me help you understand:

By definition, a traitor is a sellout to the enemy. I view present-day defenders as both an enemy and a threat to The North Pacific and its interests.

Given this, it seems entirely reasonable to me that I would use this word to characterize my perception of his leadership these last few months. A leader is someone who stands up for their constituents. A leader is someone who can represent them proudly and effectively on a grander stage. A leader remains firm, stands assertively, and doesn't allow their region to take the fall for them and be publically mocked and ridiculed for their mistakes.

Certainly, a leader can make mistakes. To err is human, but a leader worth celebrating isn't someone who flees the region amidst disgrace and leaves an unwitting Vice Delegate to stay and hold the bag for them with the smoking gun on the way out.

In these instances, you've got to be tough. And if you're not tough, then you can get out.

Firstly, whether or not I post on the forums and when/if I decide to do so is, frankly, none of your business.

Secondly, I know more about The North Pacific, its policies, precedent, and its history than you are likely to ever gain a grasp of for the foreseeable future. So I'd pipe down because this isn't your fight, and I remain unconvinced that this is the card that you want to play with me.

Thirdly, and finally, actions breed consequences. You may not agree with my outlook, but the events that have transpired and the actions that led to them are undeniable. There are numerous things that the now ex-Delegate could have done better, as there are with any administration of the past. But it's the lack of accountability, unwillingness to communicate with others during the decision-making process, and the audacity to believe that their actions and their approach should be emulated for future administrations that's dictated this narrative for them.

Not me, and not anyone else.
As this situation is escalating, for the record, I’m not going to reply to you and I will just respectfully disagree with you.
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I can only speak as someone who has worked closely with Huldom both in and outside of TNP- he is an incredibly dedicated player who at all points -and this is the thing I am most certain of in all of this- had the best interest of the north as the basis of all of his actions. I am glad I got the chance to work with him and I am truly sorry to see it end this way. Situations like these can be incredibly painful to handle and I am going to make sure that I remember all of the good shit that Hulldom did because there is a huge amount of that.
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I have been here too short a time to draw any conclusions and I have no idea what happened in WA, between LWU, the League and I don't understand at all what you have said here, but I believe and judge from the responses below this post that you were a good delegate. Even though I have only been in the North Pacific for a little over a week (as an active participant, I received my citizenship yesterday) I would like to thank you for what you have brought to this region, as I enjoy it very much and I hope this is not the last time you actively sit behind the checkerboard between TNP and the rest of the world.

Thank you for your service.

P.S.: Could someone point me to where I can read/find the statements regarding this decision. I am interested in the background of the events, thanks in advance.

Translated with (free version)
I'm not going to engage in the mudslinging. Mistakes were made. Move on.

Hull, you're a good guy with a good head on your shoulders. Sucks that the term had to end this way, you did some great work in other departments. You have a bright future wherever you go in NS or in IRL. Best of luck king.
I've expressed it other places, and debating the context around this will be beat to death over the next days, weeks, or even months.

But wanted to say thank you for the effort and time you've put into your work here as delegate. You've put countless hours into this job and did your best to lead the region during a particularly brutal period. You're a better man than me for dealing with what has happened in stride and with composure.

Regardless of the situation, I wish you the best in future endeavors and commend you for what you were able to complete while you were here.
I am aware that you did what was right, and that you did what you could.
It's been an honour serving for your government (Even though I don't play much of a capacity), and although it has come to an end, I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do next.
Good luck.
Sit ventus in gratiam tuam, mi amice (May the wind be in your favour, my friend)
Considering that Dream Killers (Cain) is the man who spread fake rumors about me to get me banned from TEP in the first place, and never apologized for it, I must say that I'm quite pleased that Dream Killer's proposal was sink. Karma is a bitch.

This man Dream Killers Cain leaked screenshots, that I shared to him in private DMs because I trusted him, and spread them across gameplay. In those screenshots, I was asking "is this person a groomer?" Dream Killers Cain decided to manipulate that screenshot to tell people "hey! This screenshot is proof that Yuno knew about this groomer, and didn't do anything about it!" Nevermind the fact that I reported the groomer, and even showed Cain the screenshot of my line of questioning.

How the fuck Cain was able to manipulate the masses to buy his story is beyond me. I think those days in 2018 must have been saturated with sexism and misogyny, the readiness to believe a man over a woman, back when there was a scarce lack of female players, and a strong jealousy that I was a delegate and he and his bestie Scardino weren't. In fact, this reminds me of Scardino and Cain saying "ooh we can't take action until we gain the delegacy for ourselves, let's keep sucking up to her, pretending to be her best allies, then backstabbing her with an invented fake real life scandal and kicking her out once she surrenders power to us."

Seriously, man. I have never caved to blackmail before, what took me down as a delegate was Dream Killers Cain and Scardino. After all those real life sob stories Cain gave me to buy my sympathy, Cain (and his best mate Scardino) acted weak in front of me, only to stab me in the back and calling himself a shark.

Although, I must also say that I would never cave to blackmail from outside regions either, doesn't matter if they are defenders. That is just soooo embarrassing. I'd stick to my guns, and eat the loss; it's better for us TNP to take the hit and be respected, than be toothless and spineless and undermine our own interests due to some outside peer pressure from popular players.
You did well Hulldom... at least up until all of this. You did what you thought was right, so I won't look at it as acting maliciously.

Thank you for your service, and good luck in your future endeavors. This really was not what I expected to read about the first time I logged on after being on vacation for the weekend. I'm not really active in the wider GP community at this point, but that its drama resulted in one of the best players leaving is incredibly disappointing and very poorly reflects on the community as a whole.

Thanks for your service, and it is really disappointing to see it end this way...I wish you luck in real life, and if you ever decide to come back.
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@Hulldom, you are a very kind and friendly person who has always cared for TNP. You have always acted in good faith and always tried to do what you saw as the best for the the region. Mistakes happen and being delegate is not easy. It’s sad and unfortunate to see your term end this way, but I hope you will be remembered for all great things you have done for TNP and not judged by a mistake so you one day can return to TNP without shame and regret, and can be forgiven by the region because you are an amazing person. I would like to give my deepest gratitude for your service as delegate.
A well-written speech covering all the points to why you resigned and the reasons why. You were a good delegate @Hulldom and do not take what the people did with their actions influence who you are because I believe you did the right thing regardless of how the events transpired. Unfortunately, stuff happens and we should not take it granted and we should keep moving forward for the betterment of a region and you leave me with no bad taste of you and actually great respect for what you have done until now and until the future as a symbolical delegate. Hope to see you in the future and in a role again where you can do things!
My condolences, I always saw him as a good delegate, I kept watching the region, I grew up in TNP as my main feeder, I don't care if I was banned, I never thought I would see a delegate I saw so well resign like that, even so, I hope TNP improves.