New Minister of Defense


Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Good Evening,

It is not often this term that I have chosen to take, well, any sort of public podium. For those of you know me, you'll know I prefer to work behind the scenes and genuinely am not entirely comfortable with being THE public face. However, that wasn't necessarily the case for my Minister of Defense. @Icarus may have been the most visible member of the Cabinet, both out of necessity, being a rallying point for our valiant soldiers, and out of comfort with the role, being someone that friend and foe alike could at least respect, if not also work with. It is those qualities that make a great Defense Minister and a fantastic partner. I also know that Icarus did her work with incredible skill, being someone that, not least for her interpersonal ability but her skill, was well-beloved for a variety of things. However, her time at the Ministry of Defense has come to an end. Icarus has informed me of her desire to resign, and I have accepted her resignation effective today.

You may wonder why, when truly, I have nothing but positive thoughts and effusive praise to heap on her tenure leading the NPA, that she chose to leave? Well, I'll clear that up now. Icarus is really leaving because of her real life, and it is something that I hope you all will, along with me, wish her well with. I am so proud of the work that she has put in with the North Pacific Army this term, and while she did not go the distance, we ought to be exceptionally thankful that she agreed to do the job and that she did it so well.

But now I am tasked with finding a successor. Those of you who know anything about the Government will not that, as of late, the NPA has been a hard Ministry to plan for and work to staff for a number of reasons. We are lucky though to have many promising soldiers, both old and new faces, working their way through the ranks presently, but a developmental phase calls for a known developer; a time for strong leadership requires, of course, a strong leader. And that is why, to replace Icarus, I am converting @Rom's role from Advisor to the Delegate to Minister of Defense. ROM knows the drill. He knows the NPA, he knows R/D, and he understands what the modern soldier requires in terms of training and investment. He has been nothing but an asset to Icarus, myself, and the region this term and I cannot wait to see how ROM continues to reinvigorate our fighting men in blue.
