Second Place

Hello everyone!
First of all, I’d like to thank @Rewan Demontay for their work as my predecessor. The silver lining of their departure is that I am now the Minister of Cards! Deputies shall remain the same for the time being.
The Cards Guild has always been one of the primary reasons for my involvement with this region. This organization has had at least 4 members commended for their excellent leadership and contributions to cards, something that no other group comes close to. We’re one of the biggest drivers of trading card engagement in the game, and it’s imperative that we continue that trend. To do so, I have briefly laid out two focuses of mine:
- Many card organizations began to stagnate following the death of TCALS, and some continue to struggle to this day. I believe that the success of this organization relies on engagement and interest in cards throughout NationStates, not just in the North Pacific. Everyone knows that two is better than one! Thus, I will be placing a greater emphasis on collaborating with outside organizations in the upcoming weeks, in hopes of boosting both programs.
- It is still important to show the power of the North Pacific! For the unaware, there are 31 legendary cards this season belonging to our region, and 131 epics. While a program exists to promote TNP cards, I’d like to expand on it, with more details to come!
- The biggest event on the calendar is the Card Symposium. Progress on the Symposium is well underway, but any help would be much appreciated! There’s a lot of coordination, discussion, and writing required for this event to run effectively.
- There are still spots in the Cards Guide that require updating! This is an essential item to new nations looking to get involved with cards. I also have some ideas regarding other pages traders may find useful.
Second Best,