
Former English Colony

TNP Nation
Former English Colony
Unfunnyman (nation = Orcuo) has been banned from TNP Discord for a series of violations on the server over a very short period of time (just over 1 week).

1) In an interregional drawing game, he posted a drawing that most viewers considered to be a swatiska. This led to a 1 day mute on 1/22.
2) He copy/paste spammed statements in agora and consistently (and seemingly purposefully) pushed the line of acceptable comments to elicit a negative response. The comments ranged from sexual, to political, and sometimes to social commentary.
3) During a VC on our server, he repeatedly said "sex with children".

Given the volume of objectionable behavior and actions in such a short period of time, we have proceeded with a ban. As there doesn't seem to be an associated forum account, there is no action being taken forum side. If anyone else has any other incidents they would like to share, please reach out on Discord to a moderator or admin.