[GUIDE - OLD] How to Generate a List using the List Generation Tool

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The Minister
TNP Nation
United States of Dictators
Tool inaccessible; do not use. ~Comfed

This brief guide will show you how to generate a list.

Step 1: Go to the link below and enter the following details:
To get started, you will first need to visit: http://azure.nsr3n.info/the_north_pacific_happenings_queries/submit.sh
There, you will be asked for username and password, which are given below:
Username:  queries_cabinet_account
Password: bJopuPKSy

After which, you should be redirected to a screen like this:
Screenshot 2023-01-14 102920.png

Step 2: Enter the start and end date:
The next step is to enter the start and end date, the start date is the date that you will be generating the list from, and end date is the date that you will generate up to. Start date should always go 7 to 10 days before the date that you will post the list, which is also the end date. For example, if I wanted to post a list on 7 Janaury 2023, I would follow this pattern:
Start date: 2023-01-01
End date: 2023-01-07

Note: The dates must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Step 3: Enter the list type:
The next step is the list type, the list type is essentially the nations that we are going reach with the lists, there are currently nine categories:
1) dispatch posters;
2) issue answerers;
3) founded in region;
4) region entrants;
5) RMB posters;
6) WA endorsers;
7) WA voters;
8) WADP winners;
9) card traders.

The list type is dependent on the list you are doing, for example, if you are doing a RMB Posters for Executive Staff list, you will choose RMB Posters, similarly, if you are doing a New Foundings for the Forum list, you will pick founded in region, and so on and so forth.

Step 4: Formatting:
For formatting, it must always be forum table & manual telegramming.

Step 5: Include:
Include should always be non-citizens.

Step 6: WA Membership:
WA membership is also dependent on the list, in general, you will use all, but in some instances you will need to use WA only, some examples of which are: Issue Answerers for WA, WA Voters for Citizenship, just a list that specifically targets WA nations.

After you are done, just click the "get list" button.

If you did everything correctly, you should get a screen like this:


We will use the list we get to post it on the forum using the template given below:
[B]List @@LIST NUMBER@@: @@LIST NAME@@[/center]

FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE, SEE[/B] [URL]https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9067664/[/URL]

Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! [B]In order to collect accurate delivery report data, we ask that you please create a new template every time we send out a new list, instead of saving and reusing the template IDs.[/B]

To make your claim, please post below in this thread using this form:
[TD]Claim: (ex. 150-200)
Number of rows: (ex. 50)
For "claim" put the range of rows you intend to complete, and for "number of rows" put how many rows total you have claimed. When you are finished with your rows, you MUST edit your post to fill in the "delivered" and "blocked" sections of the form. Otherwise, we will assume the rows were not completed and record that in the roster as such.

Oh, and before I forget, a favor. [B]Please be sure to claim the number of rows that you claim to be claiming![/B] If your number of rows claimed ends in zero, then the last digit of the end of the claimed rows range is the previous one regarding the last digit of the start of the claimed rows range. It is like adding 9 to the last digit of the start of the claimed rows range.


Please do skip obvious puppet nations.


Replace the @@HOLDERS@@ with the correct information.

Then navigate over to the Home Affairs Headquarters Subforum and post the list in a new thread.
After every row has been claimed, lock the thread.
To facilitate recruitment, both manual and through mass-TGs, I created the following page that automates the process I used to use for creating nation lists:

It allows parsing the regional happenings to generate nation lists for recruitment or telegramming. There are seven types of lists, based on type of activity:
1) dispatch posters;
2) issue answerers;
3) recently founded;
4) region entrants;
5) RMB posters;
6) WA endorsers;
7) WA voters;
8) latest WADP winners;
9) card traders.

You can specify a start and end date, and the list will be generated by parsing only happenings that occurred during that time interval.

You can also specify whether to get the list forrmatted for mass-telegramming, for posting on the forum as a table (either for one-by-one or for eight-by-eight manual telegramming), or for posting in a dispatch.

You can specify whether the list should include only citizens, only non-citizens, or both.

Finally, you can specify whether the list should include only WA members, only WA non-members, or both.

For access to the happenings queries page, contact the Minister of Home Affairs.

If nations want to be removed from these lists so that they do not receive recruitment telegrams, add their TNP nation name to this spreadsheet:

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