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- Fili#5229

Opening Address
Hello all, and welcome to another term. I'd like to take a few words to thank @Hulldom for putting me up to this task, and letting me run Culture this term. Secondly, I'd like to thank any staffer that participated in Culture last term, especially my predecessor @Wymondham, that kept this ministry intact.
Now that all the thanks are over, let's get to the address itself.
Probably the biggest change this term, Gameside Advocates are now under Culture's hands. They will help to connect off-site and on-site communities, by projects and activities, designed specifically to engage both communities. One of these activities I've taken an idea for, from the famed TNPU. I hope for bridging the gap between on-site and off-site communities, by interesting RMBers about the region by very short articles on changing topics. The GA team entering this term consists of @Ayuzh, @Loh, @Marcus Antonius, @Rocketdog, @Icekrieg, @Treekidistan, @Pinguioris, @Oceania and @AA-12 (NBU), but I am open to any newcomers, so if you wanna be a part of the team, DM me, and we'll talk.
Now, the Culture Executive Staff. Firstly, to every person in Executive Staff of Culture Ministry - please answer to this term's roll call, to stay in Culture. And for everyone outside of culture, who'd like to get involved, you can apply for the admission here.
Culture's Executive Staff's one of the roles will now be promoting any events The North Pacific takes a part in, and (if needed) any other part of TNP. It's a rather easy task, which any staffer can partake in, and will increase enegagement. Any staffer can do it, even those, who don't really have much time at hand at some period in time.
About the Deputy Minister situation - for now, it's none. I am open for propositions. I do not require much experience, only active help and engagement.
These are the biggest changes that will occur. I wish you all, and hope for a good term!