Ministry of World Assembly Affairs - End of Term Report January 2023


TNP Nation

January 2023 - World Assembly Affairs End of Term Report

This term was an interesting one. The Ministry of WA Affairs did not achieve anything grand or blow everyone away. Instead, its staffers worked efficiently to get the nations of The North Pacific the information on the WA proposals they deserved. This term has been a relatively quiet one, which I take accountability for. My realz-life duties have swallowed me whole, and I was quiet in NS for periods of time. I'd like to thank my deputies and staffers for working so efficiently and keeping the ship afloat. Despite some rocky patches, I believe this term has been a success, as the Ministry of Affairs achieved what it set out to achieve and did the jobs they were supposed to do.

In my opening address, I set out a simple goal: to increase engagement and get the staffers to work together as a team. This has been done, as IFVs were released on time and threads were maintained. I was impressed with the collaboration shown by our staffers, and that's what made the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs successful this term.
I'd also like to give a special mention to @Simone_Republic who was appointed as a Deputy Minister during this term. Recently, more staffers are joining the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs than ever before. The engagement has certainly increased, and that leaves me optimistic for the future of this ministry.

It has been a great privilege to be a member of the cabinet in the role I hoped to get since I first started playing NS. I'd once again to Pallaith for giving me this opportunity and I hope to receive more of them in the future. Leading the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs was a great experience for me when I was able to commit to it. I also look to improve myself in all aspects of my career. Now, I'm not the only one who says this, but I am my own biggest critic, and I am always looking for new ways to improve, and I hope to return a more experienced and reliable player. It is and has been great to work with the team associated with the Ministry of the World Assembly Affairs.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs
