Winter Kingdom
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Hulldom for Delegate
I’ve always thought of life as being about learning. And in many ways, life is a task that’s all about learning on the fly and learning on the job. Of course, that may be a bit rich coming from a PhD student in any topic, much less political science. And just as our understanding of voter behavior and political parties have improved from the original conceptions of centripetal motion (Downs 1957; Sartori 1976), so too do I view our job as informed voters, informed citizens, and a region as something that involves learning. And learning means we continually strive for better.
Now, many of you who may be familiar with my career elsewhere will know that many would likely characterize me as ambitious and even a bit self-seeking at times, but I promise you all that nothing of the sort is in my calculus. I view my job as a player to learn and learning is only possible through advancement. And across my various positions on this game, I’ve learned a lot about myself, about the game itself, and about the preconceived notions I came in with. Crucially, though, I came to learn even as I came to serve and I always relish the opportunity to get to know someone or something else new. And now, my friends, in order to keep learning, I have to set my sights on something new. A new position, but a new opportunity to keep learning.
With that my fellow North Pacificans, I stand before you today in the hopes of becoming your next Delegate.
Over the last sixteen months, I have served this region in the Cabinet, serving as a leal and loyal advisor to Delegates MadJack and Pallaith. And while some of you may have expected me to run back in May, I realized that I needed more seasoning, more time to learn more about our region and how she works. However, I think that I’ve learned what I need to know to serve the region in her highest office. I also know that I want to learn a lot more about this game and how it works while also serving and leading the region. To that end though, I do want to explain just what it is that I want to do for this region and what my plans for this region are.
I’m going to use this opportunity to talk about my plans for our region. I also intend to use this opportunity to talk about my plans for the various Ministries that make up our wonderful Executive government. Following that, I’m going to detail my plans for the Government’s legislative agenda–and there are a lot of items on that list. I’ll be doing all of this by first introducing a brief overview of what I want to do before then providing specific detailed points about a Hulldomian Government’s agenda.
Foreign Affairs
My vision for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very simple: to keep doing what we’ve been doing. I want us to keep being the bedrock of the Independent bulwark and to continue to foster deep and friendly relationships with our Modern Gameplay Compact and Pax Polaris Occidens allies.How my government would do that:
- Prepare for the Frontiers/Stronghold updates by engaging in rigorous consultations with our allies and preparing our treaties and other agreements for this eventuality.
- Continue to explore deeper Security Council cooperation with our friends and allies, and not just ones in the Modern Gameplay Compact. This will include both joint authorship opportunities, but also opportunities for the North’s goals to be advanced.
- Engage with each and every region on issues of importance to them in their relationship with the North Pacific and create a game plan for stronger and/or closer relations with each partner we have moving forward.
- Seek out opportunities to put us on the cutting edge of interregional cooperation such as through festivals and joint operations, but also through educational opportunities, joint projects on items of importance like history, and media.
My vision for the Ministry of Defense is both simple and comprehensive. It is the shallowest of shallow goals. I want to revitalize the North Pacific Army and make her a leader again on the battlefield.How my government would do that:
- Rework Delegate Directive 5 (McMasterdonia 5). Using my authority as Delegate, I would rework the NPA Code of Governance that document functions as.
- Introduce rank parity with our MGC allied militaries.
- Formalize/maintain what has been the policy this term, that military members not involved in piling operations for allies or on operations themselves contribute to Stargate’s security by piling in it.
- Craft a plan to engage our Gameside community in military action.
- Create, with my Minister of Defense and High Command, a new rank and promotion system and engage in regular training of our enlisted soldiers and officers by creating a number of regions used explicitly for training runs.
- Plan out, and participate in, no fewer than 2 new Wargames operations with our allied militaries.
- Work with our friends and partners outside of the MGC to engage in wholesome military fun with the NPA.
World Assembly
My vision for the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs is a bit circular. I want to cultivate the next generation of World Assembly leaders both in the General Assembly and the Security Council. I want to ensure domestically that our measurables are hit and hit consistently. Lastly, I want to work on something that has been discussed previously in ensuring that this Ministry becomes more visible Gameside.How my government would do that:
- Expand on our current collaborations in the WALL and the MGC to work on co-authorships/mentorship program for new proposals.
- Maintain an active presence on the gameside WA forums to be on the lookout for potential newcomers who might wish to serve in our WA Ministry.
- Craft guides, with help of established GA and SC authors in TNP and beyond, to get newcomers into drafting proposals and provide clear, concise, but detailed instruction on how authors might achieve their goals.
- Relook at avenues of using the gameside platform for people to voice their opinions and contribute to the Delegate’s vote.
- Establish an activity-based rewards system to encourage staffers (and forum users) to contribute their reasoning for the Information for Voters (IFVs).
Put bluntly, our Culture Ministry is in a shambolic state. It is not any particular person or Ministry’s fault, but it means that the position requires rethinking. Therefore, I want to reorient the Ministry to focus more explicitly on fostering TNP beyond the rum and Polaris. To this end, the Ministry of Culture will focus in my term on the promotion of activities, ideas, and interactions that are uniquely TNP, whether that be A Message in the Bottle around Valentine’s Day or promotion of N-Day or God knows what else. The Minister will work to create an all-encompassing strategy to coordinate the Gameside and the Off-site and leave us with a sense of togetherness and belonging in our beloved region.How my government would do that:
- Merge the Culture department with our Gameside Advocates. My government will remove rules enforcement power from the Gameside Advocates. Gameside Advocates will be responsible for reporting violations, but will no longer be focused on calling out violations. Instead, their goal is going to be to engage with the Gameside community, foster a sense of what it means to be a TNPer there, and generate and execute activities and ideas that the Gameside community can engage with.
- Engage in closer coordination with the Foreign Affairs ministry so as to maximize the frequency and quality of our festivals and events with other regions.
- Endeavor to start cooperating in creation of events with new partners, and pursue building connections between communities both Gameside and Off-site with all embassy regions.
- Seek out opportunities for strengthening the bonds with governments of other regions, by collaboration in creation of events.
- Formulate a plan to educate about the culture and history of TNP, to both Gameside and Off-site communities.
- Establish a system of promotion of concepts of our region, and events it participates in with our allies.
Home Affairs
The Ministry of Home Affairs is probably in the best place vis-a-vis its stated goals because its stated goals are to promote integration. However, it has slipped in one critical way in my mind: promoting retention. We need the Ministry to move away from the model of boilerplate that has prevailed and instead move to a new model built on interaction and responsiveness to our wants and needs.How my government would do that:
- Redesign Home Affairs Telegram Templates to better fit our target audience.
- Connect with people through personalized interactions rather than templated interactions, especially with newcomers to the forum.
- Revitalize the Welcome Wagon programme, to make sure that our staff reaches out to newcomers to our discord, and guide them, as well as encourage them to sign up for our forums and apply for citizenship, executive staff, etc.
- Set up a reward system for our staffers, to encourage them to do the ministry’s tasks in exchange for rewards.
- Create spreadsheets to track Executive staff data, number of citizens, etc.
- Create statistics on each ministry, i.e, number of applications the ministry has received in a certain time frame, and use that data to utilize our recruitment lists.
My vision for the Cards Ministry is to continue our tradition of excellence in the world of cards. I would like us to refocus our efforts on being the leader not just through our technical dominance and expertise, but by being approachable and creating the strongest possible foundation for our own to be able to build their dream deck(s).How my government would do that:
- Update our information to be compliant with Season Three, as well as double check older dispatches, automated telegrams, and other cards information, all for a new year and a fresh start.
- Initiate programs and weekly events that foster general activity and keep the cards spirit alive.
- Create a tight schedule to keep the ship going; most notably becoming consistent with the Great Giveaway.
- Revive executive cards rewards in a reasonable manner.
- Last but not least, planning the 2023 Cards Symposium!
Legal Affairs
This term I will be introducing a special position into the Cabinet. This member will focus explicitly on pressing forward the Government’s legislative agenda in the Regional Assembly. At the same time, I want this Cabinet member to engage in a variety of activities devoted to legislative and legal action in the region and be a steward of the law both for the Government and the region.How my government would do that:
- Having the Minister of Legal Affairs work closely with the Delegate to craft legislation on a variety of matters, such as military affairs, frontiers and strongholds, and other matters as necessary to fulfill the Government’s agenda.
I know we have a long, but exceptionally critical, next 4 months ahead, and I want us to hit the ground running immediately. I know for many of you this is a vision that may be bold and radical, but to put our region in the best possible place for the F/S update and the new lay of the wider world, I think we have to think big and bold.
In conclusion though, thank you for your time. I look forward to any questions you may have on any topic, which I am happy to answer either in this thread, by TG or PM, or on Discord @AsquithsAngels#1924.
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